
单词 慢来
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔SLOW〕Everyone's always rushing around trying to get things done - we all need to slow down and take it easy. 大家总是急急忙忙地想把事情做好,我们都需要放松一点,慢慢来朗文写作活用〔SLOW〕Just take your time. You don't have to decide immediately. 慢慢来吧,你不需要立即作出决定。朗文写作活用〔SLOW〕Let's take it slowly, one step at a time, okay? 我们慢慢来吧,一步一步地,好吗?朗文写作活用〔SLOW〕You've just had a serious operation - you'll have to take things slowly for the next few weeks. 你刚刚动了个大手术,接着几个星期你做事得慢慢来朗文写作活用〔begin〕We'll go slowly to begin with.我们开始时会慢慢来的。牛津高阶〔burn〕Take things slowly – don't get burned again.慢慢来,别又让自己受到伤害了。朗文当代〔corner〕Take your time, don't cut corners and follow instructions to the letter.慢慢来, 别图省事, 严格按照说明做。外研社新世纪〔corner〕Take your time, don't cut corners and follow instructions to the letter.慢慢来,不要图省事,要严格按照说明去做。柯林斯高阶〔day by day〕I don't know if our relationship is going to work out. I'm taking things day by day at this point.我不知道我们的关系是否会有结果。眼下只能慢慢来韦氏高阶〔give〕Give yourself plenty of time.让你自己有充分的时间时间吧;请慢慢来吧。文馨英汉〔go〕Take your time and don't go rushing into anything.慢慢来,不要鲁莽行事。麦克米伦高阶〔hurry〕Take your time. There's no need to hurry.慢慢来。不必着急。韦氏高阶〔long〕Don't rush - take as long as you like.别着急——慢慢来剑桥高阶〔pace〕If you can't stand the pace, chill out.如果你跟不上别人的步伐, 就慢慢来外研社新世纪〔persistently〕Slowly, persistently, patiently, we will end this conflict.慢慢来, 耐心坚持, 我们会结束这场冲突的。外研社新世纪〔persistently〕Slowly, persistently, patiently, we will end this conflict.慢慢来,耐心坚持,我们会解决这场冲突的。柯林斯高阶〔play〕If you like him, play it cool, or you might scare him off.你就是喜欢他,也需要慢慢来,否则可能会把他吓跑。朗文当代〔rash〕Don't be rash about this decision. Take your time.别急于做决定,慢慢来韦氏高阶〔rush〕Don't rush! We'll take it easy.别急急忙忙!我们慢慢来嘛。英汉大词典〔rush〕Don't rush; take your time.别急;慢慢来文馨英汉〔slowly〕Don't rush into a decision. Take it slowly.不要急于做决定。慢慢来牛津高阶〔start〕Any new exercise program should start slowly.任何新的锻炼计划一开始都应该慢慢来朗文当代〔talk〕Allow time to talk through any areas of difficulty.慢慢来,把难的地方都讨论清楚。朗文当代〔time〕Take your time (= take as much time as you like).慢慢来牛津搭配〔time〕There's no rush—take your time.别着急,慢慢来牛津高阶I'm not anti the plan—I just want to go slowly.我不是反对这个计划 ── 我只是想慢慢来牛津商务

