
单词 定购
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔check off〕Once you've checked off the items you ordered, put this record in your file.清点完所定购的每一件东西后,将这份记录存档。柯林斯高阶〔gear up〕The directors decided to gear the factory up for increased production,by bringing in new machine.厂长们决定购置新机器来增加生产。21世纪英汉〔look at〕You should look at that house before you decide to buy it.你应该看看那栋房子再决定购买。21世纪英汉〔necessity〕Their buying decisions are of necessity motivated by practical considerations.他们决定购买必定是出自实际的考虑。麦克米伦高阶〔none〕I've ordered the cement, but none (of it) has arrived.我定购了水泥,可是什么都没运到。英汉大词典〔option〕The airline has ordered 16 aircraft and has options on another 29.这家航空公司已经定购了16架飞机并对另外29架飞机有购买权。麦克米伦高阶〔order up〕He ordered up serious quantities of commemorative mugs.他定购了大量的纪念水杯。外研社新世纪〔order〕I've ordered some new dresses for you.我为你定购了几套衣服。21世纪英汉〔order〕Requested but not yet delivered.已定购但货尚未到美国传统〔order〕The furniture store has many desks on order, but until they arrive we must wait to buy one.那家家具店已定购了许多书桌,但我们一定要等到货到后才能买到一张。 英汉大词典〔place〕We placed an order with them for 1,000 pairs of shoes.我们向他们定购了一千双鞋。21世纪英汉〔reorder〕A further order of goods from the same supplier.添购:从同一供应商那儿进一步定购货物美国传统〔reorder〕The reorders have multiplied.再定购成倍地增加了。英汉大词典〔reorder〕To order (the same goods) again.再次定购(同样的货物)美国传统〔reorder〕To order the same goods again.再次定购同样的货物美国传统〔shelving〕The carpenter ordered 30 metres of pine shelving.这木匠定购了30米松木搁板料。英汉大词典〔telegraph〕He telegraphed flowers to a sick friend.他拍电报定购鲜花送给病中的友人。英汉大词典〔telegraph〕Martin telegraphed flowers to his girlfriend.马丁打电报定购鲜花送给女朋友。21世纪英汉〔temptation〕If you can't resist buying things, shop by telephone to avoid temptation.假如你一看见东西就想买,你就打电话定购,以免受诱惑。英汉大词典〔weight〕Consumers place more weight on negative information than on the positive when deciding what to buy.消费者在决定购买何种商品时, 更关注负面信息, 而不是正面信息。外研社新世纪Emma ordered a catalogue, and it duly arrived the following week.爱玛定购了一份目录,一星期后准时送到了。剑桥国际Have the house surveyed before you decide whether to buy it.在你决定购买房子之前,先请人勘查一下。牛津商务I placed an order with them for 500 pairs of shoes. 我向他们定购了五百双鞋子。译典通I'll ask the fishmonger if he can order three dozen oysters for me.我会问问那卖鱼的,看看他能否给我定购三打牡蛎。剑桥国际It was the offer of a large discount on the TV that was the real clincher (=the point that made us decide to buy it).是售价上的大幅度折扣使我确定购买这台电视机。剑桥国际Please order me a copy. 请给我定购一本。译典通The customer says she ordered the books six weeks ago and she still hasn't received them.这位顾客说她六个星期前定购了这些书,但是至今没有收到。剑桥国际The equipment has been on order for several weeks.这个设备已定购了几个星期了。剑桥国际There are no shirts left in this size but we could order one for you/order you one.这种尺寸的衬衫没有了,但是我们可以为你定购一件。剑桥国际They made a muck-up of our order--it won't be ready till next week now.他们把我们的定购搞错了----现在它要下星期才能好。剑桥国际Those goods have been on order for almost a month. 那些货差不多一个月前就定购了。译典通We couldn't decide whether to order blue pens or black -- such are the trifles of office life.我们不能决定是定购蓝色钢笔还是黑色钢笔----这样的事是办公生活的琐事。剑桥国际

