
单词 comparative
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔COMPARE〕After a lifetime of poverty, his last few years were spent in comparative comfort. 他大半辈子贫困,但晚年还是过得比较舒适的。朗文写作活用〔COMPARE〕During the bombings, families sheltered in the comparative safety of the underground rail stations. 轰炸时期,各家各户躲在相对安全的地铁车站内。朗文写作活用〔COMPARE〕Fresh fruit and vegetables have become a comparative rarity in the region. 新鲜水果和蔬菜在该地区已经变得相对稀罕。朗文写作活用〔Haas〕American linguist best known for her comparative studies of Native American languages and for her many textbooks on languages of the Far East, especially Thai.哈斯,玛莉·罗莎蒙:美国语言学家,闻名于其拉丁美洲语言的比较研究及其许多以远东语言著作的教科书,尤其是泰文美国传统〔MCL.〕Master of Comparative Law.比较法硕士美国传统〔NEW〕I was fifty and a comparative newcomer to computers. 我那时候50岁,在电脑方面相对来说是个新手。朗文写作活用〔STUDY〕Our comparative study of political culture includes five democracies. 我们这个政治文化对比研究涉及了五个民主政体。朗文写作活用〔analysis〕We performed a comparative analysis of genes from different species.我们比较分析了不同物种的基因。牛津搭配〔comedown〕The accommodation was something of a comedown from the comparative luxury of the hotel.从宾馆的相对豪华程度来说,这种住宿条件是有点不相称。麦克米伦高阶〔comparatist〕A person who employs the comparative method, as in studying literature.比较文学家:运用比较方法的人,如在研究文学中美国传统〔comparatively〕The comparative of 'pretty' is 'prettier'.pretty的比较级形式是prettier。柯林斯高阶〔comparatively〕The task was accomplished with comparative ease.相对而言,任务完成得比较轻松。柯林斯高阶〔comparative〕Comparative figures for last year clearly show how sales have declined.去年的比较数据明确显示销量下降了。朗文当代〔comparative〕After living here five years, we're still considered comparative newcomers.我们在这里生活了五年,可是与别人相比我们仍被视为新来的。朗文当代〔comparative〕An adjective or adverb expressing the comparative degree.比较级形容词,比较级副词:表达比较级的形容词或副词美国传统〔comparative〕I enjoyed the comparative calm of his flat after the busy office.在办公室忙碌一天之后,我喜欢他公寓房里相对的安静。剑桥高阶〔comparative〕I'm taking a class in comparative anatomy/literature.我正在学习比较解剖学/文学的课程。韦氏高阶〔comparative〕Once she was poor, but now she lives in comparative luxury.她以前很穷,现在的生活富裕了。牛津同义词〔comparative〕She did a comparative study of classical and modern art.她对古典和现代艺术做了比较研究。韦氏高阶〔comparative〕She didn't want to leave the comparative safety of the shelter.她不愿离开相对来说还算安全的掩蔽处。朗文当代〔comparative〕She's carrying out a comparative study of health in inner cities and rural areas.她正在对市中心区和乡村地区的健康问题进行比较研究。剑桥高阶〔comparative〕The comparative degree.比较级美国传统〔comparative〕The comparative form of "slow" is "slower".slow 的比较级形式是 slower。剑桥高阶〔comparative〕The comparative form of “happy” is “happier”; the comparative form of “good” is “better”; the comparative form of “clearly” is “more clearly.” *happy的比较级是happier;good的比较级是better;clearly的比较级是more clearly。韦氏高阶〔comparative〕The comparative of 'pretty' is 'prettier'.pretty的比较级是prettier。外研社新世纪〔comparative〕The comparative of ‘good' is ‘better'.good的比较级形式是better。麦克米伦高阶〔comparative〕The company is a comparative newcomer to the software market(= other companies have been in business much longer).就软件市场来说,这家公司相对而言就是新手了。牛津高阶〔comparative〕Then he was living in comparative comfort(= compared with others or with his own life at a previous time).他那时生活比较舒适。牛津高阶〔comparative〕This comparative peace continued for thousands of years.这种相对的和平持续了几千年。外研社新世纪〔comparative〕We expected to win with comparative ease.我们希望能比较轻松地取胜。麦克米伦高阶〔comparative〕We reached the comparative safety of a narrow ledge.我们到了一个狭窄暗礁, 相对安全了。外研社新世纪〔comparative〕We sailed into the comparative shelter of the harbour.我们驶到海港中相对安全的避风处。麦克米伦高阶〔compare〕Grammar To form the positive, comparative, or superlative degree of (an adjective or adverb).【语法】 构成:构成(一个形容词或副词)的原级、比较级或最高级美国传统〔comparison〕Grammar The modification or inflection of an adjective or adverb to denote the positive, comparative, and superlative degrees.【语法】 词尾变化:形容词或副词的修改或词尾变化,以表示原级、比较级和最高级美国传统〔ethnomusicology〕The comparative study of music of different cultures.比较音乐学:对不同文化音乐的比较研究美国传统〔freedom〕Publishers here enjoy comparative freedom to publish what they want.这里的出版商享有比较自由的出版权。牛津搭配〔major party〕A political party having enough strength to gain control of a government with comparative regularity.大党:指有足够的力量并能相对稳定地对政府实行控制的政党美国传统〔militate for〕The comparative advantages enjoyed by the various economies militate for more and freer trade.各经济体的相对优势有利于开展更多、更自由的贸易活动。外研社新世纪〔periphrastic〕More fair is a periphrastic comparative. “more fair”是迂说法比较级。英汉大词典〔positive〕Grammar Of, relating to, or being the simple uncompared degree of an adjective or adverb, as opposed to either the comparative or superlative.【语法】 原级的:形容词或副词与比较级及最高级的相对简单的原形的,或与这一原形有关的美国传统〔purpose〕For comparative purposes, the populations of three other cities are also shown.为便于比较,还显示了另外三个城市的人口。牛津搭配Comparative advertising is common in the car industry.比较广告在汽车工业中十分普遍。牛津商务Australia has a comparative advantage in agricultural products.澳大利亚生产农产品具有比较优势。牛津商务She's carrying out a comparative study of health in inner cities and rural areas.她对市中心区和乡村地区的健康问题正在进行比较研究。剑桥国际There's a comparative rise this year in the number of babies born (=judged by how many were born in previous years).今年新生婴儿的数量与前些年相比有所上升。剑桥国际This metal is valued for its comparative lightness.这种金属因为相对较轻而有特殊用途。剑桥国际

