
单词 下生
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔(stop and) smell the roses〕You shouldn't work so hard. You need to take some time to stop and smell the roses.你不必这么苦干。你有时也得歇歇脚,享受一下生活的乐趣嘛。韦氏高阶〔DIRTY〕After the squalid conditions of the refugee camps even this place seems preferable. 在难民营的肮脏环境下生活过后,就连这个地方似乎也不算太差了。朗文写作活用〔DOUBT〕It is doubtful that life could survive under such extreme conditions as these. 在这种极端恶劣的条件下生命能否存活还很难说。朗文写作活用〔PART〕I'd like to discuss the production phase at this morning's meeting. 今早的会上我想讨论一下生产阶段的事。朗文写作活用〔TRY〕We found out by trial and error which plants could survive the dry conditions. 通过反复试验,我们知道了哪些植物能够在干旱的环境下生存。朗文写作活用〔UNDER/BELOW〕The research is done in underwater laboratories, so that scientists can study the creatures in their natural habitat. 研究在水下实验室进行,这样科学家就可以研究生活在自然栖息地的水下生物。朗文写作活用〔anaerobe〕An organism, such as a bacterium, that can live in the absence of atmospheric oxygen.厌氧微生物:可在无氧环境下生存的一种有机体,如细菌美国传统〔anaerobic〕Some bacteria can only live in anaerobic conditions.有些细菌只能在无氧条件下生存。剑桥高阶〔anger〕You could probably benefit from anger management classes.上一下生气情绪管理课很可能对你有好处。牛津搭配〔appallingly〕They have been living under the most appalling conditions for two months.他们已经在恶劣不堪的条件下生活两个月了。柯林斯高阶〔beneficial〕A stay in the country will be beneficial to his health.在乡下生活一段时间,有利于他的健康。剑桥高阶〔biotic potential〕An estimate of the maximum capacity of living things to survive and reproduce under optimal environmental conditions.生物潜能:生物在最佳环境条件下生存和繁殖的最大能力的估测美国传统〔cashmere〕Fine, downy wool growing beneath the outer hair of the Cashmere goat.细羊毛:在克什米尔山羊的外层羊毛之下生长的细绒毛美国传统〔comparison〕After months of living in a tropical climate, Spain seemed cool by comparison.在热带气候下生活了几个月之后,西班牙相比之下好像还算凉爽。朗文当代〔condition〕The plants grow best in cool, damp conditions.这种植物最适合在阴凉、潮湿的环境下生长。牛津高阶〔condition〕Under what conditions do plants grow best? 植物在什么条件下生长得最好?剑桥高阶〔day〕You can't have people living in these conditions in this day and age! 如今你不能让人们在这些条件下生活了!麦克米伦高阶〔deplorable〕They are forced to live in deplorable conditions.他们被迫在极其恶劣的条件下生活。剑桥高阶〔dry〕These plants grow well in dry soil/a dry climate.这些植物适宜在干旱的土壤里/气候条件下生长。剑桥高阶〔erupt〕Her armpits are erupting in boils.她的腋下生疖子了。外研社新世纪〔etiolate〕Botany To cause (a plant) to develop without chlorophyll by preventing exposure to sunlight.【植物学】 使黄化:用使(植物)不受阳光的办法,使其在无叶绿素的情况下生美国传统〔etiolate〕To become blanched or whitened, as when grown without sunlight.黄化,白化:在没有阳光的情况下生长而变苍白美国传统〔flourish〕This type of plant flourishes in tropical climates.这种植物在热带气候下生长茂盛。英汉大词典〔freedom〕Living without war is a fundamental freedom.在没有战争的情况下生活是最基本的自由。牛津搭配〔frigid〕Few plants can grow in such a frigid environment.几乎没有什么植物能够在如此寒冷的环境下生长。剑桥高阶〔grow down〕The roots grew down firmly in the soil.根系向下生长深入土里。21世纪英汉〔grow〕Roots grow downwards from the stem.树根由茎部向下生长。外研社新世纪〔grow〕Tomatoes grow best in direct sunlight.西红柿在直接日照下生长得最好。牛津搭配〔hardy〕Capable of surviving unfavorable conditions, such as cold weather or lack of moisture. Used especially of cultivated plants.耐寒的或耐旱的:能够在如寒冷的天气或干旱的气候等恶劣环境下生存的。尤用于描写植物美国传统〔hypogeal〕Botany Of or relating to seed germination in which the cotyledons remain below the surface of the ground.【植物学】 地下生的,地下产生子叶的:种子萌芽的,或与之有关的,在这种萌芽里胚胎保留在地表面以下美国传统〔hypogene〕Formed or situated below the earth's surface. Used of rocks.地下(生成)的:在地表面以下生成的,或位于地表面以下的用于指岩石美国传统〔improve〕Today life has vastly improved.眼下生活已大为改善。英汉大词典〔indirect〕These plants grow best in bright indirect light/sun.这些植物在明亮的间接光线/阳光下生长得最好。韦氏高阶〔inferior〕Anatomy Located beneath or directed downward.【解剖学】 下的:处于下方的或向下生长的美国传统〔leadership〕The business prospered under the leadership of the new president.在新任总裁的领导下生意兴旺美国传统〔life〕Jill wants to travel and see life for herself.吉尔想出去旅行,亲身体验一下生活。牛津高阶〔light〕Plants grow rapidly when exposed to light.植物在阳光下生长迅速。英汉大词典〔live under〕They lived under foreign rule for many years.他们在外国的统治下生活了多年。21世纪英汉〔live〕I want to live a little before I settle down.在安定下来之前我要好好享受一下生活。剑桥高阶〔live〕She wanted to get out and live a little.她想出去享受一下生活。朗文当代〔marginal〕Relating to commodities thus manufactured and sold.与在这种情况下生产和出售出的商品有关的美国传统〔monogenetic〕Produced under a single set of continuing conditions. Used of soil.单成的:一组在单一持续条件下生成的。用于土壤美国传统〔obtain〕A new law obtains in this case.一项新法律在此种情况下生效。外研社新世纪〔pace〕I try to get away at weekends for a change of pace.周末的时候我总是尽可能外出度假,以变换一下生活节奏。牛津搭配〔pat〕Wash the lettuce and pat it dry.洗一下生菜, 并用毛巾把它拍干。外研社新世纪〔photophilic〕Growing or functioning best in strong light.嗜光的,适光的:在强光下生长或起作用的最好的美国传统〔positive〕Write down all the positive things about your life.记下生活中所有好的事情。朗文当代〔precipitately〕One eighteen-year-old precipitately gave birth under the kitchen table.一名18岁的少女突然在厨房桌子下生了孩子。外研社新世纪〔remote〕We felt very remote and lonely living out in the country.在乡下生活我们感到非常孤独寂寞。麦克米伦高阶〔restriction〕They had to live for a month with certain restrictions on their freedom of movement.他们不得不在行动自由受到某些限制的情形下生活 1 个月。牛津搭配〔rotten〕Trade's rotten bad nowadays.眼下生意糟透了。英汉大词典〔sanitation〕They live in conditions of appalling sanitation.他们在十分恶劣的卫生条件下生活。英汉大词典〔sideburns〕Growths of hair down the sides of a man's face in front of the ears, especially when worn with the rest of the beard shaved off.连鬓胡子:在耳朵前面沿着人脸侧部向下生长的毛发,尤指胡子刮去之后留下的残茬美国传统〔sort〕Plants of this sort need shady conditions.这种植物需要在阴凉的环境下生长。剑桥高阶〔spice〕We need an exciting trip to add some spice to our lives.我们需要一次新奇的旅行来调剂一下生活。牛津高阶〔stishovite〕A dense tetragonal polymorph of quartz that is formed under great pressure and is often associated with meteoroid impact.超石英:一种致密的四方形石英矿物,常在高压下生成,并与流星撞击有关美国传统〔support〕The atmosphere of Mars could not support life.生命无法在火星的大气环境下生存。牛津高阶〔survive〕These plants cannot survive in very cold conditions.这些植物无法在非常寒冷的条件下生存。剑桥高阶〔torment〕Just living in the same house with him was a torment.和他在同一个屋檐下生活是一种折磨。麦克米伦高阶〔undergrowth〕A growth of short, fine hairs underlying the longer and thicker outer hairs of an animal's coat; underfur or underwool.细绒毛:动物外层浓密的长毛下生长的短而细的绒毛;细软绒毛或内层绒毛美国传统〔understory〕An underlying layer of vegetation, especially the plants that grow beneath a forest's canopy.地被层植物:植被的基层,尤其是森林林冠下生长的植物美国传统〔underwater〕Dragonflies spend a year underwater before emerging as adults.蜻蜓成为成虫出水前在水下生活1年。英汉大词典〔wildflower〕A flowering plant that grows in a natural, uncultivated state.野花:在天然的未开垦的状态下生长的开花植物美国传统〔wild〕Most of us have never seen elephants in the wild.我们大多数人从未见过野生状态下生活的大象。麦克米伦高阶Her doctor told her she needed a change of pace (=a more peaceful and relaxed way of life).她的医生告诉她得改变一下生活节奏。剑桥国际Not many plants are able to survive in the strong desert sun.能在沙漠的骄阳下生存的植物不多。剑桥国际Plants of this sort need shady conditions.这种植物需要在阴凉的环境下生长。剑桥国际Some bacteria can only live in anaerobic conditions.有些细菌只能在缺氧的条件下生存。剑桥国际The report said that inmates were forced to live in dirty and unhealthy conditions.报告说被收容者被迫在肮脏、不卫生的条件下生活。剑桥国际We have to sum up the costs of production. 我们得计算一下生产成本。译典通

