
单词 军事
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ARMY〕Peres said the military campaign would last as long as it took to secure the country's northern border. 佩雷斯说这次军事行动将会持续很长时间,以保护国家北部边境的安全。朗文写作活用〔ATTACK〕America stopped short of military retaliation, but issued a strong statement condemning the invasion. 美国克制着没有实施军事报复,但是发表了一份措辞严厉的声明,谴责了这种侵略行为。朗文写作活用〔BEAT/DEFEAT〕In 1945 Japan was helpless, with its military power annihilated. 1945年,由于军事力量已被摧毁,日本一筹莫展。朗文写作活用〔PURPOSE〕The President believes that all military objectives have been achieved. 总统相信,所有的军事目标都已实现。朗文写作活用〔Rupert〕German-born English military and political leader who was the dominant Royalist figure during the English Civil War.鲁珀特:德裔英国军事和政治领袖,是英国内战时主要的保皇派人士美国传统〔SAY〕Senator Harvey argued strongly against taking any form of military action. 哈维参议员强烈反对采取任何形式的军事行动。朗文写作活用〔SHOW〕Anyone who exhibits extreme anxiety in the face of potential danger is unlikely to become an effective military leader. 任何人如果在潜在的危险面前表现出极度的焦躁不安,都不可能成为一名卓越的军事首领。朗文写作活用〔VISIT〕The Senator's visit to the Military Academy at Andover was a great success. 参议员对安多弗军事学院的访问极为成功。朗文写作活用〔absorption〕I don't understand James' absorption with military history.我不明白詹姆斯为何对军事史那么痴迷。朗文当代〔aerial〕Meanwhile, the massive aerial bombardment/bombing of military targets continued unabated.同时,对于军事目标的大规模空袭仍在猛烈地进行。剑桥高阶〔armament〕Often armaments All the military forces and war equipment of a country. 常作 armaments 军事力量:一个国家的全部军事力量和军事装备美国传统〔bluff〕It is essential to build up the military option and show that this is not a bluff.重要的是, 要提高军事打击的可能性, 并表明这并非虚张声势。外研社新世纪〔caudillismo〕The practice or system of rule by a caudillo.专制独裁理论:军事首脑的实践或规则体系美国传统〔circumscribe〕There followed a series of tightly circumscribed visits to military installations.随之而来的是对参观军事设施的一系列严格限制。剑桥高阶〔civil〕After ten years of military dictatorship, the country now has a civil government.经历了10年军事专制统治后,该国现在有了一个文官政府。剑桥高阶〔counterforce〕A contrary or opposing force, especially a military force capable of destroying the nuclear armaments of an enemy.反力,阻力:一种相反或对立的力量,尤指能够摧毁敌人核军事装备的军事力量美国传统〔court martial〕All the men now face court martial.现在所有这些军人都面临军事法庭的审判。牛津高阶〔court-martial〕A military or naval court of officers appointed by a commander to try persons for offenses under military law.军事法庭:由指挥官指定的官员组成的军事或海军法庭以对违反军事法的人进行审判美国传统〔court-martial〕They will appear before a court-martial.他们将在军事法庭出庭。韦氏高阶〔cutoff〕The US has announced a cutoff of military aid to the country.美国宣布停止对该国的军事援助。剑桥高阶〔deadly〕The United States had been deadly serious in its threat of military action.美国威胁说要采取军事行动绝对是认真的。柯林斯高阶〔demonstration〕He gave a practical demonstration of the boat's military potential.他对这种小艇的军事潜力作了实际操作演示。朗文当代〔disarmament〕The act of laying down arms, especially the reduction or abolition of a nation's military forces and armaments.缴械,解除武装:放下武器的行为,尤指减少或取消国家的军事力量和武装美国传统〔discriminate〕Long-range missile attacks simply cannot discriminate between military and civilian targets.远程导弹攻击完全无法辨别军事目标和民用目标。麦克米伦高阶〔divide and conquer〕His military strategy is to divide and conquer.他的军事策略是分而治之。韦氏高阶〔embed〕Embedding journalists was a stroke of genius by the military propagandists.让记者随军采访是军事宣传鼓动家的天才之举。外研社新世纪〔exercise〕General Powell predicted that in the future it might even be possible to stage joint military exercises.鲍威尔将军预测将来甚至可能举行联合军事演习。柯林斯高阶〔exercise〕General Powell predicted that in the future it might even be possible to stage joint military exercises.鲍威尔将军预言, 将来甚至有可能举行联合军事演习。外研社新世纪〔exercise〕Ships from eight navies will be taking part in an exercise in the Pacific to improve their efficiency in combat.来自8个国家的海军军舰将参加在太平洋举行的军事演习,以提高其作战效率。剑桥高阶〔expense〕Military strength is often achieved at the expense of a country's economic health.要增强军事实力常常要牺牲国家经济的健康发展。麦克米伦高阶〔firepower〕The capacity, as of a weapon, weapons system, military unit, or position, for delivering fire.火量:一件武器、兵器系统、军事单位或阵地等发射火力的容量美国传统〔forage〕The US is still involved in military forages in several parts of the world.全世界好几个地区的军事突袭行动仍然有美国参与其中。外研社新世纪〔force〕The entire military strength, as of a nation.兵力:整个军事力量,如一个国家美国传统〔foreign aid〕Aid, such as economic or military assistance, offered by one nation to another.外援:一个国家在经济、军事等方面给予另一个国家的援助美国传统〔fundamentally〕They have fundamentally altered the rationale for military spending.他们从本质上改变了军事支出的依据。外研社新世纪〔garrison〕A military post, especially one that is permanently established.驻地:部队驻地,尤指一种永久性的军事设施美国传统〔genocide〕The military leaders were accused of genocide.那些军事领导人被指控实行种族大屠杀。朗文当代〔get〕To accomplish or attain as a result of military action.完成,达成:作为军事行动的成果而完成或获得美国传统〔gig〕To give a military demerit to.记军事处分美国传统〔ground〕Sanger is on reasonably safe ground when he sticks to military history.桑格只谈军事史, 这样他的立场就还算安全。外研社新世纪〔hardware〕Military hardware alone is not sufficient to ensure victory.仅靠军事装备不足以确保胜利。麦克米伦高阶〔headquarters〕The offices of a commander, as of a military unit, from which orders are issued.司令部:军事分队指挥官的办公地,命令由此发出美国传统〔high command〕The supreme headquarters of a military force.最高指挥部:军事力量的最高指挥部美国传统〔lion's share〕Military and nuclear research have received the lion's share of public funding.大部分公共资金都为军事与核研究所占。柯林斯高阶〔logistics〕Logistics is the key to a successful military campaign.后勤工作是军事行动成败的关键。韦氏高阶〔major〕A similar rank in another military or paramilitary organization.同少校官阶者:在其他军事或者准军事组织中的相同军衔美国传统〔manoeuvre〕Large-scale military manoeuvres are being carried out near the border.边境附近正在进行大规模的军事演习。朗文当代〔martial〕Relating to or connected with the armed forces or the profession of arms.军事的:与军队或兵器行业有关的或相联系的美国传统〔militarily〕While that option would incur fewer casualties, it would not be militarily effective.这一选择会减少人员伤亡, 但军事上没什么效果。外研社新世纪〔militarized〕Kalinigrad is a highly militarized zone.加里宁格勒是一个高度军事化的区域。朗文当代〔military science〕The principles of military conflict and of warfare.军事科学:军事冲突及战争的基本原理美国传统〔military〕Military action may become necessary.也许有必要采取军事行动。外研社新世纪〔obsolescent〕Much of our existing military hardware is obsolescent.我们现有的许多军事硬件在逐渐被淘汰。剑桥高阶〔onslaught〕The rebels responded to a military onslaught against them by launching a major assault on an army camp.叛乱分子为报复政府的军事打击,向一处军营发动猛攻。柯林斯高阶〔operate〕Specially equipped troops are operating in the hills.特种装备部队正在山里进行军事行动。剑桥高阶〔outfit〕Informal An association of persons, especially a military unit or a business organization.【非正式用语】 一队人:一群人的组织,尤指军事部队或商业组织美国传统〔palm〕A small metallic representation of a palm leaf added to a military decoration that has been awarded more than one time.棕榈叶徽章:棕榈叶型小勋章,军事荣誉勋章的附加装饰,已不止一次地授予过此勋章美国传统〔paramilitary〕Loyalist paramilitaries were blamed for the shooting.非法军事组织中的死硬分子被视为这起枪击事件的罪魁祸首。柯林斯高阶〔pared-down〕The new NATO will be a pared-down military organization.新北大西洋公约组织将是一个精简了的军事组织。外研社新世纪〔pick〕A dispute has broken out between the Defence Ministry and the Treasury over who should pick up the bill for Britain's recent military operations.国防部和财政部在谁该为英国近期的军事行动买单这一问题上起了争执。外研社新世纪〔pin ... on〕The general pinned the Military Cross on the brave soldier’s chest.将军把军事十字勋章别在那位勇敢的士兵胸前。21世纪英汉〔planner〕Military planners face difficult choices.军事计划制定人员面临艰难的选择。麦克米伦高阶〔provost marshal〕The head of a unit of military police.宪兵司令:军事警察单位的首领美国传统〔raid〕The raids against military targets continued.对军事目标的突袭仍在继续。牛津搭配〔recall〕He was recalled to military duty.他被召回执行军事任务。牛津高阶〔recruit〕To raise a military force.征募新兵:充实某军事力量美国传统〔regiment〕The students were regimented into large groups for military training.学生们被编成大组进行军事训练。21世纪英汉〔reprimand〕The military court reprimanded him for failing to do his duty.军事法庭谴责他失职。朗文当代〔restricted〕The officers were caught photographing in a restricted military zone.几名军官在军事管制区拍照被当场抓获。麦克米伦高阶〔reveille〕The first military formation of the day.晨号列队:一天的第一次军事列队美国传统〔rubber bullet〕A hard rubber bullet for a riot gun used especially by military personnel and law enforcement officers in crowd control.橡皮子弹:短筒防暴枪里的硬橡胶子弹,军事人员和执法官员尤其用它来控制人群美国传统〔saber rattling〕A flamboyant display of military power.炫耀武力:对于军事力量的过分炫耀美国传统〔self-imposed〕After the military coup, the family left for self-imposed exile in America.军事政变后,这家人出于自愿逃亡到了美国。剑桥高阶〔sell on〕The arms had been sold to a businessman; he sold them on to paramilitary groups.武器出售给了一个商人,他又将其倒卖给了一些准军事组织。柯林斯高阶〔socage〕Feudal tenure of land by a tenant, in return for agricultural or other nonmilitary services or for payment of rent in money.农役租佃:封建社会佃农使用土地并为之付出农业或其他非军事的劳役或用钱支付地租美国传统〔spoil〕Goods or property seized from a victim after a conflict, especially after a military victory.战利品,掠夺物:从战争中战败者那里获取的物体或财产,尤指军事上胜利后美国传统〔stand-down〕A withdrawal, as of a military presence.停止军事行动美国传统〔stepped-up〕Israel's stepped-up military campaign以色列逐步加强的军事攻势外研社新世纪〔strength〕The country has great military/economic strength.这个国家拥有强大的军事/经济实力。韦氏高阶〔stretch〕The country is stretching its military forces to the limit.这个国家正最大限度地利用其军事力量。韦氏高阶〔strongly〕There has been strong criticism of the military regime.该军事政权一直受到人们的强烈抨击。柯林斯高阶〔structure〕Some people like the sense of structure that a military lifestyle imposes.一些人喜欢军事化生活方式所特有的条理性。剑桥高阶〔throwing〕They threw all their military resources into the battle.他们将全部军事资源都投入了那场战斗。柯林斯高阶〔top brass〕The meeting was attended by top diplomats and military top brass.出席此次会议的有最高级外交官和军事要员。朗文当代〔top〕The President met this afternoon with his top military advisers.总统今天下午会见了他的最高军事顾问。外研社新世纪〔tribunal〕He could face a military tribunal.他可能要面临军事法庭的审判。牛津搭配〔unaccustomed〕They were unaccustomed to such military setbacks.他们不习惯这样的军事失利。外研社新世纪〔unaccustomed〕They were unaccustomed to such military setbacks.他们还不习惯这样的军事挫败。柯林斯高阶〔workboat〕A boat used for work rather than for recreation, transportation, or military purposes.工作船:用来工作而不是用来娱乐、运输或军事目的的船美国传统〔worldwide〕Worldwide, an enormous amount of research effort goes into military technology.在世界范围内,大量的研究精力都投入到军事技术上。柯林斯高阶〔zone〕The area has been declared a closed military zone.这个地区已被宣布为军事禁区。牛津搭配Imposing sanctions is a moderate action when you consider that the alternative is military intervention.考虑到军事干预这种替代行动,那么施加国际制裁就算是一项不过分的举动。剑桥国际In the film, he plays a spy whose mission is to confirm the verity of a secret military document.在这部电影里,他扮演一个间谍,任务是确认一份秘密军事文件的真实性。剑桥国际That country disengaged from military dependence on its neighbor. 那个国家在军事上摆脱了对邻国的依赖。译典通The Joint Chiefs of Staff act as the main military advisors to the US President.参谋长联席会议充当美国总统主要的军事顾问。剑桥国际The military base was once the site of a peace camp of women opposed to nuclear weapons.军事基地曾是妇女们反对核武器的和平营所在地。剑桥国际The overnight invasion took the military experts unawares.头一夜的入侵使军事专家大感意外。剑桥国际The sanctions will involve a ban on all military, economic, cultural and sporting links.制裁将包括禁止所有的军事、经济、文化和体育方面的联系。剑桥国际The television showed the bombed military bases but not the collateral damage to civilian areas.电视中播出了被轰炸的军事基地,但没有提及对平民区的附带破坏。剑桥国际They suffered a serious military/financial/political reverse.他们遭受了一次严重的军事/财政/政治挫折。剑桥国际

