
单词 readership
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔NEWSPAPERS〕Broadsheets are aimed at an educated middle and upper-class readership. 大版式报纸针对受过教育的中上层阶级读者。朗文写作活用〔PURPOSE〕The magazine has a target readership of half a million people. 这本杂志争取吸引50万读者。朗文写作活用〔READ〕The magazine now hopes to attract a wider readership. 这份杂志现在期望能吸引更多的读者。朗文写作活用〔READ〕The newspaper now has a readership of more than 500,000. 该报现在拥有超过50万名读者。朗文写作活用〔READ〕These books are obviously written for a young readership. 这些书显然是为年轻读者写的。朗文写作活用〔audience〕The readership for printed matter, as for a book.读者,读者大众:印刷品,如书籍等的读者美国传统〔informed〕The book is intended for an informed readership.这本书是专为知识丰富的读者准备的。麦克米伦高阶〔open letter〕A published letter on a subject of general interest, addressed to a person but intended for general readership.公开信:一封关于一般话题并寄给一个人但又希望所有人都知道的信美国传统〔preponderantly〕The readership was preponderantly female.读者大多数是女性。外研社新世纪〔reach〕They reached us by telephone. Our newsletter reaches a very specialized readership.他们通过电话找到了我们。我们的新闻来函专栏拥有一群特殊的读者美国传统〔readership〕A new format would alienate its ageing readership without attracting young readers.新的版式会疏远上了年纪的读者群,并且也不会吸引年轻读者。柯林斯高阶〔readership〕He has a readership in linguistics.他担任语言学高级讲师职务。英汉大词典〔readership〕In its new format, the magazine hopes to attract a much wider readership.这份杂志希望以新的版式吸引更多的读者。牛津高阶〔readership〕It's a newspaper with a large right-wing readership.这份报纸拥有大批右翼读者。剑桥高阶〔readership〕Its readership has grown to over 15,000 subscribers.它的订阅人数上升到了15,000多人。柯林斯高阶〔readership〕She holds/has a readership in chemistry.她担任化学高级讲师一职。韦氏高阶〔readership〕The magazine has a readership of over 250,000.这本杂志的读者超过了25万人。剑桥高阶〔readership〕The magazine's readership decreased when the editors changed the format.杂志编辑改版后,读者数量下降了。韦氏高阶〔readership〕The newspaper has a readership of around 5,000.这份报纸大约拥有5000名读者。韦氏高阶〔readership〕The paper has an issue readership of 15000.那份报纸每期有15000读者。英汉大词典〔readership〕There is a large readership for novels on this subject.这一题材的小说拥有大群读者。英汉大词典〔readership〕They are hoping that the paper will have quite a wide readership .他们希望这份报纸会有很多读者。朗文当代〔slick〕Informal A magazine, usually of large popular readership, printed on high-quality glossy paper.【非正式用语】 光滑的杂志:用高质量的光滑纸张印刷的杂志,通常有很大的发行量美国传统Readership of the paper increased by more than a quarter in the first six months of this year.今年上半年,这份报纸的读者人数增加了四分之一以上。牛津商务It's a newspaper with a large right-wing readership.这是份有大批右翼读者的报纸。剑桥国际The magazine has a readership of over 250 000.该杂志有二十五万多人的读者人数。剑桥国际The median age of the magazine's readership is 24.这本杂志的读者的中间年龄是 24 岁。牛津商务The potential readership of this book is huge, and it's a pity (that) it's available only as a hardback. [+ (that) clause] 这本书的潜在读者很多,很遗憾只有精装本有售。剑桥国际They have succeeded in attracting a new young readership.他们成功地吸引了一批新的年轻读者。牛津商务

