
单词 telegram
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔FAST〕Thousands of letters and telegrams arrived wishing Nikolai a speedy recovery from his surgery. 成千上万封来信和电报都祝愿尼古拉手术后迅速康复。朗文写作活用〔FORBID〕The government censored all letters and telegrams going abroad during the war. 战争期间该国政府对寄发至海外的所有信件和电报都进行审查。朗文写作活用〔LOT〕He received a deluge of telegrams and messages of support from around the world. 他收到从世界各地涌来的表示支持的电报和信件。朗文写作活用〔Lord〕A few days earlier he had received a telegram from Lord Lloyd.数天前他收到了劳埃德勋爵的电报。外研社新世纪〔Mailgram〕A trademark used for a telegram transmitted to a post office and delivered to the addressee by the postal service.邮传电报:用于将电报发送到某一邮局并通过邮政服务送到收报人手上的一个标码美国传统〔cablegram〕A telegram sent by submarine cable.海底电报:通过海底电缆拍发的电报美国传统〔cipher〕He ciphered the telegram in a few minutes.他只用了几分钟就把电报译成密码。21世纪英汉〔congratulate〕I sent him a telegram, congratulating him on his success.我给他发去一个电报,祝贺他的成功。21世纪英汉〔cross〕My telegram must have crossed your letter.我的电报与你的信一定是互相错过了。英汉大词典〔day letter〕A telegram sent during the day.日信电报:白天发出去的电报美国传统〔dispatch〕He dispatched a telegram.他发了份电报。英汉大词典〔dispatch〕The victory inspired him to dispatch a gleeful telegram to Roosevelt.胜利促使他给罗斯福发了封喜报。柯林斯高阶〔flutter〕The telegram fluttered from his fingers to the floor.电报从他手中飘落到地板上。英汉大词典〔katakana〕A relatively angular kana used for writing foreign words or official documents, such as telegrams.片假名:一种相对来说生硬的假名,用来写外来文或官方文件,如电报美国传统〔long〕Technology has come a long way since the days of telegrams.自电报时代以来,科技已有很大的进步。麦克米伦高阶〔lord〕A few days earlier he had received a telegram from Lord Lloyd.几天前,他收到劳埃德勋爵发来的一封电报。柯林斯高阶〔messenger〕A person employed to carry telegrams, letters, or parcels.邮递员:被雇来投递电报、信件或包裹的人美国传统〔night letter〕A telegram sent at night at a reduced rate for delivery the next morning.夜间电报:为在第二早晨交付而在夜间发送的减费电报美国传统〔per〕In regular telegrams the rate is per word.普通电报是按字计费的。英汉大词典〔prepay〕The telegram was sent reply prepaid.那通电报发出时已预付回电费。文馨英汉〔rifle〕They rifled through the whole file but could not find the secret telegram.他们把整个卷宗翻了一遍,也没有找到那份秘密电报。21世纪英汉〔rip〕A telegram just came for me. I ripped it open.一封给我的电报刚到。我一把撕开封口。英汉大词典〔run〕The telegram runs like this.那封电报如下。文馨英汉〔telegram〕I sent a telegram to my mother saying (that) I had arrived safely in London.我给母亲拍电报说,我已安抵伦敦。英汉大词典〔telegram〕Scores of congratulatory telegrams and letters greeted Franklin on his return.富兰克林一回来,就收到了好几十封贺电和贺信。柯林斯高阶〔telegram〕Scores of congratulatory telegrams greeted Franklin on his return.富兰克林回来时收到了几十封贺电。外研社新世纪〔telegram〕The President received a briefing by telegram.总统收到用电报发来的一份简报。柯林斯高阶〔telegraph〕A message transmitted by telegraph; a telegram.电报:用电报机发送的信息;电报美国传统〔telegraph〕To send or transmit a telegram.打电报:拍发或传送电报美国传统〔telephone〕You should telephone her a greetings telegram on her wedding day.你应该在她结婚那天发一贺电给她。英汉大词典〔type〕Telegrams are usually typed out entirely in capital letters.电报通常全文都用大写字母打出。英汉大词典〔uncle〕A telegram from Uncle Fred arrived.弗雷德舅舅发的一封电报来了。柯林斯高阶〔urgent〕There's an urgent telegram for you.你有一份急电。英汉大词典〔wire〕A telegram or cablegram.电报或海底电报美国传统〔wire〕To send a telegram to.给…打电报美国传统〔wire〕To send a telegram.打电报美国传统He received a batch of telegrams. 他收到一批电报。译典通He received a flood of grateful telegrams and letters. 他收到大量表示感谢的电报和信件。译典通In Britain the telegram has been replaced by the Telemessage.在英国,电报已由电传电报代替。剑桥国际It was while I was in Italy that I got a telegram telling me that my brother had collapsed and was seriously ill.我在意大利时收到一封电报,告诉我哥哥病倒了,而且情况很严重。剑桥国际She had dispatched telegrams to her father. 她给父亲打了许多电报。译典通Telemessages have replaced telegrams in Britain.在英国,电传电报代替了电报。剑桥国际The telegram asked for an instant reply. 这封电报要求立即回复。译典通We sent them a message of congratulations by telegram.我们发了一封贺电给他们。剑桥国际

