
单词 夜间工作
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔acclimatize to〕It takes him several months to acclimatize himself to working at night.他需要几个月才能习惯于夜间工作21世纪英汉〔augment〕He augmented his scholarship by working nights.他靠夜间工作来弥补奖学金的不足。英汉大词典〔by〕He sleeps by day and works by night.他白天睡觉,夜间工作文馨英汉〔disruptive〕Night work can be very disruptive to home life.夜间工作会给家庭生活带来很大的麻烦。朗文当代〔horror〕The thought of working nights fills me with abject horror.一想到要夜间工作我就觉得惨兮兮的。牛津搭配〔income〕She supplements her income by working nights.她靠夜间工作补贴收入。牛津搭配〔keep the wolf from the door〕As a student, he took an evening job to keep the wolf from the door.他上学时兼做一份夜间工作,勉强维持生计。剑桥高阶〔night owl〕A person who habitually stays up and is active late into the night.夜间工作者,熬夜者:习惯于熬夜且直到深夜仍很兴奋的人美国传统〔night shift〕A group of employees working during the night in a factory or business.夜班工人:工厂或商行里在夜间工作的一组雇员美国传统〔nights〕Many people work nights.很多人在夜间工作文馨英汉〔willing〕They keep a list of people (who are) willing to work nights.他们有一份愿意夜间工作的人的名单。牛津高阶

