
单词 nice
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BUT〕George did say one nice thing, though. 不过乔治确也说过一句中听的话。朗文写作活用〔COMFORTABLE/UNCOMFORTABLE〕I wish I was at home in a nice cozy bed. 我希望自己现在正在家里温暖舒服的床上。朗文写作活用〔ENOUGH/NOT ENOUGH〕I know I can't really afford it, but I want to buy her something nice. 我知道我并非真的负担得起,但是我想给她买样好点的东西。朗文写作活用〔GOODBYE〕Well, it was nice meeting you guys. 好了,很高兴认识大家。朗文写作活用〔GOOD〕Come over on Saturday. It would be nice to see you. 星期六来我家吧,见到你会很开心的。朗文写作活用〔GUILTY〕The woman sounded so nice, McKee felt a twinge of remorse at what he had done to her family. 那女人听上去人很好,麦基为自己对她家所做的一切感到一阵懊悔。朗文写作活用〔HELP〕She's so nice and accommodating, I'm afraid people will take advantage of her. 她这人很好,肯帮忙,我怕人家会利用她。朗文写作活用〔HOT〕Are you nice and warm? 你感到暖和吗?朗文写作活用〔HOT〕At the end of the day all I want to do is to relax in a nice hot bath. 一天下来,我只想舒舒服服地洗个热水澡。朗文写作活用〔Have a nice day〕It rained all day long.雨下了一整天。韦氏高阶〔Just think〕Just think how nice it would be to live here.想想看,住在这里该有多好啊。韦氏高阶〔KIND〕It was nice of them to invite us. 他们很友好,邀请了我们。朗文写作活用〔LITTLE〕With a little more creativity they could have made the house look really nice. 他们如果加多一些创意,这房子就会弄得很好。朗文写作活用〔LOOK〕That coat looks nice and warm. Where did you get it? 那件衣服看上去很漂亮、很暖和的样子,你在哪里买的?朗文写作活用〔MAN〕Dave's a really nice guy. 戴夫这家伙真不错。朗文写作活用〔MARRY〕They're a nice couple, aren't they? 他们两个很般配,是吗?朗文写作活用〔MEAL〕The hotel was nice, and the meals were really good. 这家旅馆很不错,饭菜非常可口。朗文写作活用〔MIX〕The England team is a good side, with a nice blend of experience and youthful energy. 英格兰队很不错,有经验的队员和朝气勃勃的队员配合得很好。朗文写作活用〔MODEST〕I often see her in the library. She's such a nice, unassuming person. 我常常在图书馆见到她。她真是个和善谦逊的人。朗文写作活用〔OUT/OUTSIDE〕It's such a nice day. Why don't you play outside? 天气那么好,你们为什么不出去玩呢?朗文写作活用〔PATTERN〕I'm looking for a wallpaper with a nice bold pattern. 我在找一种图案漂亮、醒目的墙纸。朗文写作活用〔RELATIONSHIP〕Chuck's a nice guy, but the chemistry isn't right. 查克这人挺不错,不过对他就是没感觉。朗文写作活用〔SEXY〕Barry's a really nice guy, but he has absolutely no sex appeal. 巴里是个很不错的家伙,但是对于异性一点吸引力也没有。朗文写作活用〔SHY〕She looked shyly away when he said anything nice about her. 他说她好的时候,她羞涩地转移目光,看往别的地方。朗文写作活用〔SIT〕Oh, it's nice to sit down after all that waiting. 噢,等了那么久,能坐下来真好。朗文写作活用〔TALK〕I hate people who talk about you behind your back and then pretend to be nice to you when they meet you. 我很讨厌人们在背后说坏话,当面时又装做很友善的样子。朗文写作活用〔TIDY〕I want to leave the place nice and tidy before we go. 我们离开之前我想把这里弄得干干净净的。朗文写作活用〔TRAVEL〕It's such a nice day - how about going on a boat trip? 今天天气很好,我们去乘船旅行好吗?朗文写作活用〔UGLY〕He's a nice guy, but not very good-looking. 他这个人挺好的,但长得不怎么样。朗文写作活用〔USELESS〕That's a nice watch, but it's useless for going underwater. 这手表不错,但下水时不能用。朗文写作活用〔accompaniment〕A nice tie was a fine accompaniment to his new suit.一条漂亮的领带为他的新西服增色不少。韦氏高阶〔anything but〕She's meant to be really nice but she was anything but nice when I met her.她确实是想对别人好,可是我和她碰面的时候,她真的不怎么样。剑桥高阶〔anything〕He was as nice as anything to me.他对我非常好。朗文当代〔attracted〕He was nice looking, but I wasn't deeply attracted to him.他长得很帅,可我对他不是很有感觉。柯林斯高阶〔a〕He's kinda nice.他挺好的。外研社新世纪〔backhand〕The shortstop made a nice backhand catch on a line drive.游击手一个漂亮的反手,接了一个平直球韦氏高阶〔bathe〕The water's 45 degrees centigrade; it's so nice to bathe in.水温45摄氏度, 在里面游泳很舒服。外研社新世纪〔beat down〕Even in the winter with the rain beating down, it's nice and cosy in there.即使在大雨倾盆的冬天,那里也非常舒适。柯林斯高阶〔better〕It'll be so nice to see Ruth again, and if she can bring the children along, all the better.真高兴可以再次见到鲁思,如果她能把孩子一起带来就更好了。麦克米伦高阶〔bouncy〕The new bed is nice and bouncy.这张新床弹性很好。朗文当代〔bunch〕She bought a nice bunch of grapes.她买了一串好葡萄。外研社新世纪〔change〕We eat at home a lot, so dining out sometimes is/makes a nice change.我们常在家吃饭,所以偶尔到餐馆吃一顿是个不错的变化。韦氏高阶〔character〕Mary is a nice girl; her fit of temper was indeed out of character.玛丽是个温文和善的姑娘;她突然大发脾气实在是料想不到的。英汉大词典〔chat〕We had a nice chat over a cup of tea.我们一边喝茶一边愉快地聊天。牛津搭配〔concrete〕Why did you concrete over that nice garden? 你为什么把那个漂亮的花园铺上混凝土?剑桥高阶〔confide in sb〕She's nice, but I don't feel I can confide in her.她人很好,可我还是觉得我不能对她推心置腹。剑桥高阶〔confidence〕He's a nice boy, but he doesn't have much confidence.他是个好男孩,但是他没有多少自信心。麦克米伦高阶〔copula〕In the sentence "You smell nice", "smell" is a copula.在 You smell nice 这句话中,smell 是系动词。剑桥高阶〔couple〕A nice young couple have moved in next door.一对友好的年轻夫妻搬到隔壁来了。麦克米伦高阶〔cut〕Make sure you cut the bread nice and thick.一定要把面包切得厚一些。牛津搭配〔deceptive〕The hotel looked nice but appearances can be deceptive.这家旅馆看起来很漂亮,不过外表可能是靠不住的。麦克米伦高阶〔devastating〕He was in Nice when he heard the devastating news .他听到这个令人震惊的消息时正在尼斯。朗文当代〔disaster area〕He's a nice old rascal but a disaster area as a politician.他是个不错的老家伙, 但是作为政治家就太差劲了。外研社新世纪〔doctor〕After a hard day at work a nice meal at home is just what the doctor ordered.辛苦工作一天之后,需要的正是在家享受一顿美餐。英汉大词典〔down〕Why do you have a down on him? I think he seems really nice.你为什么不喜欢他?我觉得他非常不错。剑桥高阶〔do〕We didn't get to do Nice when we were in France.我们在法国时没能去尼斯游览。剑桥高阶〔dress〕I wore dress pants and a nice sweater.我穿了西裤和一件漂亮毛衣。韦氏高阶〔driving seat〕It was nice to be in the driving seat again, after two years of being chauffeured around.坐了两年专职司机开的车, 能重新坐在驾驶席上真好。外研社新世纪〔dull〕They are both nice but rather dull.他们两人都不错, 就是太无趣。外研社新世纪〔eh〕Going overseas again, eh? It's a nice life for some! 又要出国,啊?有些人的日子过得真不錯!剑桥高阶〔enough〕He's a nice enough young man.他是一个相当不错的小伙子。朗文当代〔face〕It's nice to see some new faces here this evening.今晚在这儿见到一些新面孔真是太好了。牛津高阶〔fact〕He apologised as soon as he realised what he had done. In actual fact he wrote a nice little note to me.意识到自己的所作所为后他马上就道歉了,而且还给我写了一张温馨的小条儿。柯林斯高阶〔fall〕He was falling over himself to be nice to me.他尽力对我友好。牛津高阶〔find〕We found a nice pub near the hotel.我们在酒店附近找到一家不错的酒吧。朗文当代〔flight〕Have a nice [pleasant] flight.祝飞行愉快。文馨英汉〔force〕I really have to force myself to be nice to him.我确实得要强迫自己才能做到对他和颜悦色。剑桥高阶〔get a load of that!〕Get a load of that, guys! Very nice.伙计们,快来看看这个!多漂亮啊。剑桥高阶〔glass〕She's got nice (NOT a nice) glasses.她有一副漂亮的眼镜。朗文当代〔glow〕After a couple of bourbons I had a nice glow.几杯波旁威士忌下肚,我浑身热辣辣地舒服。英汉大词典〔have〕It was nice for Alice to have friends of her own age.艾丽丝有同龄人朋友是件好事。朗文当代〔if〕It would be nice if we could spend more time together.如果我们能多些时间在一起有多好。朗文当代〔if〕What I'd do if I were you is be nice to him.如果我是你, 我要做的就是对他好。外研社新世纪〔implausibly〕His characters are implausibly nice.他笔下的人物好得令人难以置信。外研社新世纪〔indeed〕This is a very nice house indeed.这确实是非常不错的房子。韦氏高阶〔indeed〕We saw one dress I liked – it was very nice indeed.我们看到一件我喜欢的衣服,真是太漂亮了。麦克米伦高阶〔it〕It was nice to see Steve again.再次见到史蒂夫真是太好了。外研社新世纪〔judge between〕It's hard to judge between two such nice houses.这对两座漂亮的房屋很难说哪座更好些。21世纪英汉〔know〕He's quite nice once you get to know him.一旦你和他混熟之后, 他还是挺好的。外研社新世纪〔lame〕She's nice, but her boyfriend is really lame.她人很好,可她男朋友真差劲。韦氏高阶〔like〕She's nice. I like her.她人很好,我喜欢她。牛津高阶〔made〕Nice house, good job, lovely family – you've got it made! 漂亮的房子,称心的工作,美满的家庭 — 你可是应有尽有啦!朗文当代〔make〕This room would make a nice office.这间屋子做办公室挺不错。牛津高阶〔man〕Nice shirt, man! 好漂亮的衬衣啊,哥儿们!牛津高阶〔marry〕The priest who married us was really nice.为我们主持婚礼的那个牧师非常和蔼。朗文当代〔mind〕He's a very nice fellow, mind you, but I wouldn't want to marry him.说真的,他是个很好的人,但我不想嫁给他。英汉大词典〔misunderstand〕Don't misunderstand me. She's a very nice person when you get to know her.不要误解我的意思。 你了解她后就知道她是个很好的人。朗文当代〔morning〕It was a nice sunny morning.那是一个阳光明媚的早晨。朗文当代〔move〕Congratulations on your promotion. It's nice to see how you're moving up in the world.祝贺你的晋升。很高兴看到你事业上如此阔步迈进。韦氏高阶〔new face〕It's nice to see a few new faces in the cast.演员阵容中有了几张新面孔, 真不错。外研社新世纪〔niceness〕He was a nice fellow, very quiet and courteous.他是个好小伙,非常温和,彬彬有礼。柯林斯高阶〔niceness〕I'll explain it nice and simply so you can understand.我会清楚简单地进行解释,以便能让你们明白。柯林斯高阶〔niceness〕This has been so nice, so terribly kind of you.这太好了,你真是太体贴了。柯林斯高阶〔nice〕Can't you be nice to each other for once? 你们就不能彼此好好相处一下吗?牛津搭配〔nice〕Did you have a nice time at the party?你在聚会上玩得痛快么?外研社新世纪〔nice〕Everyone arrived nice and early.大家都早早地到了。牛津高阶〔nice〕He can't afford to be too nice about how he makes his money.他没有资本来对挣钱的方式太过挑剔。外研社新世纪〔nice〕He drew a nice distinction between his own opinions and the wishes of the majority.他把自己的看法和大多数人的愿望作了细微区分。外研社新世纪〔nice〕How nice of you to do that! 你那样做真太好了!英汉大词典〔nice〕It was nice and warm yesterday.昨天的天气暖洋洋的。牛津高阶〔nice〕It's nice and cool out here.外面挺凉快的。外研社新世纪〔nice〕It's nice and quiet here at night.这里晚上很安静。外研社新世纪〔nice〕It's nice that you can come with us.你能和我们一起去真是太好了。牛津高阶〔nice〕It's nice to be here together again.能再次聚在这里真好。外研社新世纪〔nice〕It's nice to know that there's someone nearby if she needs help.知道当她需要帮助的时候有人在她身边就放心了。朗文当代〔nice〕It's a nice little place you have here.你这里舒适小巧。牛津搭配〔nice〕One of the nice things about Christmas is having all the family together.圣诞节的一个好处是全家可以团聚在一起。朗文当代〔nice〕Public officials have to make nice to politicians they cannot stand.公务员们不得不对于他们不能忍受的那些政客表示亲热。英汉大词典〔nice〕She was nice with children.她对孩子们很好。英汉大词典〔nice〕Thanks for ringing - it's been nice talking to you.谢谢你来电话——跟你聊天很开心。剑桥高阶〔nice〕That's a nice way to treat a friend, I must say! 我得说,你这样对待朋友太不像话了!朗文当代〔nice〕That's not a very nice thing to say about your sister! 这么说你姐姐不太好!朗文当代〔nice〕The library is always nice and quiet.图书馆里总是舒适安静。韦氏高阶〔nice〕The soup is nice and hot.这汤很热。韦氏高阶〔nice〕They made a nice job of it.他们干得很出色。外研社新世纪〔nice〕Try to be nice to each other, okay? 要善待对方,好吗?韦氏高阶〔nice〕We all had the flu last week—it wasn't very nice.真不走运,上周我们都得了流感。牛津高阶〔nice〕What a nice surprise ! 真是个惊喜!朗文当代〔nice〕What's a nice girl like you doing in a place like this? 像你这样的正派女孩在这儿干什么?韦氏高阶〔nice〕You look nice in that suit.你穿那套西装看上去不错。朗文当代〔not set the world on fire〕He has a nice enough voice but he's not going to set the world on fire.他的声音够好听的,但还不会一鸣惊人。剑桥高阶〔nowhere near〕Their house is nowhere near as nice as yours.他们的房子远不如你的好。韦氏高阶〔observe〕I observed that it was a nice day.我说,是个好天。牛津同义词〔of〕It was nice of you to help me.你真好,帮了我忙。麦克米伦高阶〔old〕It was nice to get back into my old routine.恢复了我原来的生活秩序,太好了。麦克米伦高阶〔once〕It would be nice if, just for once, the two of you could get on with each other.如果你们俩能好好相处,哪怕只有一次,那也是不错的。麦克米伦高阶〔ought〕Though this gives them a nice feeling, it really ought to worry them.虽然这让他们感觉良好,但他们其实应该为此担心。柯林斯高阶〔over the odds〕It's a nice enough car but I'm sure she paid over the odds for it.这汽车确实很漂亮,但我敢肯定她买贵了。剑桥高阶〔paw〕Take your filthy paws off my nice clean towel! 把你的脏手从我干净的毛巾上拿开!剑桥高阶〔peaceful〕I had a nice peaceful morning just reading.我在阅读中度过了一个宁静美好的早晨。外研社新世纪〔people〕The people were nice.人们都很友好。外研社新世纪〔picnic〕It's a nice day. Let's go for a picnic.天气不错;咱们去野餐吧。牛津高阶〔piece〕That's a really nice piece of work you've done there! 你的工作完成得很出色!韦氏高阶〔pitch〕He is a nice pitcher that really knows how to pitch.他是一位很会抛球的棒球投手。21世纪英汉〔place〕New York City is a nice place to visit, but I wouldn't want to live there.纽约是个游览的好地方,但我不想在那儿生活。韦氏高阶〔play hardball〕He's a nice guy, but he can play hardball when he needs to.他是一个和气的人,但在必要时他也会变得很强硬。剑桥高阶〔play〕He made several nice defensive plays.他做了几个漂亮的防守动作。牛津搭配〔plump〕The chicken looked nice and plump but not too fatty.这鸡看上去结实、肉多, 但又不是太肥。外研社新世纪〔point〕She's very nice and, more to the point, she's very good at her job.她为人非常好,而且更重要的是,工作也做得很好。麦克米伦高阶〔pronounce〕Even particular Meg pronounced him a nice boy.连爱挑剔的梅格都声称他是个好孩子。英汉大词典〔pull ... back〕It is not nice to hear the song if you pull back when singing it.唱这首歌时如果你放慢速度就不好听了。21世纪英汉〔put〕The cheese looked nice but the smell put me off.那奶酪看起来很好,但气味让我讨厌。英汉大词典〔quiet〕I'd love to go on holiday somewhere where it's nice and quiet .我很想到一个美丽又清静的地方去度假。朗文当代〔quiet〕It's a nice car. The engine's really quiet.这车真好,引擎声音很轻。朗文当代〔really〕She's really nice.她人很好。外研社新世纪〔recoil〕We are attracted by nice smells and recoil from nasty ones.我们会被好闻的味道吸引,难闻的味道则会让我们退避三舍。柯林斯高阶〔royal-blue〕She is wearing a very nice royal-blue suit.她穿着非常精致的品蓝色套装。外研社新世纪〔ruffle〕Her nice hair-do was ruffled by a gust of wind.她的漂亮的发式被一阵风吹乱了。英汉大词典〔run〕Could you run me a nice hot bath while I finish my meal? 趁我吃饭的时候你给我放一浴缸热水好吗?朗文当代〔scratch beneath the surface〕If you scratch beneath the surface you'll find she's really a very nice person.如果你深入了解,会发现她其实是个好人。剑桥高阶〔seem〕He seems a nice man.他这人似乎不错。朗文当代〔share〕It's nice to have someone you can share your problems with.有人能给你分忧解愁真是太好了。剑桥高阶〔singalong〕It's nice to have a good old-fashioned singalong now and again.时不时搞一场精彩的老式合唱是件不错的事情。剑桥高阶〔skin〕The sheets felt nice next to his bare skin.被单紧贴着他裸露的皮肤,感觉很舒服。牛津搭配〔so〕It was so very nice of you to come.你能来真是太好了。外研社新世纪〔spot〕This looks like a nice spot for a picnic.看起来这儿是个野餐的好地方。剑桥高阶〔style〕Her hair was cut in a really nice style.她的头发剪了个非常漂亮的发式。剑桥高阶〔subtle〕Hughes was a nice man, but not a subtle one.休斯是个和气的人, 但没有什么辨别力。外研社新世纪〔syncopation〕There was some nice syncopation and it had a good swing to it.其中有些动听的切分音,而且节奏也很优美。柯林斯高阶〔syncopation〕There was some nice syncopation and it had a good swing to it.有好听的切分音, 它的节奏感很强。外研社新世纪〔there〕There you are! A nice cup of tea.喏,给你! 香茗一杯。英汉大词典〔touch〕The piano has a nice touch.这架钢琴手感很好。外研社新世纪〔troubled〕In these troubled times, it's nice to hear some good news.在这样动荡不安的时代,听到一些好消息可真好。剑桥高阶〔up〕He's a nice fellow, but hasn't got much up top.他人不错, 但脑筋不太灵光。外研社新世纪〔up〕You look nice with your hair up.你头发向上梳看起来很好看。剑桥高阶〔visit〕I had a nice visit with her after the meeting.会后,我和她聊得很开心。韦氏高阶〔visit〕We had a nice visit after the meeting.会后,我们聊得很开心。韦氏高阶〔warm〕Those gloves look nice and warm.那些手套看起来又漂亮又暖和。剑桥高阶〔waterproof〕For staying dry you'll want nice lightweight waterproofs to wear over your leathers.为了不被淋湿,你需要在皮衣的外面套上一件轻便的防水服。柯林斯高阶〔what〕What a nice surprise! 多么让人惊喜呀!麦克米伦高阶〔word〕He seemed nice. But 'seemed' was the operative word.他好像还不错吧。不过“好像”二字是关键词。牛津搭配〔you're〕She thinks you're a nice guy.她认为你是个好小伙子。韦氏高阶〔young〕A very nice young man/woman greeted us at the door.一位非常友善的年轻男士/女士在门口迎接我们。韦氏高阶Nice boys (= boys who behave well) don't say nasty things like that. (infml) 好男孩不讲那种下流话。剑桥国际Dan's actually quite nice, unlike his father.不像他父亲, 丹实际上很好。剑桥国际He was nice enough but he didn't seem very bright.他人很不错,但看起来并不聪明。剑桥国际He's a nice guy but he can play hardball when he needs to.他是一个和气的人,但在必要时,他也会变得强硬。剑桥国际He's a nice lad.他是个好小伙子。剑桥国际He's obviously making a conscious effort to be nice to me at the moment.目前他显然是有意在尽力讨我欢心。剑桥国际He's rather a nice man.他是个相当好的人。剑桥国际I had a nice little snooze in the back of the car.我在汽车后座上美美地打了个盹。剑桥国际In spite of his messed-up parents, he's a really nice, caring person.虽然他的父母浑浑噩噩,但他的确是个不错的有爱心的人。剑桥国际It is a nice building but the rent is exorbitant.这座大楼很不错,但是租金太昂贵了。牛津商务It was very nice of her to drive you home.她开车送你回家,真好。剑桥国际It's nice having a man who actively encourages me to spend money.有一个积极鼓励我花钱的男人真好。剑桥国际It's a nice dress but it creases very easily.这条长裙很漂亮,但易皱。剑桥国际It's against my beliefs / principles to be nice to someone I dislike just because they're in a senior position.只因为别人的地位高而对我所不喜欢的人好是违背我的信条/原则的。剑桥国际Looking after a baby at home all day is nice but it doesn't provide much intellectual stimulation.整天在家照看婴儿虽然不错,但智力上不够刺激。剑桥国际Make sure you buy nice fleshy peaches (=ones with a lot of flesh).注意要买果肉多而好看的桃子。剑桥国际Pare off any bits of pear skin that don't look very nice.削掉任何一点不好看的生梨皮。剑桥国际Saunders said his guest was astonished to find pleasant public parks, nice streets and well-kept houses.桑德斯说他的客人很惊讶地看到宜人的公园,漂亮的街道及干净整洁的房子。剑桥国际She was paid one million dollars to appear on television for five minutes --that's nice work if you can get it! 她在电视上露面五分钟就挣一百万,这样的好事要是落到你头上就好了!剑桥国际She's meant to be a very nice person but she was anything but nice the only time I've ever met her.她想要显得是个很可爱的人,但在我唯一碰到过她的那次,她实在毫无可爱之处。剑桥国际That scarf you're wearing is jolly nice.你带的那条围巾非常漂亮。剑桥国际This orange is nice and (= pleasantly) juicy.这橘子多汁而甘美。剑桥国际This silk shirt's very nice, but I've only worn it a couple of times and it's already showing signs of wear (= damage).这件丝绸衬衫很漂亮,但我只穿了几次,它就已经显出磨损的痕迹了。剑桥国际We didn't manage to do Nice when we were in France.在法国的时候,我们没能去尼斯。剑桥国际We've put a lot of effort/energy/time into making the house look nice.我们花了许多努力/ 精力/ 时间使房子看上去漂亮。剑桥国际Well, I must push off -- nice to have seen you.喔,我得走了----很高兴遇见你。剑桥国际What you need, my son, is a nice hot bowl of soup.我的孩子,你需要的是一碗鲜美的热汤。剑桥国际

