“the light”例句

单词 the light
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔-filled〕All the light bars were turned on which filled the room with these rotating beams of light.所有灯条都打开了,满屋都是旋转的光柱。柯林斯高阶〔REFLECT〕The telescope contains a large convex mirror to collect the light. 这架望远镜有一块很大的凸镜来采集光线。朗文写作活用〔SEE〕The light was blinding, and she covered her face. 那光照得什么都看不见,她于是蒙起了脸。朗文写作活用〔black〕The lights blacked out completely and the offstage music began again.舞台灯光完全熄灭,台后又响起了音乐声。英汉大词典〔bulb〕Switch the light off before you change the bulb.换灯泡前把灯关上。牛津搭配〔channel〕A sensor channels the light signal along an optical fibre.传感器沿光导纤维输送光信号。牛津高阶〔contact〕The light will go out on contact with water.一碰到水,这灯就会熄灭。牛津搭配〔curtain〕I drew the curtains to let in the light.我拉开窗帘, 让光线照进来。外研社新世纪〔dark〕I fumbled for the light switch in the pitch dark.我在一片漆黑中摸索着找电灯开关。牛津搭配〔deepen〕Dusk was deepening as they drove back to the lights of Shillingham.他们驱车返回华灯初上的希灵汉姆时,暮色渐浓。柯林斯高阶〔diffuse〕The photographer uses a screen to diffuse the light.摄影师用了一块屏幕来扩散光线。韦氏高阶〔dim〕The light of a candle is dimmed by electric light.烛光与电灯光相比,前者就显得暗淡无光了。21世纪英汉〔event〕In the light of later events the decision was proved right.从后来发生的事看,这一决定证明是正确的。牛津高阶〔extinction〕The extinction of the lights left the room in darkness.灯光熄灭使房间陷入一片漆黑。文馨英汉〔flash〕The wire snapped at the wall plug with a blue flash and the light fused.墙上插头处的电线啪地发出一道蓝光,电灯的保险丝烧断了。柯林斯高阶〔flick〕He flicked a switch and all the lights went out.他啪的一声按了下开关,灯全熄了。牛津高阶〔flutter〕Attracted by the light, moths fluttered against the windows.飞蛾被灯光吸引,对着窗子扑棱着。麦克米伦高阶〔gleam〕In the light from the hall, her hair had a golden gleam.在大厅灯光的照射下,她的头发闪着金色的光芒。柯林斯高阶〔golden〕The walls gleamed golden in the light of the setting sun.墙壁在落日的余晖中泛着金光。牛津搭配〔in the light of〕It's a particularly important topic in light of recent events.由于最近发生的几件事,这个话题变得尤为重要。韦氏高阶〔light up〕All of the lights on the display suddenly lit up.所有展示的灯一下子全亮了。韦氏高阶〔light〕Bring it into the light so I can see it.把它拿到亮的地方,好让我看见。牛津高阶〔light〕I must finish this painting while the light lasts.我必须趁天色未暗把这幅画完成。英汉大词典〔needle〕She took the needle off the record and turned the lights out.她把唱针从唱片上移开,把灯也关了。柯林斯高阶〔on〕The light had been left on.灯没有关。柯林斯高阶〔overexpose〕Unfortunately the light was too bright and my pictures were all overexposed.可惜的是,光线太强,我的照片全部曝光过度。剑桥高阶〔positive〕A photographic image in which the lights and darks appear as they do in nature.正片:明暗在其上的显示与在自然中一样的影像美国传统〔put on〕I put on the light by the bed.我打开了床边的灯。柯林斯高阶〔put sth out〕Did you put the lights out downstairs? 你把楼下的灯关了吗?剑桥高阶〔reflect〕The light reflected off the surface of the water.光在水面上产生反射。剑桥高阶〔run〕A truck ran into me(=hit my car) at the lights this morning.今天早晨一辆卡车在红绿灯处撞上了我的车。麦克米伦高阶〔scintillation〕Astronomy Rapid variation in the light of a celestial body caused by turbulence in Earth's atmosphere; a twinkling.【天文学】 闪烁:由地球大气紊乱引起天体光线的迅速转变;闪光美国传统〔see〕This type of PC first saw the light of day in 1981.这款个人计算机是在 1981 年问世的。朗文当代〔see〕Turn the light on so I can see.打开灯,这样我才能看见。剑桥高阶〔shade〕Nancy left the shades down and the lights off.南希放下窗帘,关了灯。柯林斯高阶〔so〕He did not switch on the light so as not to disturb her.为了不打扰她,他没有开灯。剑桥高阶〔switch on〕He pointed the light at his feet and tried to switch it on.他把灯对准自己的脚,试图打开它。柯林斯高阶〔time〕She leaves the lights on all the time.她总是让灯亮着。牛津高阶〔turn〕Turn off the light.把灯关掉。牛津同义词〔wink〕The light was winking on the answering machine.录音电话上的指示灯一闪一闪的。剑桥高阶Be sure to switch off the light when you leave the office. 你离开办公室时务必把灯关掉。译典通Could you put/switch/turn the light on/off, please.你把灯打开/关上好吗?剑桥国际I gave the bike a once-over in the shop and I didn't realize the lights weren't working until I got it home.在店里我匆匆地检查了一下这辆自行车,直到把它搬回家我才意识到灯是坏的。剑桥国际I pushed the button to turn on the light. 我按电钮把灯打开。译典通In the light of/(Am usually) In light of (= Because of) recent incidents, we are asking our customers to take particular care of their personal belongings.鉴于最近发生的几件事,我们正在要求我们的顾客特别当心自己的随身财物。剑桥国际She held the bank note up to the light and inspected it carefully.她拿起钞票,对着光仔细检查。剑桥国际The car screeched to a halt just as the lights turned red.这辆车刚好在交通灯变成红灯时嘎地刹住了车。剑桥国际The kids were messing around with the switches and they fused the lights.孩子们在瞎摆弄开关,把电灯的保险丝烧断了。剑桥国际The show was designed so that the lights synchronized with the music.演出经过精心设计,使亮灯和音乐在时间上取得了一致。剑桥国际The wind flickered the light of the oil lamp. 风吹得油灯光摇闪不定。译典通

