
单词 coats
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔COVER〕A special machine coats the nuts with chocolate. 一种特殊机器在果仁的表面涂上巧克力。朗文写作活用〔FASHIONABLE/NOT FASHIONABLE〕Wearing coats hanging off one shoulder is the fashion among schoolchildren at the moment. 穿着外套挂下一只肩来是眼下学生们的时尚。朗文写作活用〔IGNORE〕Where he used to cut them dead, he now helps them on with their coats. 他以前对他们不理不睬,现在他都帮他们穿大衣。朗文写作活用〔SMELL〕It was cold outside and the smell of stale tobacco clung to their winter coats. 外面很冷,难闻的烟味都附在他们的冬衣上。朗文写作活用〔WALK〕The hotel was full of rich people strutting around in fur coats and Rolex watches. 酒店里到处都是有钱人,他们穿着毛皮大衣、戴着劳力士手表,神气活现地走来走去。朗文写作活用〔affect〕Mary affects plaid coats.玛丽老爱穿方格呢外衣。21世纪英汉〔afford〕They couldn't afford new coats for the children.他们没有钱给孩子们买新外套。韦氏高阶〔afford〕They couldn't afford to buy new coats for the children.他们没有钱给孩子们买新外套。韦氏高阶〔apply〕Apply two coats of varnish to the table.给桌子涂两层清漆。麦克米伦高阶〔apply〕He applied two coats of paint to the table.他给那张桌子上了两道漆。英汉大词典〔background〕The wolves' coats turn white to match their snowy background.狼的皮毛变成白色,与白雪皑皑的环境融为一体。牛津搭配〔bang〕We grabbed our coats and banged down the stairs.我们抓起上衣,奔下楼梯。英汉大词典〔bespoke〕In the basement 15 employees are busy making bespoke coats.地下室里有15个雇员正忙着赶制顾客定做的外套。外研社新世纪〔bespoke〕In the basement fifteen employees are busy making bespoke coats.在地下室里,15名员工正在忙着缝制定做的外套。柯林斯高阶〔between〕There is not much to choose between the two coats.对这两件大衣没什么值得挑拣的。(意指两者差不多)英汉大词典〔breed〕The rabbits are bred for their long coats.饲养兔子是为了获取它们的长毛。牛津高阶〔broad〕The store has a broad selection/variety of coats.那家店有各种各样的外衣。韦氏高阶〔bundle (sb) up〕The kids were bundled up in coats and scarves.孩子们穿着大衣,系着围巾,裹得严严实实。剑桥高阶〔bundle〕People sat bundled up in scarves, coats, and boots.人们坐着,身上裹着围巾和大衣,脚上穿着靴子。朗文当代〔call〕There's not much call for fur coats these days.现在人们对毛皮大衣的需求量不大。剑桥高阶〔checkroom〕A place where hats, coats, packages, or other items can be stored temporarily.寄存处:用来暂时存放帽子、大衣、行李或其它物件的地方美国传统〔check〕It was hot so we checked our coats before going round the gallery.天气太热了,所以我们先寄存了大衣再去参观画廊。剑桥高阶〔clearance〕These coats are on clearance.这些外套在降价出清。牛津搭配〔clutter〕The kids always clutter the hall (up) with school bags and coats and stuff.孩子们总是在厅里乱放书包、外套和乱七八糟的东西。剑桥高阶〔coating〕Cloth for making coats.上衣布料:制造上衣的布美国传统〔coat〕Mountain goats have long shaggy coats.山羊长着乱蓬蓬的长毛。麦克米伦高阶〔coat〕The house needed three coats to cover the original paint.这房子需要涂三层漆才能遮住原来的漆。韦氏高阶〔coat〕The kids took off their coats and threw them on the floor.孩子们脱下外套扔在地板上。朗文当代〔coat〕The lab assistants wear long white coats.实验室助手穿着白色的长外套。朗文当代〔coat〕Vitamin B6 is great for improving the condition of dogs' and horses' coats.维生素B6对于改善狗和马的皮毛有显著的作用。柯林斯高阶〔coat〕You will need to apply three coats of varnish.需要刷三层清漆。柯林斯高阶〔doff〕They doffed their coats when they came inside.他们进屋后脱下了大衣。韦氏高阶〔draw〕As the evening drew to a close, people started reaching for their coats.晚会即将结束的时候人们开始去拿自己的外套。剑桥高阶〔dump〕You can dump the coats on the bed.你把外套扔到床上吧。韦氏高阶〔enamel〕The table top was finished with two coats of blue enamel.桌面上了两层蓝色瓷漆。外研社新世纪〔encumber〕We were encumbered by our heavy coats and boots.沉重的外衣和靴子令我们步履艰难。韦氏高阶〔eyelash〕Curl your eyelashes and add a couple of coats of mascara.把你的睫毛卷一下,再抹两层睫毛膏。牛津搭配〔fashion〕Fur coats have gone out of fashion.皮草大衣已经过时了。剑桥高阶〔fashion〕Fur coats were considered to be the height of fashion (=were thought to be very fashionable) .裘皮大衣被认为是时尚之最。朗文当代〔fasten〕Outside they fastened their coats against the bitter wind.在户外, 他们扣紧外套以抵御寒风。外研社新世纪〔firebomb〕Animal rights extremists have threatened to firebomb any stores that stock fur coats.保护动物权利的极端分子威胁称,他们将使用燃烧弹攻击任何仍在出售毛皮大衣的商店。剑桥高阶〔freeze〕The children are going to freeze out there without their coats.孩子们在户外不穿大衣会冻僵的。韦氏高阶〔garment bag〕A long, zippered bag used to carry and protect suits, dresses, and coats when traveling.折叠式旅行袋:一长形的、有拉链的包,用来供旅行时携带或保护衣服、裙子或大衣美国传统〔generalize〕This fear of a dog may generalize to other animals and to such objects as fur coats.这种对狗的惧怕有可能扩展到害怕其他动物和毛皮外衣之类的东西。英汉大词典〔half price〕All winter coats are half-price today.今天所有冬衣都是半价。韦氏高阶〔hall〕We hung our coats in a cupboard in the hall.我们把外套挂在门厅的衣柜里。朗文当代〔hang〕The children's coats were hanging on pegs behind the door.孩子们的外套挂在门后的衣钉上。麦克米伦高阶〔hang〕The women hung up their coats and sat down.女士们把外套挂起来后坐了下来。麦克米伦高阶〔hardening〕Give the cardboard two or three coats of varnish to harden it.在纸板上涂两三层清漆使其变硬。柯林斯高阶〔harden〕Give the cardboard two or three coats of varnish to harden it.在硬纸板上刷两三道清漆使其变硬。外研社新世纪〔heavy〕The animals have shed their heavy winter coats.动物已经褪掉了冬天的厚毛。韦氏高阶〔identical〕They were wearing identical coats.他们穿着一模一样的外套。韦氏高阶〔kersey〕A twilled woolen fabric, sometimes with a cotton warp, used for coats.克尔赛手织粗呢:一种斜纹的毛料织物,有时有棉纵向线,用于做大衣美国传统〔lacquer〕Many coats of lacquer were applied to the table.那张桌子上了好多道漆。韦氏高阶〔lady〕Can I take your coats, ladies? 女士们,我可以替你们拿大衣吗?牛津高阶〔line〕The department store is selling a new line of (或in) winter coats.百货商店正在出售一种新款式的冬令大衣。英汉大词典〔loden〕A durable, water-repellent, coarse woolen fabric used chiefly for coats and jackets.罗登呢:耐用防水的粗羊毛织物,主要用于制作外套或夹克美国传统〔mark〕Winter coats have been marked down from $80 to $50.冬季外套的价格已从 80 美元降到了 50 美元。朗文当代〔miscellaneous〕The shop carries suits, coats, shirts, and miscellaneous accessories.这家商店摆放着套装、大衣、衬衣和一些各色的小饰品。美国传统〔mourning〕The boys wore black tail coats in mourning for George III.男孩们身着黑色燕尾服为乔治三世服丧。外研社新世纪〔mourning〕The boys wore black tail coats in mourning for George III.男孩身穿黑色燕尾服为乔治三世服丧。柯林斯高阶〔muffle〕They were both muffled in heavy, fur-lined coats.他们两人都裹在厚厚的毛皮里子的大衣里。麦克米伦高阶〔off〕There's 40 percent off this week on all winter coats.本周冬季外套一律打6折。剑桥高阶〔old〕In days of old, knights in coats of mail roamed the cobbled streets of this town.从前, 穿着铠甲的骑士漫步在城里由鹅卵石铺成的街道上。外研社新世纪〔ottoman〕A heavy silk or rayon fabric with a corded texture, usually used for coats and trimmings.粗横棱纹织物:厚重有棱的丝或人造丝织物,通常用和制作外套和装饰品美国传统〔outerwear〕Clothing, such as hats, coats, and gloves, for use outdoors.外衣:出门穿的衣服,如帽子、外套和手套美国传统〔paint〕You need to apply two coats of paint.一层涂料麦克米伦高阶〔polyurethane〕The floor will need two coats of polyurethane.地板需要两层聚氨酯。韦氏高阶〔preservative〕Though the panels come pre-treated, they needed a final sealing with two coats of preservative.虽然这些镶板运来时经过了预处理,但是还需要涂上两层防腐剂进行最后的密封。柯林斯高阶〔reduce〕The store has drastically reduced winter coats.商店对冬装大减价美国传统〔responsible〕You're responsible for taking people's coats.你负责拿客人的衣服。朗文当代〔rustproofing〕Each car receives two separate coats of rustproofing.每辆汽车上都涂有两层抗锈材料。英汉大词典〔sick〕It makes me sick (= makes me very angry) to see people wearing fur coats.看到人们穿裘皮大衣,我感到非常愤怒。剑桥高阶〔specially〕These coats are specially treated to be water repellent.这些外套经过了特殊的防水处理。麦克米伦高阶〔spray〕The bare metal was sprayed with several coats of primer.裸露的金属上被喷上了几层底漆。外研社新世纪〔spray〕The bare metal was sprayed with several coats of primer.裸露的金属上被喷上了几层底漆。柯林斯高阶〔statement〕He threw paint over the fur coats because he wanted to make a statement about cruelty to animals.他把颜料洒在毛皮大衣上,借此表明自己对虐待动物一事的态度。剑桥高阶〔tailor〕One that makes, repairs, and alters garments such as suits, coats, and dresses.裁缝:制做、缝补和修改如西服、外衣和女服等衣物的人美国传统〔take〕Let me take your coats.让我帮你们拿外套吧。麦克米伦高阶〔the lowdown〕Our fashion editor gives you the lowdown on winter coats for this season.我们的时装编辑会告诉你这一季冬装的重要信息。剑桥高阶〔their〕He gave them their coats.他把他们的外衣交给了他们。剑桥高阶〔to〕They took off their coats and fell to.他们脱下上衣干了起来。 英汉大词典〔tramp〕They put on their coats and tramped through the falling snow.他们穿上外套,拖着沉重的步子行走在飞雪中。柯林斯高阶〔tweed〕A coarse, rugged, often nubby woolen fabric made in any of various twill weaves and used chiefly for casual suits and coats.粗花呢:一种粗糙不平的,通常为表面粗糙的毛料织物,用各种斜纹毛呢制成,主要用于制作休闲套装和外套美国传统〔tweed〕They wear shooting coats in tweed or rubberised cotton.他们身穿粗花呢或挂胶棉布料的狩猎装。外研社新世纪〔uncomfortably〕He awoke to find himself lying uncomfortably on a pile of coats.他醒来发现自己姿势别扭地躺在一堆大衣上。外研社新世纪〔undercoat〕A coat of sealing material applied to a surface before the outer coats, as of paint, are applied.内涂层:在上漆或其它涂层之前涂于表面的密封材料美国传统〔varnish〕The table needed two coats of varnish.这张桌子需刷两层清漆。牛津搭配〔varnish〕Varnish the table with two or three coats of water-based varnish.给桌子上两到三层的水性清漆。柯林斯高阶〔vogue〕Full-length coats are in vogue today.如今流行长外套。英汉大词典〔waisted〕The coats were old-fashioned in cut, waisted and full skirted.这些大衣采用的是老式裁剪,收腰、全长下摆。剑桥高阶〔warm (sb/sth) up〕I'll just warm up the engine while you're getting your coats on.你们穿上大衣,我去预热一下发动机。剑桥高阶〔warm〕They were warmly dressed in coats and scarves.他们身着大衣,围着围巾,穿得暖暖和和。牛津高阶〔wear〕White coats are often worn by doctors.白大褂常常穿在医生身上。韦氏高阶〔your〕You can leave your coats here.你们可以把外套放在这儿。外研社新世纪Animal rights extremists have threatened to firebomb any department stores that continue to stock fur coats.保护动物权益极端分子威胁说,要对任何继续存有皮毛衣服的百货商店投掷燃烧弹。剑桥国际As the credits began to roll (=be shown), the audience put on their coats and left the cinema.当银幕上开始出现鸣谢一栏,观众们穿上大衣,离开了电影院。剑桥国际Despite the cold wind, they went out without their coats.他们不顾寒风,没穿大衣出去了。剑桥国际Full-length coats are no longer the vogue. 长外套不再流行了。译典通He gave them their coats.他把他们的外衣给了他们。剑桥国际He threw paint over the fur coats because he wanted to make a statement about cruelty to animals.他把颜料洒在毛皮大衣上,因为他想表现人类对动物的残忍。剑桥国际I had to use three coats of whiteout to cover up the mistake I'd made.我不得不使用3层白色修正液来覆盖住我写错的字。剑桥国际I just can't countenance killing animals to make fur coats. 我就是不赞成杀死动物做毛皮大衣。剑桥国际I'll just warm up the engine while you're getting your coats on.趁你穿衣服的时候,我让发动机预热一下。剑桥国际I'll lay your coats on the bed upstairs.我将把你的上衣放在楼上的床上。剑桥国际In spring, when the weather is warmer, many animals shed their thicker winter coats (= their hair falls out naturally).在气候变得温暖的春季,许多动物会脱落他们厚厚的冬季绒毛。剑桥国际It's quite hot in here. Let's check our coats before going round the gallery.这里很热,我们参观画廊前先把外衣寄存了吧。剑桥国际Many of the women wore the sort of elegant fur coats you associate with Hollywood stars.许多女人穿着那种令人联想到好莱坞明星的漂亮雅致的毛皮外衣。剑桥国际Many people believe it is wrong to slaughter animals to make fur coats.许多人相信屠杀动物来制裘皮大衣是错误的。剑桥国际Muffled in gloves, thick coats and scarves, the protesters stood outside the building all day.抗议者们戴着手套和围巾,穿着厚厚的外衣,在大楼外站了一整天。剑桥国际Our fashion editor gives you the lowdown on winter coats for this season.我们的时装编辑向你透露这季冬装的重要讯息。剑桥国际She was carrying an armful of coats and sweaters and what have you (= various other things like that).她抱着很多外套,毛衣之类的东西。剑桥国际There's 40% off this week on all winter coats.这星期所有冬天穿的大衣都打六折。剑桥国际There's not much call for (=There's little public demand for) fur coats these days.现今对毛皮大衣的需求量并不大。剑桥国际These bacteria live in a soft, almost invisible, film called plaque which coats the teeth.这些细菌生活在一层柔软的、几乎看不见的覆盖在牙齿上被称为牙斑的薄膜中。剑桥国际We have new supplies of fur coats. 我们有新进货的皮大衣。译典通We stock all types of fur coats. 我们有各种皮衣供应。译典通You can leave your coats with the cloakroom attendant.你可以将外套交给衣帽间的服务员。剑桥国际

