
单词 grammar
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BASIC〕I still haven't mastered the basics of English grammar. 我还未掌握英语语法的基础。朗文写作活用〔CAREFUL〕You need to pay more attention to your grammar if you want to get a better grade. 如果你想分数更高一些,就要更加注意语法。朗文写作活用〔CHANGE/NOT CHANGE〕We rotate -- I teach French grammar one week, and she teaches it the next. 我们轮流教—我教一星期的法语语法,然后她再教一星期。朗文写作活用〔English〕English grammar 英语语法朗文当代〔English〕They're studying English grammar.他们正在学习英语语法。韦氏高阶〔Hindi〕Hindi grammar 印地语语法韦氏高阶〔Irish〕Irish grammar 爱尔兰语语法韦氏高阶〔NP〕Grammar Noun phrase.【语法】 名词词组美国传统〔WRONG〕You will lose marks for bad grammar in the exam. 你在考试中会因语法错误而失分。朗文写作活用〔absolutely〕Grammar In a manner that does not take an object.【语法】 独立地,分离地:指不带宾语形式的独立格美国传统〔affix〕Grammar To add as an affix.【语法】 加词缀美国传统〔agree〕Grammar To correspond in gender, number, case, or person.【语法】 呼应,一致:在性、数、格或人称方面彼此呼应,一致美国传统〔antecedent〕Grammar The word, phrase, or clause to which a pronoun refers.【语法】 先行词:代名词所指代的词,短语或句子美国传统〔attributive〕Abbr. attrib.Grammar Of, relating to, or being an attributive, as an adjective.缩写 attrib.【语法】 修饰性的,形容的:属于、关于或作修饰语的,如形容词美国传统〔auxiliary〕Grammar An auxiliary verb.【语法】 助动词美国传统〔auxiliary〕Grammar Of, relating to, or being an auxiliary verb.【语法】 助动词的:属于、关于或作为助动词的美国传统〔bang into〕The teacher tried to bang grammar into the heads of his students.教员企图向学生们灌输语法知识。21世纪英汉〔bang〕My teacher tried to bang English grammar into my head.我的老师试著要将英文文法硬塞入我的脑袋里。文馨英汉〔be〕The book is about English grammar.这是本英语语法书。韦氏高阶〔biased〕The selection of pupils for grammar schools was biased in favour of the middle class.文法学校招生时偏向于录取来自中产阶级家庭的孩子。外研社新世纪〔biased〕The selection of pupils for grammar schools was biased in favour of the middle-class child of a small family from a good area.文法学校招生时偏向于录取来自好地段的中产阶级小家庭的孩子。柯林斯高阶〔blitz〕Regional accents are still acceptable but there is to be a blitz on incorrect grammar.地方口音尚可接受, 但是语法错误则要突击纠正。外研社新世纪〔blitz〕Regional accents are still acceptable but there is to be a blitz on incorrect grammar.地方口音还可以接受,但要下大力气纠正语法错误。柯林斯高阶〔build around〕The textbook builds lessons around grammar topics.这本教科书按照语法主题编排课程。韦氏高阶〔checker〕Modern word processors usually have spelling checkers and even grammar checkers.现代文字处理器通常带有拼写检查功能,有的还有语法检查功能。柯林斯高阶〔checker〕The word processing software includes a grammar checker. [=a feature that finds grammatical errors] 这个文字处理软件带有语法检查器。韦氏高阶〔clause〕Grammar A group of words containing a subject and a predicate and forming part of a compound or complex sentence.【语法】 从句,分句,子句:包含一个主语和一个谓语的一组词,构成了复合词或复合句的一部分美国传统〔code〕Each entry in this dictionary has a grammar code.这本词典的每个词条都有一个语法标记。剑桥高阶〔comma〕Abbr. com.Grammar A punctuation mark (,) used to indicate a separation of ideas or of elements within the structure of a sentence.缩写 com.【语法】 逗号:一种标点符号(,),用于表示句子结构内思想或要素的分开美国传统〔comparison〕Grammar The modification or inflection of an adjective or adverb to denote the positive, comparative, and superlative degrees.【语法】 词尾变化:形容词或副词的修改或词尾变化,以表示原级、比较级和最高级美国传统〔concept〕Literacy experts believe computers have created a generation of children who cannot spell and have no concept of grammar.读写专家认为, 电脑导致一代儿童既不会拼写又不懂语法。外研社新世纪〔concord〕Grammar Agreement between words in person, number, gender, and case.【语法】 语法上的一致:语法中在人称、数、性别和格等方面的前后一致美国传统〔conditional〕Grammar Stating, containing, or implying a condition.【语法】 条件的:表明、包含或暗含条件的美国传统〔condition〕Grammar The dependent clause of a conditional sentence.【语法】 条件从句美国传统〔conjugate〕Grammar To be inflected.【语法】 使动词变化美国传统〔conjugate〕Grammar To inflect (a verb) in its forms for distinctions such as number, person, voice, mood, and tense.【语法】 动词的变化:对应动词的数、人称、发音、语气或时态的变化美国传统〔connective〕Grammar A word, such as a conjunction, that connects words, phrases, clauses, and sentences.【语法】 关联词:连接单词、词组、从句和句子的词,如连结词美国传统〔construable〕He knows his Latin grammar indifferently, and cannot construe easily.他的拉丁语法水平不高,所以无法得心应手地分析句子。21世纪英汉〔contract〕Grammar To shorten (a word or words) by omitting or combining some of the letters or sounds.【语法】 略语:通过省略或结合某些字母或音素使(一个或几个单词)缩短美国传统〔convoluted〕His grammar explanations are terribly convoluted.他对语法的讲解非常晦涩难懂。剑桥高阶〔correct〕I hate it when she corrects my grammar.我讨厌她纠正我的语法。韦氏高阶〔correlative〕Grammar A correlative word or expression.【语法】 关联词:一个相互关联的词或符号美国传统〔coverage〕These books give very good grammar coverage (= they deal with grammar very well).这些书语法讲解得很透彻。剑桥高阶〔decline〕Grammar To inflect (a noun, a pronoun, or an adjective) for number and case.【语法】 字尾变化:使(名词,代词或形容词)的数和格发生变化美国传统〔definite〕Abbr. def.Grammar Limiting or particularizing.缩写 def.【语法】 一定的:限定的或特别提出的美国传统〔deponent〕Grammar A deponent verb.【语法】 异相动词美国传统〔descriptive〕The book is a descriptive grammar.这是一本描写性语法书。韦氏高阶〔descriptivism〕The practice or application of descriptive linguistics, especially in the analysis of grammar.描述主义:描述语言学的练习或应用,特别是在语法分析上美国传统〔diminutive〕Grammar A diminutive suffix, word, or name.【语法】 微小:表微小的后缀、单词或名称美国传统〔drill〕He's drilling his pupils in grammar.他使学生练习文法。文馨英汉〔drill〕The teacher drilled grammar and the multiplication tables every day.教员每天通过练习传授语法和乘法表。21世纪英汉〔drub〕French grammar was drubbed into our heads.法语语法被硬灌入我们的头脑。21世纪英汉〔dual〕Grammar Of, relating to, or being a number category that indicates two persons or things, as in Greek, Sanskrit, and Old English.【语法】 双数的:指示两个人或物的数字范畴的,如希腊语,梵语与古英语中双数概念美国传统〔edit〕Students learn to edit their essays for grammar and punctuation.学生们学着校对论文中的语法和标点。韦氏高阶〔educate〕He was educated at Haslingden Grammar School.他在哈斯灵登文法学校读书。柯林斯高阶〔educate〕He was educated at Haslingden Grammar School.他曾在哈斯灵登文法学校读书。外研社新世纪〔elucidate〕He elucidated a point of grammar.他解释了一个语法要点。牛津高阶〔emphasis〕Our teacher gave special emphasis to grammar.我们的老师特别著重文法。文馨英汉〔example〕The leaflet includes several examples of bad grammar.这个小册子里包含几个语法错误的例子。牛津搭配〔fall between two stools〕The grammar guide falls between two stools - it's too difficult for a beginner but not detailed enough for an advanced student.这本语法指南对初学者和水平高的学生都不适用——对初学者太难,对水平高的学生又不够详细。剑桥高阶〔feminine ending〕Grammar A final syllable or termination that marks or forms words in the feminine gender.【语法】 阴性弱韵:阴性词词尾或最后一个音节,用来标明或组成词语美国传统〔feminine〕Abbr. fem.,f.,F.Grammar Designating or belonging to the gender of words or grammatical forms that refer chiefly to females or to things classified as female.缩写 fem.,f.,F.【语法】 阴性的:属于或指示性别的词或语法形式,主要指女性的或归为女性类的事物美国传统〔finicky〕My teacher is finicky about grammar.我的老师特别注重语法。韦氏高阶〔finite〕Grammar Limited by person, number, tense, and mood. Used of a verb that can serve as a predicate or the initial element of one.【语法】 限定的,定式的:由人、数、时态和情感限定的。用作谓语或谓语开头部分的动词美国传统〔focus〕Each exercise focuses on a different grammar point.每个练习各有不同的语法重点。牛津高阶〔fundamental〕Some understanding of grammar is fundamental to learning a language.掌握一些语法对学习一种语言来说很重要。剑桥高阶〔gentile〕Grammar Expressing national or local origins.【语法】 说明国家或地区来源的美国传统〔get〕He got the grammar lesson without difficulty.他毫无困难地掌握了这一课语法。英汉大词典〔govern〕Grammar To require (a specific morphological form) of accompanying words.【语法】 支配:要求联结单词(一种特殊的词法形式)美国传统〔grammar school〕He is in the third year at Leeds Grammar School.他在利兹文法学校念3年级。柯林斯高阶〔grammar school〕I taught at the local grammar school.我在当地的文法学校教过书。外研社新世纪〔grammar school〕Wirral Grammar School威勒尔文法学校外研社新世纪〔grammar〕Check your spelling and grammar.检查你的拼写和语法。朗文当代〔grammar〕Chomskyan grammar 乔姆斯基语法学英汉大词典〔grammar〕Have you entirely forgotten your grammar lessons?你是不是已经把语法课全都忘了?外研社新世纪〔grammar〕He doesn't have mastery of the basic rules of grammar.他还没有掌握基本的语法规则。柯林斯高阶〔grammar〕He doesn't have mastery of the basic rules of grammar.他没有掌握基本语法规则。外研社新世纪〔grammar〕His grammar is appalling.他运用语言的能力糟透了。牛津高阶〔grammar〕His grammar is poor.他的文句不通。英汉大词典〔grammar〕His vocabulary was sound and his grammar excellent.他的词汇丰富, 文法出众。外研社新世纪〔grammar〕His vocabulary was sound and his grammar excellent.他的词汇丰富,语法也很精通。柯林斯高阶〔grammar〕I know some German, but my grammar isn't very good.我会一些德语,但语法不是很好。韦氏高阶〔grammar〕Latin grammar 拉丁文语法英汉大词典〔grammar〕My grammar is awful.我的语法很烂。外研社新世纪〔grammar〕Spelling and good grammar are both very important.拼写和语法正确都很重要。牛津搭配〔grammar〕They were taught virtually no grammar.基本上没有人教过他们语法。外研社新世纪〔grammar〕This is the internal logic of Anglicanism, its grammar.这是英国国教的内在逻辑, 也是它的基本教义。外研社新世纪〔grammar〕Transformational grammars are more restrictive.转换生成语法局限性更大。柯林斯高阶〔grammatical〕Of or relating to grammar.属于或关于语法的美国传统〔ground in〕She grounded her students in grammar.她教她的学生基本语法知识。21世纪英汉〔guide〕The book contains a quick reference guide to essential grammar at the back.这本书的书后附有基本语法的简明参考指南。牛津搭配〔immutable〕Some people regard grammar as an immutable set of rules.有些人认为语法是一套不可更改的规则。剑桥高阶〔imperfect〕Grammar Of or being the tense of a verb that shows, usually in the past, an action or a condition as incomplete, continuous, or coincident with another action.【语法】 未完成过去时的:属于或作为动词的一个时态的,该时态表示一个动作或状态是未完成的、延续的或与其他动作同时发生的,通常用过去时美国传统〔inceptive〕Grammar An inchoative verb.【语法】 表示开始的动词美国传统〔inceptive〕Grammar Inchoative.【语法】 起初的,表示开始的美国传统〔indicative〕Abbr. indic.Grammar Of, relating to, or being the mood of the verb used in ordinary objective statements.缩写 indic.【语法】 陈述的,直陈的:简单客观陈述句的动词语气的,或与之有关的美国传统〔inflect〕Grammar To alter (a word) by inflection.【语法】 变化字尾:通过词尾变化改变(一词)美国传统〔ingressive〕Grammar Inchoative.【语法】 刚开始的美国传统〔instrumental〕Grammar Of or designating a case used typically to express means, agency, or accompaniment.【语法】 工具格的:代表性的用来表示方式,中介或伴随格的,或指示此格的美国传统〔introduction〕An Introduction to Elementary English Grammar 《英语基础语法入门》英汉大词典〔joual〕A dialect of Canadian French characterized by nonstandard pronunciations and grammar and by English vocabulary and syntax.若阿尔语:加拿大法语中的一种方言,以不正规的发音和语法以及英语词汇和句法为特征美国传统〔langue〕Language viewed as a system including vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation of a particular community.语言:被看作由特定人群使用的包括单词、语法和发音的语言系统美国传统〔learn up〕Have you learned up the grammar knowledge?语法知识你学透了吗?21世纪英汉〔learner〕The grammar guide is a useful aid for language learners and teachers.这本语法指南对语言学习者和教师都很有帮助。外研社新世纪〔level〕Students at this level may have problems with basic grammar.这一程度的学生可能会有基本语法的问题。朗文当代〔limiting〕Grammar Restricting the range of application of the noun modified.【语法】 加以限定的:用来修饰名词范围的美国传统〔main〕Grammar Of, relating to, or being the principal clause or verb of a complex sentence.【语法】 主句的、与之有关的或主句本身或复合句中的动词美国传统〔map〕Grammar information enables students to map the structure of a foreign language onto their own.语法知识使学生能够把外语结构和母语结构联系起来。牛津高阶〔mark〕She was marked down because of poor grammar.她因语法不好被扣了分。牛津高阶〔mark〕Your grammar is not quite up to the mark.你的语法还没完全达标。牛津搭配〔masculine〕Abbr. masc.,m.,M.Grammar Relating or belonging to the gender of words or grammatical forms that refer chiefly to males or to things classified as male.缩写 masc.,m.,M.【语法】 阳性的,阳性词的:属于或关于阳性的或在语法上主要是指阳性的或归类为阳性的美国传统〔mastery〕He doesn't have mastery of the basic rules of grammar.他还没有掌握基本的语法规则。外研社新世纪〔measure〕A grammar school's success was measured in terms of the number of pupils who got into university.一所文法学校成功与否是以考上大学的学生人数为衡量依据的。柯林斯高阶〔modal〕Grammar Of, relating to, or expressing the mood of a verb.【语法】 语气的:属于,有关或表达一个动词的语气的美国传统〔mode〕Grammar Mood.【语法】 语气美国传统〔number〕Grammar The indication, as by inflection, of the singularity or plurality of a linguistic form.【语法】 数:如通过屈折变化对语言形式单数或复数的标示美国传统〔oblique〕Grammar Designating any noun case except the nominative or the vocative.【语法】 间接的:由除主格或宾格的名词表示的美国传统〔one〕It is a book of English phonetics, grammar and usage in one.这是一本英语语音、语法和习惯用法的综合性著作。英汉大词典〔parallel〕Grammar Having identical or equivalent syntactic constructions in corresponding clauses or phrases.【语法】 对等的,并列的:在相应的句子或短语中具有相同或替换的句法结构的美国传统〔pedant〕I am no pedant and avoid being dogmatic concerning English grammar and expression.我不是书呆子,不想在英语语法和表达方式上过于教条主义。柯林斯高阶〔penalize〕Students will be penalized for mistakes in spelling and grammar.学生会因为拼写和语法错误而受到处罚。牛津搭配〔perfect〕Grammar Of, relating to, or constituting a verb form expressing action completed prior to a fixed point of reference in time.【语法】 完成的:属于、关于或构成表示在某一特定时间点已完成动作的动词时态的美国传统〔perfect〕Grammar The perfect tense.【语法】 完成式:完成时态美国传统〔personal〕Grammar Indicating grammatical person.【语法】 人称的:指语法上的人称的美国传统〔phrase marker〕In generative grammar, a representation in the form of a tree diagram or labeled brackets of the constituent structure of a sentence.短语标记:在生成语法中,用树形图或标记符号来表示一个句子的结构成分的标志美国传统〔phrase〕Grammar Two or more words in sequence that form a syntactic unit that is less than a complete sentence.【语法】 短语,词组:形成一个句法单位的有顺序的两个或更多的词语,它比一个完整句子要小美国传统〔pick up〕She's always picking me up on my grammar.她总是挑我语法上的毛病。外研社新世纪〔pick〕She's always picking me up on my grammar.她经常挑我的语法错误。麦克米伦高阶〔pluperfect〕Grammar Of, relating to, or being a verb tense used to express action completed before a specified or implied past time.【语法】 过去完成时的:属于、关于或成为一个被用来表示在一特定或暗示的过去时间之前完成动作的动词的美国传统〔plural〕Abbr. pl.,plu.Grammar Of, relating to, or being a grammatical form that designates more than one of the things specified.缩写 pl.,plu.【语法】 复数形态的:属于、关于或是表示特定事物中的一个以上事物语法形式的美国传统〔possessive〕Grammar Of, relating to, or being a noun or pronoun case that indicates possession.【语法】 名词所有格的,代词所有格的:名词所有格的或代词所有格的,与其有关的美国传统〔potential〕Grammar A potential verb form.【语法】 动词的可能形式美国传统〔precedence〕Business people often think that fluency and communication take precedence over grammar when speaking.商界人士常认为说话时流利程度和表达能力比语法重要。剑桥高阶〔predicate〕Grammar Of or belonging to the predicate of a sentence or clause.【语法】 谓语的:属于句子或从句的谓语的美国传统〔preposition〕There is nothing in the rules of grammar to suggest that ending a sentence with a preposition is wrong.语法规则中并没有规定句子以介词结尾是错误的。柯林斯高阶〔preposition〕There is nothing in the rules of grammar to suggest that ending a sentence with a preposition is wrong.语法规则中没有规定句子以介词结尾是错误的。外研社新世纪〔prescriptivism〕The support or promotion of prescriptive grammar.规定主义:对规定语法的支持或推广美国传统〔prescriptivist〕One who supports or promotes prescriptive grammar.规定主义者:支持或提倡规定主义语法的人美国传统〔present〕Abbr. pres.,pr.Grammar Designating a verb tense or form that expresses current time.缩写 pres.,pr.【语法】 现在时(态)的:指定可表目前的动词时态或形式的美国传统〔preverbal〕Grammar Preceding the verb.【语法】 动词前的美国传统〔principal parts〕In traditional grammars of inflected languages, the forms of the verb that are considered basic and from which all forms of the verb are derived.动词的主要变化形式:在有文法变化的语言的传统语法中,被认为是基本的并从中可以导出动词的所有其他形式的动词形式美国传统〔print〕Is that old grammar book still in print? 那本老语法书还在印行吗?麦克米伦高阶〔problematic〕Rules of grammar are more problematic for non-native speakers.语法规则对非母语说话者来说更难掌握。韦氏高阶〔progressive〕Grammar Designating a verb form that expresses an action or condition in progress.【语法】 进行的:规定动词形式的,这种形式表明进行中的动作或状态美国传统〔punctilious〕She's very punctilious about grammar.她对语法一丝不苟。韦氏高阶〔punctuation〕He was known for his poor grammar and punctuation.他不通语法和乱用标点是出了名的。外研社新世纪〔qualify〕Grammar To modify the meaning of (a noun, for example).【语法】 修饰:修饰…(如一个名词)的意思美国传统〔reciprocal〕Grammar Expressing mutual action or relationship. Used of some verbs and compound pronouns.【语法】 相互代名词的:表达相互之间的行为或关系的。用于修辞一些动词和复合名词美国传统〔regular〕Grammar Conforming to the usual pattern of inflection, derivation, or word formation.【语法】 规则变化的:符合词尾变化、衍生词及构词正常规则的美国传统〔relative〕Grammar A relative pronoun.【语法】 关系代词美国传统〔remember〕At his grammar school he is remembered for being bad at games.在文法学校他因不善于玩游戏为大家所熟知。柯林斯高阶〔reward〕A bonus of up to 5 per cent can be added to a pupil's final exam marks as a reward for good spelling, punctuation and grammar.小学生期末考试的分数最多可以加5分,作为对其拼写、标点和语法正确的奖励。柯林斯高阶〔reward〕Up to 5 per cent can be added to a pupil's final exam marks as a reward for good grammar.作为激励, 文法好的学生可以在期末考试成绩中获得最多5%的加分。外研社新世纪〔series〕Grammar A succession of coordinate elements in a sentence.【语法】 句中连续的并列连接词成分美国传统〔set phrase〕Don't worry about the grammar, just learn this as a set phrase.别管语法,只要把这个作为固定词组来学习即可。牛津高阶〔sexy〕For most people, grammar isn't a very sexy subject.对大多数人来说,语法不是让人很感兴趣的东西。剑桥高阶〔slip〕She often slips (up) in her grammar.她常犯文法错误。文馨英汉〔strong on〕She's strong on vocabulary but not grammar.她的词汇很强,但语法不行。韦氏高阶〔study〕This grammar book is suitable both for classroom use and for independent study.这本语法书既适合课堂使用,也适合自学。牛津搭配〔subjective〕Grammar Relating to or being the nominative case.【语法】 主语的:主语的,主格的美国传统〔substantive〕Grammar Designating a noun or noun equivalent.【语法】 名词的,作名词用的美国传统〔substitute〕Grammar A word or construction used in place of another word, phrase, or clause.【语法】 代用词或代用语:用来代替另一个词、词组、句子或结构美国传统〔surface structure〕In generative grammar, the structure that corresponds with the actual form of a sentence.表层结构:生成语法中与句子实际形式相符的结构美国传统〔syncopate〕Grammar To shorten (a word) by syncope.【语法】 词中省略,中略:由中略将(一个词)缩短美国传统〔syncopation〕Grammar Syncope.【语法】 词中省略美国传统〔syntax〕His grammar and syntax, both in oral and written expression, were much better than the average.不论口头还是笔头, 他的文法和句法都非常出众。外研社新世纪〔syntax〕His grammar and syntax, both in oral and written expression, were much better than the average.无论口头还是笔头,他的文法和句法都非常出众。柯林斯高阶〔test〕The exam will test you on your understanding of basic grammar rules.考试将考查你对基本语法规则的理解。韦氏高阶〔test〕The teacher tested the students' knowledge of English grammar.老师测验学生的英语语法知识。英汉大词典〔test〕We're being tested on grammar tomorrow.我们明天测验语法。朗文当代〔tolerate〕Our teacher will not tolerate bad grammar.我们的老师不会容忍糟糕的语法出现。韦氏高阶〔trivium〕The lower division of the seven liberal arts in medieval schools, consisting of grammar, logic, and rhetoric.三文科:中世纪学校的七种文科的较低一级划分,包括语法、逻辑学和修辞学美国传统〔ungrammatical〕Not in accord with the rules of a prescriptive grammar.不合语法的:不符合规定的语法规则的美国传统〔waver〕The man was asking, grammar wavering.那人语无伦次地问话。21世纪英汉〔well-grounded〕Our students are well grounded in grammar.我们的学生语法基础很扎实。外研社新世纪〔which〕He was educated at the local grammar school, after which he went on to Cambridge.他在当地的语法学校接受教育,接着又上了剑桥大学。朗文当代Business people often think that fluency and communication take precedence over grammar when speaking.商人们常认为说话时交际和流利比语法重要。剑桥国际Each unit of the course book focuses on a different grammar point.这课本的每个教学单元集中介绍一个不同的语法点。剑桥国际For a lot of people grammar isn't a very sexy subject, though some people find it fascinating.对于许多人来说,语法不是什么有趣的东西,尽管有些人对此很感兴趣。剑桥国际He had great difficulty in learning English grammar. 他学习英文文法困难重重。译典通He was a ruthless critic of his students’work, a stickler for accuracy and a martinet where grammar and spelling were concerned.他批改起学生的作业毫不留情,坚持准确性,并要求学生严格遵循语法拼写规则。剑桥国际Her grammar is bad. 她的文句不通。译典通Her knowledge of English grammar is very extensive.她的英语语法知识很广博。剑桥国际His grammar is awful. 他的文法糟透了。译典通I encountered great difficulties in learning English grammar. 我在学习英文文法时遇到了很大困难。译典通I had a little trouble learning English grammar. 我学英文文法有过一点困难。译典通I think it's important for children to be taught grammar.我认为教授孩子们语法是重要的。剑桥国际I've just bought a German grammar.我刚买了一本德语语法书。剑桥国际In grammar, an interjection is a word or a phrase used to express a strong feeling. 文法中,感叹语是用来表达一种强烈感情的一个字或片语。译典通In English grammar, the gerund has exactly the same form as the present participle. 英语文法中,动名词具有与现在分词完全一样的形式。译典通Jo's English teacher puts/places/lays great emphasis (up)on written work and grammar.乔的英语老师非常强调笔头练习和语法。剑桥国际Remember to go over your essay checking for grammar and spelling mistakes before you hand it in to me.在把你的文章交给我之前,记住仔细检查语法和拼写错误。剑桥国际She has mastered English grammar and acquired a large vocabulary without the help of a teacher. 她在没有老师指导的情况下,掌握了英文文法,学到了大量字汇。译典通She was born in Italy but her English is fluent and idiomatic (=completely natural and correct in grammar and style).她生在意大利,但她的英语却流利地道。剑桥国际Some people regard grammar as an immutable set of rules that must be obeyed.有些人认为语法是必须遵守的一套不可改变的规则。剑桥国际Teaching the correct use of the apostrophe is part of a new back-to-basics campaign to raise standards in grammar, punctuation and spelling.教授省字号的正确用法成为提高语法、标点和拼写标准的新型基础教学内容之一。剑桥国际The rules of English grammar often seem ridiculously complicated.英语语法的规则往往好像是复杂得荒唐。剑桥国际The teacher found many faults in spelling and grammar in my composition. 老师在我作文中发现许多拼写和文法错误。译典通This grammar guide falls between two stools--it's too difficult for a beginner but not detailed enough for an advanced student.这本语法指南两边都不适用,对初学者太难,对水平高的学生又不够详细。剑桥国际You have to study the nuts and bolts of English grammar. 你必须研读英文文法的基本细节。译典通

