
单词 draw
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔-lined〕Letters have come from prisoners, declaring that they would draw the line at hitting an old lady.已经有囚犯写信来,宣称就连他们也绝对不会殴打老太太。柯林斯高阶〔ATTENTION〕Aides to the Prime Minister tried to avoid drawing public attention to the speech. 首相助理试图避免吸引公众对演说的关注。朗文写作活用〔ATTRACT/ATTRACTION〕The football game is expected to draw a crowd of around 50,000. 预计这场足球赛能吸引约五万名观众。朗文写作活用〔FINISH〕The long hot summer was drawing to an end. 漫长炎热的夏天就要过去了。朗文写作活用〔LOGO〕A programming language developed for teaching young children. Elementary exercises involve drawing geometric shapes.LOGO教学语言:一种用于幼儿教学的计算机程序语言。其中的初级训练包括绘制几何图形美国传统〔PURPOSE〕My purpose in writing this book was to draw attention to the problem of global warming. 我写此书的目的是引起人们对全球变暖问题的关注。朗文写作活用〔REFUSE〕Our rules about time-keeping are fairly flexible, but we have to draw the line somewhere. 我们对准时上班的规定是相当灵活的,但也得有个限度。朗文写作活用〔SHUT〕Let's draw the curtains. We don't want people looking in. 把窗帘拉上吧,我们不想外面的人看进来。朗文写作活用〔TIDY〕Draw a rough diagram -- it doesn't have to be very neat. 画一张粗略的图表,不必画得很工整。朗文写作活用〔TIME〕These accounts are drawn up for a period of 52 weeks. 这些是为期52个星期的账目。朗文写作活用〔also〕Khaled is a keen photographer who also loves to draw and paint.哈立德是个触觉敏锐的摄影师,还喜欢画画。麦克米伦高阶〔attention〕They're organizing a campaign to draw people's attention to the environmentally harmful effects of using their cars.他们正在组织一场运动,目的是使人们意识到开车对环境造成的危害。剑桥高阶〔battler〕The battle lines were drawn after the government refused to budge from its final offer.政府拒绝改变其最后条件之后,双方对立态势趋向明朗。柯林斯高阶〔best〕A draw seems the best they can hope for.看来他们顶多只能指望打个平局了。柯林斯高阶〔blood〕We need to draw some blood to test you for the virus.我们需要为你抽血检查病毒。韦氏高阶〔bock beer〕A strong dark beer, the first that is drawn from the vats in springtime.博克啤酒:在春季时最先从酒缸中取出的一种黑啤酒美国传统〔box〕Draw a box around your answer.在你的答案上画个方框美国传统〔breath〕Give me a minute to draw breath, won't you? 让我歇会喘口气,行吗?剑桥高阶〔brickbat〕The plan has drawn both brickbats and praise.对这个计划褒贬不一。朗文当代〔call〕Let's call the game a draw. I'd hardly call him a good manager.就称这比赛是练习吧。我很难称他为一位好的经理美国传统〔cariole〕A small, open, two- or four-wheeled carriage drawn by one horse.敞篷小马车:一种由一匹马拉的敞篷二轮或四轮小马车美国传统〔centralize〕To draw into or toward a center; consolidate.使集中:拖入或引向一中心;集中起来美国传统〔close〕The time for a decision is drawing closer.做决定的时刻越来越近了。韦氏高阶〔code〕The Textile Services Association has drawn up a code of practice endorsed by the Office of Fair Trading.纺织企业协会起草了一份行业规范,得到了公平贸易部的认可。朗文当代〔colour in〕Draw simple shapes for your child to colour in.为你的孩子画点简单图形, 让他上色。外研社新世纪〔colour in〕Draw simple shapes for your child to colour in.画一些简单的形状让孩子涂上颜色。柯林斯高阶〔colour〕I'll draw a tree and you can colour it in.我来画一棵树,你给它涂上颜色。牛津高阶〔conclusion〕People will no doubt draw their own conclusions.毫无疑问, 人们会得出自己的结论。外研社新世纪〔connection〕Kierkegaard draws a connection between anxiety and free will.克尔恺郭尔描述出焦虑和自由意志之间的联系。牛津搭配〔controversial〕Controversial plans for reform are being drawn up.有争议的改革计划正在起草过程中。外研社新世纪〔coolant〕An agent that produces cooling, especially a fluid that draws off heat by circulating through an engine or by bathing a mechanical part.冷却剂:一种用来冷却的制剂,尤指通过在发动机中流动或通过冲洗某个机械部件从而带走热量的液体美国传统〔corkscrew〕A device for drawing corks from bottles, consisting of a pointed metal spiral attached to a handle.拔塞钻:有柄的尖头螺旋形金属器具,用以拔出瓶塞美国传统〔crayon〕The drawing is done in crayon.这幅画是用蜡笔画的。韦氏高阶〔curtain〕Draw the curtains and put the light on.拉上窗帘麦克米伦高阶〔diagram〕Draw a simple diagram of the leaf structure.画一张树叶结构简图。牛津搭配〔draftswoman〕A woman who draws, especially an artist.女画家:女绘画人,尤指艺术家美国传统〔drag〕To draw on a cigarette, pipe, or cigar.点燃:抽香烟、烟斗或雪茄美国传统〔draw ... up〕His car began to draw up.他的汽车开始赶上来了。21世纪英汉〔draw a veil over sth〕Yes, well I think we'll just draw a veil over what went on last night.是啊,我想昨晚发生的事情我们就不要提了。剑桥高阶〔draw away〕Mary has drawn away lately.近来玛丽不合群(或不与人往来)。21世纪英汉〔draw from〕The moral to be drawn from this story is that keeping faith is best.从这个故事中受到的教益是,守信最可贵。21世纪英汉〔draw in〕The autumn evenings are drawing in.秋天的黄昏逐渐变短。21世纪英汉〔draw in〕You gradually fall under the spell and get drawn in deeper and deeper.你会渐渐着魔,越陷越深。柯林斯高阶〔draw on/upon〕Her new book draws on her personal experience as a firefighter.她的新书中借用了她当消防队员的个人经历。韦氏高阶〔draw out〕She tried to draw the frightened child out by asking him questions about his toys.她试图让那个受惊吓的小孩开口说话,问了几个有关他的玩具的问题。韦氏高阶〔draw out〕The reporter had an ability to draw out people.这名记者擅长引导人畅所欲言。韦氏高阶〔drawee〕The party on which an order for the payment of money is drawn.受票人:收到别人开立汇款单的人美国传统〔drawing〕I am not good at drawing.我不善于画画。英汉大词典〔drawing〕I'm not very good at drawing.我不善于画画。麦克米伦高阶〔drawn〕She looked drawn and tired when she returned.她回来的时候看起来既憔悴又疲惫。外研社新世纪〔drawn〕She looked pale and drawn after her ordeal.磨难过后,她脸色苍白而憔悴。剑桥高阶〔draw〕Draw up a list of all the things you want to do.把你要做的所有事情都拟在一张单子上。朗文当代〔draw〕A dogfight has a powerful draw for small boys.狗打架对小男孩有很强的吸引力。英汉大词典〔draw〕Another celebration had drawn to its close.又一场庆典结束了。柯林斯高阶〔draw〕Aston Villa have drawn a Czech team in the first round of the UEFA Cup.欧洲联盟杯首轮阿斯顿维拉队抽到了一支捷克球队。柯林斯高阶〔draw〕Beth felt strangely drawn to this gentle stranger.被这个温文尔雅的陌生人所吸引,贝丝感觉很奇怪。朗文当代〔draw〕Customers can draw up to £250 a day from most accounts.对于大多数账户,客户每天至多可以从中提取250英镑。麦克米伦高阶〔draw〕He draws two conclusions from this.他从这件事中得出两个结论。柯林斯高阶〔draw〕He draws very well.他绘画很不错。牛津搭配〔draw〕He came towards them with his sword drawn.他手持出鞘的剑向他们走来。牛津高阶〔draw〕He has to draw spades first in order to make the contract.为了完成定约墩数,他得先吊黑桃。21世纪英汉〔draw〕He's a national treasure and our biggest tourist draw.他是我们的国宝,又是最吸引游客的人。英汉大词典〔draw〕Her retirement is drawing near.她快退休了。牛津高阶〔draw〕His gaze was drawn to the plaque.他的目光被那块匾吸引住了。英汉大词典〔draw〕I arrived just as the train was drawing into the station.火车正在进站时我到了。朗文当代〔draw〕I don't mind helping, but I draw the line at doing everything myself.我帮忙倒无所谓,但可不能什么事都让我做。牛津高阶〔draw〕I felt drawn to him.我对他有好感。英汉大词典〔draw〕I'd rather draw a veil over what happened last night.昨晚发生的事我还是不谈为好。朗文当代〔draw〕I've never been able to draw very well.我从来就画不好图画。朗文当代〔draw〕Jonathan can draw very well.乔纳森的画画得相当棒。剑桥高阶〔draw〕Let's draw for who will win.咱们拈阄决定谁赢。21世纪英汉〔draw〕My eye was drawn to a painting on the wall.墙上的一幅画引起了我的注意。朗文当代〔draw〕People with southern accents tend to draw out their vowels.南方口音的人往往会拉长元音。麦克米伦高阶〔draw〕San Marino held them to a goalless draw.圣马力诺队以 0 比 0 把他们逼平。牛津搭配〔draw〕She talks all the time and hardly stops to draw breath.她一直滔滔不绝,几乎没停下来喘口气。牛津高阶〔draw〕Some say 50 is too old to have a baby, but where do you draw the line? 有人说 50 岁生孩子年纪太大了,但这又有什么标准呢?朗文当代〔draw〕Someone had drawn a map of the island.有人画了一张该岛的地图。麦克米伦高阶〔draw〕The band always draws a large crowd.这个乐队总能引来大批听众。韦氏高阶〔draw〕The contract was drawn up last year.这份合同是去年拟定的。朗文当代〔draw〕The device draws gas along the pipe.这装置将气体顺着管子抽出来。牛津高阶〔draw〕The game is drawing big crowds.这场比赛吸引着大批观众。21世纪英汉〔draw〕The match ended in a draw .这场比赛以平局结束。朗文当代〔draw〕The pipe draws well.管道通风很好。韦氏高阶〔draw〕The project enables students to draw together their skills and experience.该项目使学生们能把他们的技能和经验汇聚起来。牛津搭配〔draw〕We delved through a sackful of letters to draw the winning name.我们把手探进一袋信件中抽取获奖者。柯林斯高阶〔draw〕Where do you draw the line between genius and madness? 天才和疯狂之间如何划界呢?牛津高阶〔draw〕You are now authorized to draw checks from the corporate account.经授权,你现在可以开支票从公司账户取款。韦氏高阶〔effuse〕The drawing room effused an atmosphere of unhappiness.客厅中流露出不愉快的气氛。英汉大词典〔eligible〕You are eligible to enter the £10,000 draw.你有资格参加这1万英镑的抽奖活动。外研社新世纪〔end〕The game ended in a draw.比赛以平局告终。剑桥高阶〔feint〕A feigned attack designed to draw defensive action away from an intended target.虚击,伪攻:设计好的将对方的保护行动从真实目标引开的虚击美国传统〔floor plan〕A scale diagram of a room or building drawn as if seen from above.平面底图:俯视房间或建筑物的比例图美国传统〔four-in-hand〕A vehicle drawn by four horses.四乘驾:由四匹马拉的马车美国传统〔frame〕A closed, often rectangular border of drawn or printed lines.边框:画或印刷的一封闭的通常呈矩形的线条美国传统〔frame〕The question was framed to draw only one answer.这个问题被限定只能有一个答案美国传统〔game of chance〕A game, usually played for money or stakes, in which the winner is determined by a chance event, as by drawing numbers or throwing dice.靠运气定胜负的比赛:一种常为钱或赌注而进行的比赛,比赛中获胜者全靠机会决定,一般采用抽签或掷骰子的方式美国传统〔grid〕They draw electricity from the National Grid.他们由国家电网供电。外研社新世纪〔gutsy〕I've always been drawn to tough, gutsy women.我总是为果敢坚毅的女性所吸引。柯林斯高阶〔hat〕The first 10 correct entries drawn out of the hat will win a pair of tickets, worth £20 each.随机抽取的前10位答对问题者每人可获得两张票, 每张价值20镑。外研社新世纪〔inborn〕The artist had an inborn talent for drawing.这位画家具有绘画天才。英汉大词典〔inference〕The inferences drawn from the data have led to major changes.根据这些资料推断出的结果引发了重大变革。外研社新世纪〔inference〕There were two inferences to be drawn from her letter.由她的信可以得出两个结论。柯林斯高阶〔item〕The most valuable item on show will be a Picasso drawing.展览会上最贵重的展品是毕加索的一幅素描。柯林斯高阶〔job lot〕The Michelangelo drawing was bought as part of a job lot for £40 in 1942.这幅米开朗琪罗的素描是1942年花40英镑连同一批杂货一起买下的。外研社新世纪〔keep〕Draw the curtain to keep the sun off.拉上窗帘遮住阳光。英汉大词典〔knit〕To draw (the brows) together in wrinkles; furrow.皱(眉):收紧(眉毛)成纹状;使起皱纹美国传统〔languish〕New products languish on the drawing board.新产品停留在设计阶段无人理睬。外研社新世纪〔let ... down〕He let down a bucket into the well to draw water.他把吊桶放进井里打水。21世纪英汉〔line〕Sometimes he found it hard to draw the line between work and pleasure.有时候他觉得工作和娱乐之间很难划清界线。朗文当代〔loft〕Nautical To lay out a full-size drawing of (the parts of a ship's hull, for example).【航海】 展示(例如船的外壳)详细尺寸的图纸美国传统〔long drawn out〕A long drawn out war would likely deepen and prolong the recession.一场旷日持久的战争很可能会使衰退程度加剧,时间延长。柯林斯高阶〔lot〕For the first time in a World Cup finals, lots had to be drawn to decide who would finish second and third.这是世界杯决赛首次用抽签的方法来决定亚军和季军。柯林斯高阶〔make for〕The sentry made straight for him with a drawn sword.哨兵拔剑向他直扑过去。21世纪英汉〔map〕I'll draw you a quick map if you're worried about finding the hotel.如果你担心找不到那家旅馆,我给你画张简单的示意图。剑桥高阶〔margin〕Draw a margin down the left-hand side.在左边画一条边界线。外研社新世纪〔milk〕To draw milk from a female mammal.挤奶:从雌性哺乳动物身上挤奶美国传统〔notary〕This agreement was drawn up and verified by a notary.这份协议草拟之后经过了公证员的公证。剑桥高阶〔parallel〕Friends of the dead lawyer were quick to draw a parallel between the two murders.遇害律师的朋友们快速地对两起谋杀案作了比较。外研社新世纪〔parchment〕A written text or drawing on a sheet of this material.羊皮纸文稿:这种材料上的书面文字或图画美国传统〔pass〕A refusal to bid, draw, bet, or play.弃权:拒绝叫牌、抽牌、下赌或玩美国传统〔pelmet〕Workmen were re-gilding the cornice and pelmets in the drawing room.工匠们正在给客厅的檐口和窗帘盒重新刷金色。外研社新世纪〔picture〕Draw a picture of your house.画一张你家房子的图。韦氏高阶〔picture〕The children were asked to draw pictures of their houses.孩子们被要求画一画他们的房子。外研社新世纪〔pole〕The meridian is an imaginary line drawn from pole to pole.子午线是从极点到极点的一条假想线。牛津搭配〔proportion〕Reduce the drawing so that all the elements stay in proportion.缩小这幅画以使各部分保持协调。朗文当代〔puff〕An act of drawing in and expelling the breath, as in smoking tobacco.吞云吐雾:如吸烟时吸入和呼出的行为美国传统〔quadriga〕A two-wheeled chariot drawn by four horses abreast.四马并拉双轮战车:由四匹马并肩拉的两轮战车美国传统〔quagmire〕We have no intention of being drawn into a political quagmire.我们无意卷入一场政治困境。柯林斯高阶〔radius〕The new museum is expected to draw people from a wide radius.新博物馆有望吸引周边大范围的民众。韦氏高阶〔reading〕He draws his morality from a literal reading of the Old Testament.他的道德观来自于对《圣经・旧约》字面的理解。牛津搭配〔register〕She was asked to draw up a register of suitable sites.要求她编制一份合适地点的清单。牛津搭配〔rematch〕The two men boxed a draw and were rematched in Las Vegas five months later.这两个人的拳击比赛战成平局, 被安排于五个月后在拉斯维加斯再战。外研社新世纪〔rendering〕A drawing in perspective of a proposed structure.透视图:以透视画法绘出的拟建建筑物的图案美国传统〔resource〕Often resources An available supply that can be drawn on when needed. 常作 resources 资源:需要时可供提取使用的供应美国传统〔rough〕His first plans were drawn up in rough.他最初的计划是草草拟就的。剑桥高阶〔said〕There's something to say in his drawing.在他的画中似乎要表达什么情感。21世纪英汉〔save〕He couldn't draw to save his life! 他无论如何也不会画画!朗文当代〔scale〕The plan of the building is not drawn to scale.大楼的平面图画得不合比例。牛津搭配〔scrape through〕If we can get a draw, we might scrape through.我们如果打成平局, 就有可能勉强出线。外研社新世纪〔seed〕To arrange (the drawing for positions in a tournament) so that the more skilled contestants meet in the later rounds.安排:安排(比赛项目中的抽签)从而使较优秀的队员或参赛者在较后的几轮比赛中相遇美国传统〔shade〕Don't put in too much shade when you are drawing.你画图时别把阴影部分画得太多。英汉大词典〔sharply〕That ruling had drawn sharp criticism from civil rights groups.那项判决已遭到了民权组织的严厉批评。柯林斯高阶〔show up〕We expected every drawing exercise to show us up as hopeless artists.我们预计每次素描练习都会令我们看上去像是不成气候的艺术家。柯林斯高阶〔soigné〕The soigné duchess received her guests in the drawing room.优雅的公爵夫人在起居室接待了她的客人们美国传统〔spare time〕I do a lot of drawing in my spare time.我的业余时间多用来画画。外研社新世纪〔spin〕To draw out and twist (fibers) into thread.纺:将(纤维)拉且捻成线美国传统〔stipple〕To draw, engrave, or paint in dots or short strokes.点刻法:以点或短线条来绘画或雕刻美国传统〔strand〕Plato draws all the strands of the argument together.柏拉图把各个论点归结到一起。朗文当代〔stump〕A short, pointed roll of leather or paper or wad of rubber for rubbing on a charcoal or pencil drawing to shade or soften it.擦笔:作铅笔画或炭画时用的来打阴影的一卷短而尖的皮革、纸张或一块用来擦铅笔画或炭画的橡皮美国传统〔suck〕To draw (liquid) into the mouth by movements of the tongue and lips that create suction.吮吸,吸入:依靠舌和唇的运动产生的吸力而将(液体)吸入口中美国传统〔suck〕To draw in by or as if by a current in a fluid.吸入:通过或似通过流体中的一股流动力而吸入美国传统〔sulky〕A light, open two-wheeled vehicle accommodating only the driver and drawn by one horse, used especially in harness racing.单座两轮马车:一种轻便的两轮敞篷马车,只有一个供驾车人坐的座位,由一匹马拉,特别用于快步马驾车比赛美国传统〔superintend〕During the interval, Linton superintended a prize draw.中间休息时, 林顿组织了一次抽奖。外研社新世纪〔syringe〕A medical instrument used to inject fluids into the body or draw them from it.注射器:用于把液体注入身体或把液体从身体中抽出的医学器械美国传统〔tangential〕Draw a line tangential to the circle.画一条与圆相切的线。英汉大词典〔tap water〕Water drawn directly from a tap or faucet.自来水:直接从水龙头或塞中流出来的水美国传统〔tight〕Every muscle in her face was drawn tight.她脸上每一块肌肉都绷得紧紧的。牛津搭配〔time〕My time is drawing near.我快死了。英汉大词典〔touch〕To draw with light strokes.用轻轻的笔触画出美国传统〔trace〕Did you draw this picture yourself, or did you trace it? 这幅画是你自己画的,还是你描摹的?剑桥高阶〔trailer〕A furnished van drawn by a truck or an automobile and used when parked as a dwelling or an office.汽车拖的活动房屋:由卡车或汽车牵引的经过装修的轻型车,停下来时可用作住所或办公室美国传统〔trash〕He threw a valuable drawing out, thinking it was trash.他把一幅珍贵的绘画丢了,认为不过是垃圾作品。剑桥高阶〔troika〕A Russian carriage drawn by a team of three horses abreast.三驾马车:由三匹马并肩拉的俄国式马车美国传统〔tusche〕A black liquid used for drawing in lithography and as a resist in etching and silk-screen work.制版墨:一种供平版印刷绘制图像,以及在腐蚀和丝网印刷时作耐蚀膜用的黑色液体美国传统〔upon〕They draw upon their experience to educate and guide new companies.他们靠自己的经验来培养和指导新公司。麦克米伦高阶〔uptake〕A passage for drawing up smoke or air.上风井,上风烟道:发散烟或空气的通道美国传统〔veil〕I'll draw a discreet veil over the rest of the proceedings.我会不动声色地将其余的会议记录藏起来。牛津搭配〔venturi〕A constricted throat in the air passage of a carburetor, causing a reduction in pressure that results in fuel vapor being drawn out of the carburetor bowl.文丘里管:汽化器空气通道中的一段喉管,导致压力减小从而把燃料的蒸气抽出汽化器的碗状部分美国传统〔victory〕The Dutch champions were denied victory in a tough 2-2 draw at Porto.荷兰冠军队在波尔图一番苦战,结果以 2 比 2 打成平局,与胜利无缘。牛津搭配〔wager〕Some £36 million has been wagered on tonight's lottery draw.今晚抽彩的赌注约3,600万英镑。麦克米伦高阶〔waver〕She draws another wavering breath.她颤抖着又吸了口气。柯林斯高阶〔winner〕And to find out who are the lucky winners of our competition, Samantha is going to draw some names out of the bag.看看谁是我们竞赛中幸运的获胜者,萨曼莎将从袋子中抽出一些名字。剑桥高阶〔working〕Igave him a revised working drawing showing greater detail.我给了他一张修改过的比较可行的草图,展示了更详细的细节。麦克米伦高阶〔world〕Man was drawing closer to the stars, opening new worlds.人类在接近各个星球,探索新的天体。柯林斯高阶Draw a diagonal line to divide the square into two triangles. 画一条对角线,把正方形分成两个三角形。译典通Draw a perpendicular (= a perpendicular line) from the vertex of the triangle to its base.从三角形的顶点划一条垂线到底边。剑桥国际Draw a rule under the table of figures.在数字表格下方画一条直线。牛津商务Children often draw without perspective. 小孩子画画常常不管透视法。译典通Eisenstein was the first to draw up and codify a formal aesthetics for the cinema.爱森斯坦是第一个拟定并整理出一套正规的电影美学的人。剑桥国际He'll have to draw in his horns now he's lost his job.他在失业后不得不减少生活开支。剑桥国际I had to stop my bike half way up the hill to draw breath.到了半山,我不得不停下自行车,歇口气。剑桥国际If it is a genuine Michelangelo drawing, it will sell for millions.如果它真的是米开朗基罗的原画,可卖到几百万元。剑桥国际If you draw or write in pencil you can always rub out your mistakes with an eraser.如果你用铅笔写字或画画,你总能用块橡皮擦掉你的错误。剑桥国际If you want to draw a straight line, use a ruler.如果你想画一条直线的话就用一把尺子。剑桥国际Increased use of oil by refineries accounted for some, but not all, of the stock draw.炼油厂日益增加的石油用量是动用库存的一个原因,而不是全部原因。牛津商务It would be easy to draw a parallel between the town's history and that of its football club (= to make a comparison in order to show their similarity).把这个城镇的历史和它的足球俱乐部的历史做个比较就容易发现其相似之处。剑桥国际Just draw up (= drive to one side and stop) here and I'll get out.就停在这里吧,我在这儿下。剑桥国际Picture messaging on cellphones will be a big draw for consumers.手机彩信对消费者会很有吸引力牛津商务Please draw cheques in favour of ‘Highland Glassware’.请开立一张收款人为 Highland Glassware 的支票。牛津商务Seeing her features pale and drawn, he put his arms around her.看到她苍白憔悴的脸色,他用双臂搂住了她。剑桥国际The cheque was drawn on his personal account.这张支票由他的个人账户付款。牛津商务The company was forced to draw on credit lines as its finances worsened.公司因财政状况恶化被迫动用信贷限额。牛津商务The factory's workforce reflects the ethnic mix from which it draws its labour.工厂的员工反映出劳动力来源的种族混杂情况。剑桥国际The time is fast drawing near/approaching when (= it will soon be the particular point at which) we'll have to make a decision one way or the other.我们必须用某种方法作出决定的时刻很快就临近了。剑桥国际There are two prizes to be won and in the event of there being three or more valid claims, the winners will be decided by a draw.要颁发两项奖,但有三个或三个以上的人有资格申请,获奖者将按抽签决定。剑桥国际They can draw down on the loan at any time.他们可以随时提取贷款。牛津商务They had orders to draw off the army. 他们接到命令撤走部队。译典通We need to draw their fire away from (=make them fire at something other than) the hospital.我们需要将他们的火力从医院引开。剑桥国际We're about to draw the winning card, ladies and gentlemen, so please look at your raffle tickets.女士们先生们,我们就要抽出获奖的卡片了,所以请看一看你们手中的彩券。剑桥国际We've drawn up (= decided) a short list for the job.我们确定了供最后筛选任这个职位的名单。剑桥国际

