
单词 totals
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔LINE〕Sales totals are shown in this column. 销售总额在这一栏里。朗文写作活用〔SAME〕I'll have to check these calculations again -- the totals don't agree. 我得再检查一下这些计算,得出的总数不一致。朗文写作活用〔aggregate〕The scores were aggregated with the first round totals to decide the winner.此次得分与第一轮所得总分合计决出优胜者。牛津高阶〔agree〕The two totals agree.两个总数相符。外研社新世纪〔alarming〕The oil import bill totals an alarming $45 billion.石油进口费用数字骇人,达450亿美元之巨。英汉大词典〔balance〕Equality of totals in the debit and credit sides of an account.收支平衡:在帐目中借方和贷方总数相等美国传统〔balance〕The difference between such totals, either on the credit or the debit side.收支差额:无论是贷方还是借方在总数上的差额美国传统〔government〕Government spending on health care totals about $60 billion a year.政府在医疗保健上的开支一年总共大约为 600 亿美元。朗文当代〔obtain〕To obtain the overall score, add up the totals in each column.要得出总计得分,就把各栏的小计加起来。牛津高阶〔put〕The final totals can have been put out by as much as five per cent.最后总数的误差可能会达到5%。英汉大词典〔row〕The table of figures should include totals at the end of each row and column.数字表应在每行和每列末尾列出总数。韦氏高阶〔score〕The participants' answers were scored and the totals added up.参赛者的答案将被评分,总分相加。麦克米伦高阶〔set〕These casualty totals have to be set against the continuing growth in traffic.这些伤亡总人数要和交通流量的持续增长放在一起考虑。朗文当代〔spread〕A difference, as between two figures or totals.两数或两个数之间的差美国传统〔tabulator〕Computer Science A device for reading data from punched cards and producing printed lists or totals of the result.【计算机科学】 制表机:一种从穿孔卡上读出数据并将结果或结果的总和打印出来的装置美国传统〔totalizator〕A machine for computing and showing totals, especially a pari-mutuel machine showing the total number and amounts of bets at a racetrack.总额计算器:计算和显示总额的机器,特别指赛马中计算赌金总额的同注分彩计算器美国传统〔total〕Her score was higher than the combined totals of her closest opponents.她的得分比与她最接近的几个对手的总得分还要高。麦克米伦高阶〔total〕It totals (up) to three dollars.总计3美元。英汉大词典〔total〕It totals to three dollars.达到了三美元美国传统〔total〕They added up the totals, and divided by four.他们把各个总数相加, 然后除以4。外研社新世纪〔total〕This is the eighth volume in the series, which totals 21 volumes in all.该丛书总共有21册,这是第8册。剑桥高阶I'm having terrible trouble adding up these totals --I think my brain must be out of kilter! 把这些总数相加我觉得太难了----我想我脑子一定失常。剑桥国际She got 40,000 votes, more than the combined totals of her two popular rivals.她得到了4万张选票,比她那两个颇得人心的对手的得票数加起来还多。剑桥国际This is the eighth volume in the series, which totals (= has as its complete amount) 21 volumes in all.这是那一套丛书中的第八本,那套书总共有21本。剑桥国际

