
单词 frequencies
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔audiogram〕A graphic record of hearing ability for various sound frequencies that is used to measure hearing loss.听力图:对各种音频听觉能力的图表记录,用于测量听力损伤美国传统〔bandpass filter〕A filter designed to transmit a particular band of electromagnetic frequencies while excluding those of higher or lower frequencies.带通滤波片,带通滤波器:用来传送特定电磁频率(不包括较高或较低频率)带的滤波器美国传统〔bandwidth〕The numerical difference between the upper and lower frequencies of a band of electromagnetic radiation, especially an assigned range of radio frequencies.带宽:电磁辐射频带中高频与低频之间的数值差,尤指某设定的无线电频率范围美国传统〔band〕A specific range of wavelengths or frequencies of electromagnetic radiation.波段,波带:电磁辐射的波长和频率的特定范围美国传统〔band〕For an initial service, a 10 megahertz-wide band of frequencies will be needed.初始服务需要10兆赫宽的频带。柯林斯高阶〔beating〕Physics The periodic variation in amplitude of a wave produced by the superposition of two waves of different frequencies.【物理学】 波震动:由两种不同频率的波叠加在一起而产生的波在某一区域内的周期振动美国传统〔beat〕Physics To cause beating by superposing waves of different frequencies.【物理学】 振动:叠加不同频率的波以产生拍差,拍音美国传统〔cumulative〕Of or relating to the sum of the frequencies of experimentally determined values of a random variable that are less than or equal to a specified value.累积的:在一个随机变量小于或等于某个固定值的试验中求出频率总数的美国传统〔dial〕The panel or face on a radio or television receiver on which the frequencies or channels are indicated.调谐度盘:收音机或电视机指示频道或波段的盘或面美国传统〔frequency〕There are only a limited number of broadcasting frequencies.广播频率的数量有限。牛津高阶〔frequency〕This station broadcasts on three different frequencies.这家电台以三种不同的频率广播。朗文当代〔heterochromatic〕Consisting of different wavelengths or frequencies.非单一波长或频率的:由多种不同波长或频率组成的美国传统〔high-pass filter〕A filter designed to transmit electromagnetic frequencies above a certain value, while excluding those of a lower frequency.高频滤波器:一种设计用以传送电磁频率高于特定值的滤波器,并同时将低频率电磁波排除于外美国传统〔infrasonic〕Generating or using waves or vibrations with frequencies below that of audible sound.次声的:产生或使用频率低于人耳能听见的声音的波或振动的美国传统〔infrasound〕A wave phenomenon sharing the physical nature of sound but with a range of frequencies below that of human hearing.次声:一种波现象,它有声音的物理特性和频率又在人耳的听力范围之内美国传统〔intermodulation〕Modulation of the frequencies of electromagnetic waves occurring when the waves interact as they are transmitted through a nonlinear electronic system.居中调频:当电波经由非线性电子系统传递时,电磁波交互作用所发生电磁波频率的调整美国传统〔low-pass filter〕A filter designed to transmit electromagnetic frequencies below a certain value, while excluding those of a higher frequency.低频滤波器:用于传送低于特定值的电磁频率的滤波器,其同时去除较高电磁频率美国传统〔megahertz〕UHF frequencies of around 900 megahertz.大约900兆赫的超高频率柯林斯高阶〔megahertz〕UHF frequencies of around 900 megahertz大约900兆赫的超高频外研社新世纪〔ogive〕A distribution curve in which the frequencies are cumulative.累积曲线:用以累计频率的分布曲线美国传统〔passband〕The range of frequencies transmitted by a bandpass filter.通带:可经由带通滤波器传输的频率美国传统〔photomultiplier〕An electronic sensing device used to detect electromagnetic energy of a wide range of frequencies and intensity levels.光电倍增管:用来查知各种频率和强度的电磁能量的电子检测装置美国传统〔radio spectrum〕The entire range of electromagnetic communications frequencies, including those used for radio, radar, and television; radio-frequency spectrum.无线电频谱:电磁通讯频率的整个范围,包括那些用于无线电、雷达和电视的频率;无线电频谱美国传统〔radio wave〕An electromagnetic wave within the range of radio frequencies.无线电波:无线电频率范围内的电磁波美国传统〔reference〕Gene frequencies were calculated then compared with the Finnish population as a reference group.先对基因频率进行了计算,然后以芬兰人口为参照组进行了对比。牛津搭配〔resonator〕A hollow chamber or cavity with dimensions chosen to permit internal resonant oscillation of electromagnetic or acoustical waves of specific frequencies.共振腔:具有容积的空室或空腔,可允许在某一频率下的电磁波或声波产生内部共振振荡美国传统〔selective〕Electronics Able to reject frequencies other than the one selected or tuned.【电子学】 选择性的:能够排斥非选择的或非调谐频率的美国传统〔sideband〕Either of the two bands of frequencies, one just above and one just below a carrier frequency, that result from modulation of a carrier wave.边(频)带:两个频率带之中的任何一个,一个恰好高于且另一个恰好低于载体的频率,因载体的电波调制造成的美国传统〔tone control〕A circuit or device in an amplifier designed to increase or decrease the amplification in a specific frequency range without affecting other frequencies.音调调切(器):扬声器中用来升高或降低某个特定波段而不影响其它波段扬声效果的线路或装置美国传统〔transmit〕The radio transmits on two different frequencies.这台收音机能播送两种不同频率的信号。韦氏高阶〔transparent〕Permeable to electromagnetic radiation of specified frequencies, as to visible light or radio waves.可透过的:可以让某些频率的电磁辐射通过的,如可见光或无线电波美国传统〔waveband〕A range of frequencies, especially radio frequencies, such as those assigned to communication transmissions.波段:尤指收音机频率的频率的范围,如分配通讯传输的波段美国传统〔white noise〕Acoustical or electrical noise of which the intensity is the same at all frequencies within a given band.白噪音:音响或电力嗓音,在给定波段内所有频率上其强度都一样美国传统〔window〕A range of electromagnetic frequencies that pass unobstructed through a planetary atmosphere.电波反射装置:电磁波段能够不受阻碍地穿过行星大气层的一种电磁频率范围美国传统〔woofer〕A loudspeaker designed to reproduce bass frequencies.低频扬声器:设计用来再现低音频率的扬声器美国传统Radio station frequencies are often given in terms of kilohertz.电台的频率常常以千赫为单位。剑桥国际The atoms in diamonds vibrate at very high frequencies.钻石中的原子以很高的频率振动。剑桥国际This radio station broadcasts on three different frequencies. 这家电台以三种不同的频率广播。译典通

