
单词 朵花
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔-blooming〕Harry carefully picked the bloom.哈里小心翼翼地摘下那朵花柯林斯高阶〔alight〕A butterfly alighted gently on the flower.一只蝴蝶轻轻落在那朵花上。剑桥高阶〔assign〕Each flower, herb, tree, or shrub was assigned a meaning.每朵花、每株草、每棵树、每丛灌木都被赋予了意义。外研社新世纪〔bisexual〕Botany Denoting a single flower that contains functional staminate and pistillate structures; perfect.【植物学】 雌雄同体的:一朵花具有官能雄蕊和雌蕊结构的;雌雄蕊同花的美国传统〔bloom〕Harry carefully picked the bloom.哈里小心翼翼地采下那朵花外研社新世纪〔bosom〕She wore a flower on the bosom of her dress.她衣服的胸襟上佩着一朵花英汉大词典〔carve〕She carved a flower out of a radish.她把萝卜刻成一朵花21世纪英汉〔flower〕Each individual flower is tiny.每朵花都很小。外研社新世纪〔flower〕Each individual flower is tiny.每一朵花都很小。柯林斯高阶〔flower〕She bent down and picked a flower .她弯下身,摘了一朵花朗文当代〔flower〕To produce a flower or flowers; blossom.开花:开一朵或多朵花;开花美国传统〔foreground〕She drew a few flowers in the foreground.她画了几朵花作为前景。麦克米伦高阶〔hypanthium〕The ringlike, cup-shaped, or tubular structure of a flower on which the sepals, petals, and stamens are borne, as in the flowers of the rose or cherry.隐头花序:一朵花的环形、杯形、管形结构,此结构中有萼片、花瓣、雄蕊,比如玫瑰或樱桃的花里美国传统〔impearl〕The sun impearls dew-drops on every leaf and every flower.张张叶片和朵朵花儿上的露珠在阳光下犹如一颗颗珍珠。英汉大词典〔involucre〕A series of bracts beneath or around a flower or flower cluster.花被:在一朵花或一束花下面或周围的一系列苞片美国传统〔lapel〕A flower was pinned to/in her lapel.她的领子上别了一朵花剑桥高阶〔monochasium〕A cyme having a single flower on each axis.单歧聚伞花序:每一主茎上有一朵花的聚伞花序美国传统〔multiple fruit〕A fruit, such as a fig, mulberry, or pineapple, derived from several flowers that are combined into a single structure.复果,繁花果:由几朵花结合而成单一个体结构的水果,如无花果、桑葚或菠萝美国传统〔perfect〕Botany Having both stamens and pistils in the same flower; monoclinous.【植物学】 雌雄同株的:雄蕊和雌蕊在同一朵花上的;雌雄同花的美国传统〔pick〕She picked a flower for her mother.她为妈妈摘了一朵花韦氏高阶〔pollinate〕To transfer pollen from an anther to the stigma of (a flower).传授花粉给…:从(一朵花)的花粉囊传到柱头美国传统〔quatrefoil〕A representation of a flower with four petals or a leaf with four leaflets, especially in heraldry.四小叶复叶,十字花:由一朵花和四片花瓣或一片叶子和四片小叶组成的图纹,尤见于纹章美国传统〔self-pollination〕Transfer of pollen from an anther to a stigma of the same flower.自花传粉:花粉从同一朵花的花粉囊传到柱头上美国传统〔side〕The reverse side of the coin has a picture of a flower.硬币的背面是一朵花牛津搭配〔smell〕She smelled at the flower.她闻闻那朵花英汉大词典〔stick〕He stuck a flower in his buttonhole.他把一朵花插在钮孔中。文馨英汉〔uniaxial〕Botany Of, relating to, or being a plant with one primary stem that has no branches and terminates in a flower.【植物学】 单一级茎轴的:属于、有关或是一种植物的,有一个没有分支的基本茎,茎的结尾有一朵花美国传统A brooch/flower was pinned to her lapel.她的翻领上别了一枚胸针/一朵花剑桥国际As we sat in the garden, we could hear the bees buzzing from one flower to the next collecting nectar.我们坐在花园里可以听到蜜蜂采花蜜时从一朵花飞到另一朵花发出的嗡嗡声。剑桥国际Her younger sister helped her stick a flower in her hair. 她妹妹帮她把一朵花插在头发上。译典通She smelled at the flower. 她闻闻那朵花译典通She took a smell at the flower. 她闻了闻那朵花译典通The bee buzzed from flower to flower.蜜蜂嗡嗡地从一朵花飞向另一朵。剑桥国际The bees will carry the pollen from one flower to another.蜜蜂一朵花接一朵花地采集花粉。剑桥国际

