
单词 course
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ABD〕A candidate for a doctorate who has completed all the requirements for the degree, such as courses and examinations, with the exception of the dissertation.准博士:除论文外的取得学历证书所必须的一切条件,如课程和考试,都已具备的博士候选人美国传统〔ACCEPT〕In the US, people have come to accept that they will probably have several different jobs over the course of their career. 在美国,人们终于接受了他们在职业生涯中可能会换好几份工作的这个事实。朗文写作活用〔AFTER〕Next week I'm going on a training course in Seaford. 下个星期我要去锡福德上培训班。朗文写作活用〔BELIEVE〕Kim, of course, disbelieved every word the boy said. 金当然不相信那个孩子所说的话。朗文写作活用〔CHARACTER〕Information on employment is a central feature of this training course. 这门培训课程的主要特色是招聘信息。朗文写作活用〔DIRECTION〕The captain decided to change the ship's course to avoid the storm. 船长决定改变航向以避开风暴。朗文写作活用〔EFFICIENT/NOT EFFICIENT〕The course is designed to help you improve your effectiveness in managing people. 这门课程的目的是帮助你提高管理能力。朗文写作活用〔ENJOY〕The course was really hard work but it was fun. 这课程很难,但是很有乐趣。朗文写作活用〔REPEAT〕He decided to retake the course and try to get a higher grade. 他决定去重考这门课以获得更好的成绩。朗文写作活用〔SAVE〕I'm paying for the course out of my own savings. 我是用自己的积蓄上这门课的。朗文写作活用〔SCHOOL/UNIVERSITY〕Anyone with a high school diploma can enroll in the course. 凡有高中文凭者均可报读这门课程。朗文写作活用〔SUBJECT〕I've decided to do a course in aromatherapy. 我决定上一门芳香疗法课程。朗文写作活用〔advanced〕The school has courses for elementary, intermediate, and advanced students.学校开设有针对初级、中级和高级学生的课程。韦氏高阶〔agreed〕We were agreed on the best course of action.对于最佳的行动方针,我们意见一致。文馨英汉〔anonymity〕Of course, that would have to be by anonymous vote.当然,那必须通过不记名投票的方式。柯林斯高阶〔anyway〕Her parents were opposed to her giving up her course, but she did it anyway.她父母反对她放弃学业,但她还是没有听。剑桥高阶〔area〕The course covers three main subject areas .这门课程涵盖三大学科领域。朗文当代〔ask〕I am writing to ask for some information about courses.我写信是想了解关于课程的情况。牛津高阶〔background〕Students with a background in chemistry will probably find the course easier.有化学背景的学生可能会觉得这门课程容易些。朗文当代〔base〕The speculation, of course, could be totally off base.当然, 推测可能会完全错误。外研社新世纪〔bind〕This puts the politicians in a bind as to what course to take.这使政治家们左右为难,不知道该如何处理。柯林斯高阶〔bloody〕Of course not, you bloody idiot! 当然不是这样,你这该死的傻瓜!英汉大词典〔bound〕The kids are out late, so of course she's bound to worry.孩子们很晚了还外出未归,她当然是会担心的。麦克米伦高阶〔boy〕Why, my dear boy, of course I want to see you.嗨,老兄,我当然想见你了。韦氏高阶〔breeze〕Though he spent more time on sports than studies, he breezed through his pre-med courses.虽然他花在运动上的时间比学习上要多,但他轻而易举地通过了医大预科各项课程。英汉大词典〔broken〕A broken blue line means the course of a waterless valley.蓝色虚线代表无水流过的山谷。柯林斯高阶〔caring〕The course is also suitable for those in the caring professions.本门课程同样适合护理业从业人士学习。柯林斯高阶〔cellular〕Researchers are observing the course of the disease at the cellular level.研究者正在从细胞阶段观察这种疾病的发展进程。韦氏高阶〔change〕Owing to bad weather the plane had to change its course.由于天气恶劣,飞机不得不更改航线。英汉大词典〔chart〕On this map we have charted the course of the Helford River.在这张地图上我们绘制出了赫尔福德河的流向。外研社新世纪〔concern〕Academics and employers are deeply concerned that students are not sufficiently prepared mathematically for university courses.学生掌握的数学知识不足以应付大学课程,这让大学老师和用人单位非常担心。柯林斯高阶〔cordon bleu〕I took a cordon bleu cookery course.我修了高级厨艺课程。外研社新世纪〔correspondence course〕I took a correspondence course in computing.我修了一门计算机函授课程。外研社新世纪〔count towards〕In many courses, work from the second year onwards can count towards the final degree.在很多课程中,从第二年开始的学习成绩将会影响最终学位。柯林斯高阶〔course〕England are well on course for a place at the World Cup Finals.英格兰队很可能打进世界杯决赛。外研社新世纪〔course〕He's seen many changes in the course of his long life.他在漫长的一生中目睹了许许多多的变化。牛津高阶〔course〕Her career followed a similar course to her sister's.她的事业发展过程和她姐姐的很相像。牛津搭配〔course〕In the course of (= during) the interview it became clear that he was not the right person for the job.面试表明他并不适合这份工作。剑桥高阶〔course〕In the course of time, I began to understand.终于我开始明白了。牛津搭配〔course〕It was one of those ideas that change the course of history.这是那些改变历史进程的观点之一。外研社新世纪〔course〕Of course we'll be there. We wouldn't miss it for the world! 我们肯定会在那里,无论如何我们都不会错过!韦氏高阶〔course〕Over the course of the next few years, the steel industry was reorganized.在接下来的几年里,钢铁工业进行了重组。朗文当代〔course〕The course runs from January till March.这门课程的上课日期为 1 月到 3 月。牛津搭配〔course〕The blood courses through the veins.血液在血管中流动。文馨英汉〔course〕The boats coursed along the west bank of the river.小船沿着河的西岸前进。21世纪英汉〔course〕The captain had to change course quickly.船长只得快速掉转航向。麦克米伦高阶〔course〕The company is on course for profits of £20m in the next financial year.该公司有望在下一个财年实现2,000万英镑的盈利。柯林斯高阶〔course〕The defendants are also accused of attempting to pervert the course of justice.被告还被指控企图妨碍司法公正。剑桥高阶〔course〕The doctor prescribed a 10-day course of antibiotics.医生开了个疗程为10天的抗生素处方。韦氏高阶〔course〕The new textbook is in course of preparation.新的教科书正在准备之中。牛津高阶〔course〕The plane resumed its original course.飞机重又按其最初的航线飞行。牛津搭配〔course〕The ship was blown off course by a storm.这艘船被暴风雨吹离了航向。韦氏高阶〔course〕The two planes were on a collision course.这两架飞机在会导致相撞的航线上飞行。牛津搭配〔course〕The unexpected course of events aroused considerable alarm.意外的事态发展引起了相当大的恐慌。牛津高阶〔course〕Well of course I love you.我当然是爱你的。朗文当代〔course〕You can pay by cheque, assuming of course you have a valid cheque card.你可以用支票来支付,不过当然你必须有一张有效的支票卡。朗文当代〔crash course〕Crash courses in Arabic were arranged.安排了一些阿拉伯语速成班。外研社新世纪〔daily〕It is simply not possible to forget that you are fat when the daily round is an obstacle course of reminders.如果你每天都不断被提醒你胖, 想要忘记这个事实是不可能的。外研社新世纪〔deflect from〕The bullet struck a wall and was deflected from its course.枪弹打在墙上,跳飞了。21世纪英汉〔design〕This course is primarily designed as an introduction to the subject.这门课程开设的主要目的是教授这门学科的概论。牛津高阶〔discretionary〕Check whether you are entitled to a discretionary grant for your course.确定你是否有权酌情行事。柯林斯高阶〔discretionary〕You may be eligible for a discretionary grant for your university course.读大学课程可能会有资格获得学校自行决定是否发放的助学金。牛津高阶〔drill〕Recruits are drilled in basic techniques over the five-day course.新兵接受为期五天的基本技能训练。牛津高阶〔drop〕I'm going to drop my calculus class and take a biology course instead.我打算不上微积分课,而去上生物课。韦氏高阶〔duffer〕We joined the other duffers at the course.我们在这块高尔夫球场跟其他水平不高的人一起打球。韦氏高阶〔duty〕Police officers are often injured in the course of their duties.警官们在执勤时经常受伤。麦克米伦高阶〔démarche〕A course of action; a maneuver.手段:行动的过程;方案美国传统〔ease〕Conditions eased dramatically in the course of the afternoon.一下午的时间里, 天气情况一下子就好转了。外研社新世纪〔ejaculate〕You may of course ejaculate to that thing if you like.对那件事,你当然可以想说什么就说什么。21世纪英汉〔elective〕An optional academic course or subject.选修的科目:选修课程或课题美国传统〔enrol〕He had gone to college to enrol on an art course.他已去大学注册学习一门艺术课程。外研社新世纪〔enrol〕She enrolled on a local Women Into Management course.她注册学习当地的“女性参与管理”课程。柯林斯高阶〔entrée〕A dish served in formal dining immediately before the main course or between two principal courses.小菜:正式宴会在两道正菜之前或之间的菜美国传统〔essentials〕The basic course covers the essentials of setting up your own company.这一基础课程涵盖了自己开公司的关键要点。牛津搭配〔exaggeratedly〕They should be sceptical of exaggerated claims for what such courses can achieve.对于那些课程能够取得何等成果的夸大宣传,他们应该持怀疑态度。柯林斯高阶〔fabrication〕Of course, it might all be complete fabrication.当然,这也许全都是编造出来的。朗文当代〔fashion〕Application for the course can be made in the normal fashion.申请修这门课程可以按正常方式进行。牛津搭配〔fault〕Any faults or omissions are, of course, my own.当然, 任何错误或疏忽都是我自己造成的。外研社新世纪〔figure of eight〕The course covered a figure of eight.滑出了一个8字形。外研社新世纪〔final〕The last examination of an academic course.最后一次考试:一门学术课程的最后考试美国传统〔fit sb up〕Of course she didn't do it - someone fitted her up.她当然没做那件事——有人诬陷她。剑桥高阶〔follow〕The Lot river follows a winding and tortuous course.洛特河的河道蜿蜒曲折。柯林斯高阶〔gain〕I don't think there's anything to be gained from this course of action.我认为这种做法不会带来什么好处。牛津搭配〔gamut〕The course covers a wide gamut of subjects.该课程涉及范围广,涵盖许多学科。牛津搭配〔get〕I got a lot of pleasure from meeting the people on my course.我从结识选修我课程的那些人中感受到了许多乐趣。外研社新世纪〔golden mean〕The course between extremes.中庸之道:介于两个极端之间的路线美国传统〔goof〕In the course of taping a show, there are always a few minor technical goofs.在录制节目的过程中, 总会出现一些小的技术差错。外研社新世纪〔go〕Of course we want to go back some day—it's our country, our real home.我们当然希望有一天能回去,那是我们的祖国,我们真正的家。牛津高阶〔grounding〕The aim of the course is to give students a thorough grounding in English pronunciation.这门课的教学目标是要让学生彻底掌握英语发音的基本功。朗文当代〔head start〕The reading course is designed to give young children a head start.开设阅读课是为了让年幼的孩子们在起跑线上就领先。麦克米伦高阶〔history〕These events changed the course of history.这些事件改变了历史的进程。牛津高阶〔humanity〕He's taking courses in both the sciences and the humanities.他正在兼修自然科学和人文学科的课程。韦氏高阶〔indicate〕A course of chemotherapy was indicated.建议进行化疗。牛津高阶〔individual〕Each course has to be tailored to the needs of the individual.每门课程都必须根据个人的需要而设计。牛津搭配〔inimitable〕The major box office attraction was, of course, the inimitable Peter Hunningale.无人能比的彼得·亨宁格尔自然是主要的票房吸引力所在。柯林斯高阶〔intention〕A course of action that one intends to follow.意向,意图:想要追随的行动方向美国传统〔jolt〕Determination to pursue his own course was jolted badly.他想走自己的路的决心突遭粗暴干涉。英汉大词典〔labour〕I laboured at the English course for two years.我刻苦攻读了两年英语。英汉大词典〔lady〕Of course I remember Mrs Connor - she was a real lady.我当然记得康纳太太—— 她是个真正的淑女。剑桥高阶〔lane〕A prescribed course for ships or aircraft.航道:船或飞机的规定路线美国传统〔lap〕To get ahead of (an opponent) in a race by one or more complete circuits of the course.领先:在赛跑时领先(对手)一圈或多圈美国传统〔lay〕To make a stopover in the course of a journey.落脚:在旅行过程中停留美国传统〔leading〕Tutors from minority backgrounds had a leading influence in drafting the course.有少数民族背景的教师在课程设计中发挥了主导作用。外研社新世纪〔lesson〕The course book is divided into 30 lessons.这本教科书分为 30 课。牛津高阶〔limited〕We offer a limited number of free places on the course.这门课程我们提供了数量有限的免费座位。麦克米伦高阶〔little〕Little did I know that the course of my life was about to change.当时我一点也没有想到,我的人生即将发生变化。朗文当代〔luck〕Of course it's all luck.当然, 这纯属运气。外研社新世纪〔midcourse〕The middle point of a course or a course of action.中间点;中间阶段:一个过程或者行动过程的中间点美国传统〔nearness〕He completed the lengthy course some three seconds faster than his nearest rival, Jonathon Ford.他比劲敌乔纳森·福特少用了大概3秒钟完成了漫长的赛程。柯林斯高阶〔need〕Training courses are held in London as the need arises (=whenever it is necessary) .必要时在伦敦开办培训课程。朗文当代〔northwestward〕The storm will follow a northwestward course.暴风雨将沿西北方向移动。韦氏高阶〔obligation〕A social, legal, or moral requirement, such as a duty, contract, or promise that compels one to follow or avoid a particular course of action.义务,责任:社会、法律或道德要求,如强迫某人服从或避免某些特定行为的义务、合约或诺言美国传统〔of course〕He found out in the end, of course.自然,最后他发现了。麦克米伦高阶〔of course〕Of course I'll help you.我当然会帮助你。朗文当代〔part〕The course is part funded by the European Commission.这个课程由欧洲委员会部份出资赞助。牛津高阶〔par〕He said long hours are par for the course.他说时间之久是意料之中的。柯林斯高阶〔pass〕You will need at least three passes to get onto the course.你至少需要三门及格才能上这门课。朗文当代〔pathway〕The course offers students a pathway to employment.这门课程为学生提供了一条就业之路。外研社新世纪〔pay for〕Of course, I'm quite willing to pay for the lost bike.当然,遗失了自行车我愿意赔偿。21世纪英汉〔permit〕Employees are permitted to use the golf course during their free hours.准许雇员在业余时间使用高尔夫球场。柯林斯高阶〔playable〕Changes have been made to make the golf course more playable.对高尔夫球场进行了一些改造以更适合比赛。韦氏高阶〔plot〕We plotted a course across the Pacific.我们绘制出一条穿越太平洋的航线。朗文当代〔plug (sth) in/plug (sth) into sth〕Of course the radio isn't working - you haven't plugged it in! 你没有插电源,收音机当然不响了!剑桥高阶〔positive〕If the test is positive, a course of antibiotics may be prescribed.如果化验结果呈阳性,可能会开一个疗程的抗生素。柯林斯高阶〔prepare〕This course prepares students for middle and senior managerial positions.这门课旨在使学生在将来能够胜任中、高级管理职位。剑桥高阶〔prerequisite〕A reasonable proficiency in English is a prerequisite for the course.掌握一定程度的英语是学习这门课程的先决条件。朗文当代〔priority〕A young person who has finished the course will be given priority over one who has not.修完课程的年轻人将比没有修完的获得优先考虑。朗文当代〔process〕Law The entire course of a judicial proceeding.【法律】 诉讼程序:司法程序的全过程美国传统〔prognosis〕A prediction of the probable course and outcome of a disease.预后:对疾病的发作及结果的预言美国传统〔proposition〕She was propositioned several times in the course of the evening.整个晚上有人几次向她提出非分要求21世纪英汉〔pursue〕The ship pursued a northern course.这条船向北航行。英汉大词典〔put〕The doctor put him on a course of antibiotics.医生让他进行一个疗程的抗生素治疗。麦克米伦高阶〔rationale〕However, the rationale for such initiatives is not, of course, solely economic.当然, 这些倡议从根本上来讲不仅仅是出于经济方面的考虑。外研社新世纪〔relate〕We offer courses that relate English literature to other subjects.我们开设了一些将英国文学和其他科目联系起来的课程。麦克米伦高阶〔rudder〕A similar structure at the tail of an aircraft, used for effecting horizontal changes in course.方向舵:飞机的尾部的与船舵类似的结构,用于影响航程中水平方向的变化美国传统〔run its course〕I had to accept that the relationship had run its course.这段关系已经结束,我不得不接受这个现实。剑桥高阶〔run〕They run music courses in the holidays.他们在假期开授音乐课程。外研社新世纪〔seminar〕A course of study so pursued.研究班课程:如此学习的课程美国传统〔serve〕Soup was served as the first course.汤作为头盘上桌了。韦氏高阶〔sharpen〕She's doing a course to sharpen her business skills.她正进修,以提高自己的业务技巧。牛津高阶〔specimen〕A specimen exam paper is available for each course.每门课都有一份考试样卷。外研社新世纪〔spread〕The course is spread out over two semesters.这门课程分两个学期教授。韦氏高阶〔stay〕Very few of the trainees have stayed the course.极少受训者坚持到底。牛津高阶〔steer a course/path〕It will be difficult to steer a middle course between the competing claims of the two sides in the conflict.在冲突双方互相对立的主张之间很难保持中立。剑桥高阶〔structured〕The course consists of a series of structured lessons.这门课程由一系列有条理的课组成。麦克米伦高阶〔study〕She is currently doing a business studies course at Leeds.她目前在利兹大学修读一门商科课程。柯林斯高阶〔suck〕The wisest course of action was to suck it and see.最明智的行动就是试试看。外研社新世纪〔survey course〕An academic course consisting of an overview of a broad topic or field of knowledge.概况课程:一门学术课程,包括对一广泛课题或知识领域的概览美国传统〔tailor〕All our courses can be tailored to the needs of individuals.我们所有的课程都可以根据个人需要而开设。麦克米伦高阶〔take〕I took a course in computer programming.我上了一门计算机编程课。麦克米伦高阶〔take〕You've no objection, I take it?—Of course not.我想, 你没有异议吧?——当然没有。外研社新世纪〔the old guard〕Radical reform was, of course, opposed by the old guard.激进的改革理所当然遭到了保守派的反对。剑桥高阶〔theoretical〕The course is designed to be practical rather than theoretical.该课程旨在实际应用,而不是讲理论。麦克米伦高阶〔throughout〕The company runs courses throughout Africa.这家公司在整个非洲都设有航线。外研社新世纪〔tip〕You watch what they did over the course of the year and you have to tip your hat to them.你看看这一年以来他们所做的一切, 你就得向他们脱帽致敬。外研社新世纪〔too〕Of course, our customers complain, but we too have our problems.当然,我们有客户投诉,但我们也有难处。麦克米伦高阶〔treatment〕Perhaps it's time to try a new course of treatment.也许该是试试接受新疗程治疗的时候了。剑桥高阶〔unroll〕The scandal unrolled over the course of several weeks.这个丑闻在过去几个星期里渐渐浮出水面。韦氏高阶〔untouched〕She took a few spoonfuls of soup but left her main course untouched.她喝了几勺汤,但主菜却没有动过。剑桥高阶〔voluntary〕Attention is drawn to a special voluntary course in Commercial French.一门特别的商务法语选修课引起了大家的关注。外研社新世纪〔warranty〕Justification or valid grounds for an act or a course of action.依据:为某一行为或某项事业提供支持证明其有效之事(物、言辞等)美国传统〔war〕He was wounded twice during the course of the war.他在战争期间受过两次伤。牛津搭配〔which〕Of course it may rain, in which case we shall have to hold the ceremony indoors.如果是那样的话麦克米伦高阶〔workload〕Students do find that their workload increases throughout the course.学生们确实发现随着课程的推进他们的作业量越来越大。剑桥高阶〔writing〕I did a course in creative writing.我修了一门创造性写作课程。剑桥高阶Clothes, of course, say a lot about the wearer.衣服当然揭示出其穿戴者的许多方面。剑桥国际Colonialists have taken advantage of less advanced countries throughout the course of history.在历史的进程中,殖民主义者利用了较不发达的国家。剑桥国际During the storm the ship wandered from its course. 船在风暴中偏离了航道。译典通He got ten years in prison for withholding evidence and obstructing the course of justice.他因隐瞒证据、阻挠执法而被判入狱十年。剑桥国际In the course of the battle he was promoted to the rank of general in recognition of his valour.在那次战役中,他因为作战英勇被晋升为将军。剑桥国际In view of (= Because of) what you've said, I think we should reconsider our proposed course of action.听了你一席话,我认为我们需要重新考虑我们原先提议的行动计划。剑桥国际Of course I don't mind taking you home--I'm going that way anyway.送你回家没什么麻烦的----我反正是走那条路的。剑桥国际Of course I will be taking advice on this matter, but in the end / (Br and Aus also) at the end of the day (= finally), it is up to me to decide what to do.对于这件事我当然会听取建议,但最终将由我决定怎么做。剑桥国际Of course I'll help you, there's no need to make an issue of it .我当然会帮助你,没必要将这当作什么大问题。剑桥国际Of course for Antipodeans it's now winter.当然,对于澳洲人来说,现在正是冬天。剑桥国际Of course nobody was trying to kill him. It was all imagination. 当然没有人试图杀害他,那全是幻觉。译典通Of course she is an excellent doctor. 当然她是位杰出的医生。译典通Of course she looks half-caste--her father was white.当然她看上去像个混血儿----她父亲是个白人。剑桥国际Of course there are the children to consider too.当然也有孩子们要考虑。剑桥国际Of course there's provision in the plan for population increase.当然这项计划对人口的增长有预防措施。剑桥国际Of course we'll change it for a smaller size for you.我们当然会给你换件小一点尺码的。牛津商务Of course we'll keep you up to date with any future developments.当然我们会让你们知晓未来发展的最新情况。剑桥国际Of course, in those days houses were built to last (= were built with the intention of making them last).当然,在那些日子建造的房子得耐久。剑桥国际Our course deals with the essentials of management. 我们的课程讲述管理的基本要点。译典通Our cat produced four kittens during the course of the night.我们的猫在一夜里生了4只小猫。剑桥国际She doesn't have A levels, but took an access course to get into university.她没有高级证书,但读了预科课程以进入大学。剑桥国际The course gives you basic instruction in car maintenance and repairs.该门课程教你汽车维修方面的基础知识。剑桥国际The course teaches traditional methods of food preparation.这个课程教授食品准备的传统方法。剑桥国际The course will give you a good grounding in advertising.这门课程将为你打下扎实的广告基本功。牛津商务The course will help students develop mathematical skills including the use of decimals, fractions, percentages and simple statistics.这一课程将帮助学生发展算术技巧,包括小数、分数、百分数和简单的统计学。剑桥国际The first year of the course is divided into four units.这门课的第一年划分成四个教学单元。剑桥国际The main course was served with creamed potatoes, cauliflower and peas.主菜配的是土豆泥,花菜和豌豆。剑桥国际The map charts the course of the river where it splits into two.地图标出了这条河流分成两条支流处的水流流向。剑桥国际The new course is patterned closely after a similar program offered by USC 新课程严密模仿南加利福尼亚大学提供的一个类似的项目。剑桥国际The school offers courses in every imaginable subject (in every subject imaginable) (=in all possible subjects).这所学校开设了所有想得到的课程。剑桥国际There are still some vacancies for students in science and engineering courses, but those in the arts and humanities have been filled.理工科的学生还有一些空缺,不过人文学科的学生已经满额了。剑桥国际We are being sent on a training course next month.我们下月将被派去参加一个培训课程。牛津商务We had a delicious prawn cocktail for the first course.第一道菜是可口的对虾鸡尾酒。剑桥国际We sent advance copies of the new course book to the teacher and the students who were to use it. 我们先送了几册新教科书给要用书的老师和学生们。译典通When the incoming missile is detected the computer starts to make split- second (= very quick) decisions as to its course and when to intercept it.当计算机探察到飞来的导弹时,它在瞬间就对导弹的方位以及何时拦截作出了判断。剑桥国际

