
单词 分段
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔SEPARATE〕If you have to give a long explanation, try to break it up. 如果要阐述一段很长的内容,尽量分段讲。朗文写作活用〔aid〕Proper paragraphing aids clarity of presentation.分段恰到好处可使论述更加清晰。英汉大词典〔eon〕The longest division of geologic time, containing two or more eras.万古:地质时期中最长的分段,包括两个或两个以上的代美国传统〔guide〕Guide your students through the program one section at a time.每次一段,这样分段指导学生完成这门课程。朗文当代〔mast〕Nautical A tall vertical spar, sometimes sectioned, that rises from the keel or deck of a sailing vessel to support the sails and running rigging.【航海】 船桅,桅杆:一条高的(有时为分段的)垂直樯,从帆船的龙骨或甲板直立起来以支持帆和操纵装置美国传统〔paragraph〕Remember to paragraph your text.别忘了将文字分段外研社新世纪〔paragraph〕The teacher taught the students how to paragraph an essay.老师教学生如何把一篇文章分段21世纪英汉〔paragraph〕To divide or arrange into paragraphs.分段或安排段落美国传统〔period〕An analogous unit or division of classical Greek or Latin prose.诗文的划分:古希腊或拉丁散文中类似的分段美国传统〔run〕Printing To make a solid body of text without a paragraph or other break.【印刷术】 使不间断,使不分段,连排:使排字材料不分段落或间隙地连下去美国传统〔run〕To continue a text without a formal break.不分段,不换行:不间断地接连下去美国传统〔scene〕A subdivision of an act in a dramatic presentation in which the setting is fixed and the time continuous.(戏剧中的)一场:在场景固定及时间连续的戏剧表演中一幕的分段美国传统〔segmented〕Divided into or made up of distinct segments.分割的,分段的:分成明显的多部分的或由明显的各部分组成的美国传统The students were asked to paragraph an essay in class. 学生们被要求在课堂上给一篇文章分段译典通

