
单词 helplessness
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔confess〕Most rape victims confess a feeling of helplessness.大部分强奸案受害者都承认有一种无助的感觉。柯林斯高阶〔desperation〕This feeling of desperation and helplessness was common to most of the refugees.大多数难民都有这种绝望和无助的感觉。柯林斯高阶〔dysthymia〕Low energy, poor concentration, and feelings of helplessness are common symptoms of dysthymia.乏力、注意力难以集中以及无助感都是心理沮丧的常见症状。剑桥高阶〔fine art〕Beryl has blonde helplessness down to a fine art when it suits her.只要需要, 贝丽尔就能把金发美女的楚楚可怜表现到极致。外研社新世纪〔helplessness〕A feeling of utter helplessness washed over him.一种全然无助的感觉涌上他的心头。牛津搭配〔helplessness〕I remember my feelings of helplessness.我记得自己无助的感觉。外研社新世纪〔helpless〕I remember my feelings of helplessness.我记得自己无能为力的感觉。柯林斯高阶We experienced a frightening feeling of helplessness as we saw her wheeled in to the operating theatre.看见她被推进手术室时,我们因帮不了忙感到非常痛苦。剑桥国际

