“to score”例句

单词 to score
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Brownie point〕They're just trying to score Brownie points with politicians.他们只是在设法讨好政客。外研社新世纪〔advantage〕Moss took advantage of the defender's mistake to score a goal.莫斯利用防守队员的失误进了一个球。麦克米伦高阶〔assist〕A pass of a basketball or an ice hockey puck that enables a teammate to score a goal.助杀,助攻:在篮球赛或冰球比赛中传球以使同队伙伴进球得分美国传统〔ball〕Long picked up a great ball from Campbell and rounded the keeper to score.朗接坎贝尔一记妙传,绕过守门员进球。剑桥高阶〔bowler〕It isn't easy to score runs against pace bowlers.与快速球投手比赛得分不容易。剑桥高阶〔break〕Sports Games Failure to score a strike or a spare in a given bowling frame.【体育运动】 【游戏】 滚球的失误美国传统〔brownie point〕They're just trying to score brownie points with politicians.他们只是试图获得政客们的嘉许。柯林斯高阶〔bulldoze〕Rooney bulldozed through to score.鲁尼强攻突破得分。牛津高阶〔carbonado〕To score and broil (fish, fowl, or meat).将(鱼、家禽或肉)划上刀花并炙烤美国传统〔card〕This defender's ability to score vital goals has often proved a trump card.这位防守队员在关键时刻进球得分的能力常常成了整个队的制胜法宝。牛津搭配〔chance〕The team created several clear chances but failed to score.该队制造了多个明显的机会,但都没得分。牛津搭配〔defence〕Welford cut through the defence to score the winning goal.韦尔福特突破防守射进了制胜的一球。牛津高阶〔eagle〕To score an eagle in golf.高尔夫球比规定次数少击两棒美国传统〔edge〕For all his rough edges, O'Connor possesses an unerring ability to score goals.尽管奥康纳仍有不足之处, 但是他具有精准无误地射门得分的能力。外研社新世纪〔embarrassment〕Muscat, much to his embarrassment, failed to score.使他感到非常尴尬的是, 马斯喀特没有得分。外研社新世纪〔going away〕They seemed to score at will in the final period and the Knicks won going away.在比赛最后阶段,他们打得十分顺利,仿佛随心所欲地得分,最终,尼克斯队大获全胜。剑桥高阶〔infield〕Ronaldo came infield from the right to score.罗纳尔多从右侧切入中场射门。牛津高阶〔lapse〕A defensive lapse by Keown allowed Tottenham to score.基翁的防守失误让托特纳姆队踢入了一球。朗文当代〔mock〕The team mocked the visitors' attempt to score.该队挫败了客队得分的企图。英汉大词典〔object〕The object of the game is to score as many points as possible.游戏的目标是尽量多赢得分数。牛津搭配〔object〕The object of the game is to score the most points.这场比赛的目标是尽可能地多得分。韦氏高阶〔offense〕The means or tactics used in an attempt to score points.技巧,手段:为获得分数而使用的方式或策略美国传统〔pt〕He needs a good high jump to score more than 9,000 pts.他需要高高的一跳才能得9000分以上。剑桥高阶〔puck control〕An offensive strategy in ice hockey in which a team tries to keep possession of the puck as long as possible so as to limit the opposition's chances to score.控球:冰上曲棍球比赛中的进攻战术,一队试图尽量长时间控球以限制对方球员得分机会美国传统〔sacrifice fly〕A fly ball enabling a runner to score after it is caught by a fielder.高飞牺牲打:被外野手接到求后能使跑垒者得分的一种飞球美国传统〔score off〕She spent the evening trying to score off her friend.她一晚上都在抬杠, 想赢过她的朋友。外研社新世纪〔score points off sb〕He's always trying to score points off people and it's really irritating.他老是想驳倒别人,太令人讨厌了。剑桥高阶〔score〕Advertising may be used to score points off the competition.广告宣传可以用来给自己在竞争中增加筹码。朗文当代〔score〕Druggies come downtown looking to score.瘾君子们来到市区,指望能弄到毒品。韦氏高阶〔score〕He used a sharp blade to score the glass.他用锋利的刀片在玻璃上画记号。韦氏高阶〔score〕I hate conversations where people try to score off each other.我讨厌那种人们互相抬杠的谈话。英汉大词典〔score〕I was asked to score at the school cricket match.有人请我在学校板球赛中记分。英汉大词典〔score〕She's hoping to score full marks in the maths test.她希望在数学考试中得满分。麦克米伦高阶〔score〕The Prime Minister was trying to score a political point over his rivals.首相正设法在政治上将对手一一驳倒。柯林斯高阶〔score〕Villa always looked likely to score.维拉看起来总是要得分的样子。牛津搭配〔score〕We had several chances to score in the second half.在下半场比赛中,我们有几次得分机会。牛津搭配〔slack〕Slack defending by Real Madrid allowed Manchester United to score.皇家马德里队松懈的防守使曼联队得以进球得分。朗文当代〔slack〕Some slack defending allowed Valencia to score another goal.松懈的防守使瓦伦西亚队再得一分。麦克米伦高阶〔stifle〕Students at the school are stifled by the pressure to score high on tests.在校学生被考高分的压力压制着。韦氏高阶〔torrid〕The team had a torrid time trying to score.有一段时间球队得分异常艰难。韦氏高阶〔touchdown〕He failed to score a touchdown for the third consecutive game.他连续三场比赛没有完成一次达阵。牛津搭配〔trip〕He was sent off for deliberately tripping Robson when he was about to score.他因故意绊倒正要起脚射门得分的罗布森而被罚下场。剑桥高阶〔want〕Rangers failed to score a goal, but it was not for want of trying.流浪者队虽没有进球,但已经尽力了。麦克米伦高阶He needs a good high jump to score more than 9,000 pts.他需要高高地一跳才能得9,000 分以上的分数。剑桥国际He shot from the middle of the field and still managed to score.虽然他是在中场射门,但仍然成功地进了球。剑桥国际He was only in for half an hour, but he still managed to score fifty runs.他只上场半个小时,但他仍得了50分。剑桥国际It isn't easy to score runs against fast / pace bowlers (= cricketers who bowl fast).与跑得快的击球手们比赛得分不容易。剑桥国际The article was just too long, so I had to score out twenty words. 文章实在太长了,所以我只好划掉二十个字。译典通The article was just too long, so I had to score through twenty words. 文章实在太长了,所以我只好划掉二十个字。译典通They seemed to score at will in the final period and the Knicks won going away.最后阶段克尼克斯队似乎在随意得分,最后以大比分取得胜利。剑桥国际

