
单词 calculated
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔(down) to the last ...〕He has calculated the costs down to the last penny.他把每一便士的费用都计算在内了。剑桥高阶〔-breasted〕The battle roared; a sound calculated to arouse the sublimest emotions in the breast of the soldier.战场上吼声震天,意在唤起士兵们最昂扬的斗志。柯林斯高阶〔COUNT/CALCULATE〕Sally calculated that she needed $300 to pay all her bills. 萨莉算了一下,她需要300美元来支付账单。朗文写作活用〔COUNT/CALCULATE〕Their accountant calculated the total cost of the project. 他们的会计计算了工程的总成本。朗文写作活用〔DELIBERATELY〕She got rid of her victims one by one, with cold and calculated precision. 她一个个地除掉了她的迫害对象,手法冷酷,计划精到。朗文写作活用〔DELIBERATELY〕Statements made by Mr. Lyman were just a calculated scare tactic designed to frighten consumers. 莱曼先生的声明只是故意用来吓唬消费者的一种战术。朗文写作活用〔DELIBERATELY〕The cruelty with which Mengele's orders were carried out was ruthless and calculated. 门格勒的命令执行时不留情面,残酷无比,并经过精心策划。朗文写作活用〔PROFIT〕We have calculated the probable yield from this investment at around 17%. 我们已算过,此项投资可能带来17%左右的利润。朗文写作活用〔RISK〕Most investors study the market and take calculated risks. 大多数投资者对市场进行研究,然后作出精心考虑的冒险。朗文写作活用〔absolute temperature〕Temperature measured or calculated on an absolute scale.绝对温度:以绝对温标测量或计算的温度美国传统〔adjustment〕The figures were calculated with no adjustment for inflation.计算数据时没有根据通胀做出相应调整。韦氏高阶〔adjustment〕The figures were calculated with no adjustments for inflation.计算数据时没有根据通胀做出相应调整。韦氏高阶〔arduous〕The task was more arduous than he had calculated.这项任务比他所估计的要艰巨得多。柯林斯高阶〔ascent〕It would be wrong to portray his life as a calculated ascent to power at any cost.如果把他的一生描述成不惜任何代价一心想向上爬, 那就错了。外研社新世纪〔ascent〕It would be wrong to portray his life as a calculated ascent to power at any cost.如果把他的一生描述成不惜任何代价一心想向上爬,那就错了。柯林斯高阶〔balance〕Interest is calculated on the daily cleared balance and paid direct to your account.利息每日结账计算,直接存入账户。牛津搭配〔by reference to〕The numbers were calculated by reference to the most recent census.数据是参照最新人口普查结果计算得出的。韦氏高阶〔calculated risk〕The army took a calculated risk when it attacked the enemy's capital without using planes.军队冒险一搏,攻打敌方首都时没有使用飞机。韦氏高阶〔calculated risk〕The director took a calculated risk in giving the film's main role to an unknown actor.导演甘愿冒险让一位不知名的演员担任影片的主角。剑桥高阶〔calculated〕He took a calculated risk(= a risk that you decide is worth taking even though you know it might have bad results).他甘冒风险,因为他觉得值。牛津高阶〔calculated〕Her latest play is calculated to shock.她最新推出的剧本故意要耸人听闻。牛津高阶〔calculated〕Irene's cleaning the floor had been a calculated attempt to cover up her crime.艾琳擦洗地板就是为了蓄意掩盖她的罪行。柯林斯高阶〔calculated〕Irene's cleaning the floor had been a calculated attempt to cover up her crime.艾琳清洗地板是有意掩盖她的罪行。外研社新世纪〔calculated〕It was a cruel, calculated crime with absolutely no justification.这是一起凶残的、蓄意策划的罪行,毫无正当理由。剑桥高阶〔calculated〕It was clearly a calculated attempt to embarrass the police chief.这显然是蓄意让警长难堪之举。麦克米伦高阶〔calculated〕It's a policy that was hardly calculated to (= will not) win votes.这项政策很难赢得选票。剑桥高阶〔calculated〕Such a statement was hardly calculated to deter future immigrants.这样的声明不太可能吓住将来的移民。柯林斯高阶〔calculated〕The President took a calculated political risk in throwing his full support behind the rebels.总统全力支持反叛分子,对所冒的政治风险心中有数。柯林斯高阶〔calculated〕The President took a calculated political risk in throwing his full support behind the rebels.总统权衡利弊后冒了政治风险全力支持反叛者。外研社新世纪〔calculated〕The heavy rain was hardly calculated to lend a certain buoyancy to the spirits.滂沱大雨自然使人鼓不起一点轻松愉快的兴致。英汉大词典〔calculated〕The police took a calculated risk in releasing him.警方冒险一搏,释放了他。朗文当代〔calculated〕Their movements through the region were calculated to terrify landowners into abandoning their holdings.他们在该地区的行动是精心谋划的,意在恐吓土地所有者放弃手中的地产。柯林斯高阶〔calculated〕Their movements through the region were calculated to terrify landowners into abandoning their holdings.他们穿越该地区的行动是精心策划的, 以恐吓土地所有者放弃其财产。外研社新世纪〔calculated〕These tracks were calculated to be controversial and attract attention to the album.这些曲子意在引起争议,吸引人们关注这张专辑。柯林斯高阶〔calculated〕This sort of life is not calculated to appeal to a young man of 20.这种生活对于一个 20 岁的年轻小伙子不大可能有吸引力。牛津高阶〔calculate〕Benefit is calculated on the basis of average weekly earnings.补助金按平均周收入计算。牛津高阶〔calculate〕He correctly calculated that the others would not dare fight back.他正确地估计到其他人不敢反击。牛津搭配〔calculate〕He's calculated that it would take him two years to save up enough for a car.他算了一下要攒两年的钱才够买辆车。剑桥高阶〔calculate〕His decision was hardly calculated to endear him to others.他的决定几乎不可能使他和其他人的关系变密切。麦克米伦高阶〔calculate〕I calculated that he would arrive at midnight.我估计他将在午夜到达。21世纪英汉〔calculate〕I calculated that we would arrive at 6 p.m.我算了一下,我们将于下午6时到达。英汉大词典〔calculate〕It has been calculated that at least 47 000 jobs were lost last year.据估算,去年至少丧失了 47 000 个工作。牛津高阶〔calculate〕Ken hadn't calculated on Polson refusing his offer.肯并未料到波尔森会拒绝他的提议。朗文当代〔calculate〕Rates are calculated on an hourly basis.收费按小时计算。朗文当代〔calculate〕Researchers calculated that this group was at a higher risk of heart disease.研究人员估测这一群体得心脏病的几率更高。朗文当代〔calculate〕Sally calculated that she'd have about £100 left.萨莉算了一下,自己还会剩下 100 英镑左右。朗文当代〔calculate〕The amount is calculated according to the number of years you have paid into the plan.数额是根据你向该计划交款的年数计算的。牛津搭配〔calculate〕The cost of the damage caused by the recent storms has been calculated as/at over £5 million.据计算,近期风暴造成的损失超过了500万英镑。剑桥高阶〔calculate〕The incident had been coldly calculated to humiliate him.这起事件是精心算计好羞辱他的。牛津搭配〔calculate〕The new tax system would be calculated on the value of property owned by an individual.新税制将按照个人财产价值计算税额。剑桥高阶〔calculate〕The number of votes cast in each section will then be calculated.接下来将计算各区的投票数。外研社新世纪〔calculate〕The sum involved was calculated at $82 million.涉及的数额为 8,200 万美元。牛津搭配〔calculate〕This school is calculated for retarded children.这所学校是为弱智儿童开办的。21世纪英汉〔calculate〕We calculated the cost of new carpeting for the whole house.我们计算了将整个房子铺上新地毯所需的费用。韦氏高阶〔calculate〕We had calculated on a quiet Sunday.我们原打算过一个安静的星期天。英汉大词典〔calculate〕We had not calculated on any problem with the application.我们没有预料到这一申请会有什么问题。麦克米伦高阶〔contrived〕There was nothing contrived or calculated about what he said.他所说的都是真情流露, 并非故意为之。外研社新世纪〔contrived〕There was nothing contrived or calculated about what he said.他说的话里没有任何蓄意捏造的成分。柯林斯高阶〔coordinate〕We calculated its exact coordinates.我们计算出了它的精确坐标。韦氏高阶〔credit〕Interest is calculated daily and credited once a year, on 1 April.利息按天计算, 每年4月1日一次性打入账户。外研社新世纪〔credit〕Interest is calculated daily and credited once a year, on 1 April.利息按天计算,每年4月1日一次性打入账户。柯林斯高阶〔critical path〕Costs can be calculated once the critical path has been established.一旦确定了关键途径,费用就可以计算出来了。朗文当代〔depreciation〕The rental cost has been calculated to take into account the depreciation of the vehicle.租金的计算已经考虑了车辆的折旧。外研社新世纪〔exalt〕Can there be a country in the world better calculated than ours to exalt the imagination?世界上还有哪一个国家被认为能比我们国家更好地激发人们的想象力呢?外研社新世纪〔false pretense〕False representation of fact or circumstance, calculated to mislead.欺诈:对于事实或事件的虚伪陈述,目的是为了误导美国传统〔gamble〕I took a calculated gamble and it paid off.我精心计划,赌了一把,结果成功了。牛津搭配〔head〕I did a quick head count (= calculated how many people there were).我很快地点了一下人数。剑桥高阶〔housing benefit〕Housing benefit is calculated on the basis of a level of income fixed by the government.住房津贴是基于政府规定的收入水平来计算的。外研社新世纪〔length〕The final price will be a fair one, calculated at arm's length.最后的价格以正常交易关系核算,将是公道的。英汉大词典〔lieutenant〕He was my right-hand man, my lieutenant on the field, a cool, calculated footballer.他是我的得力助手,球场上的代理人,是一个冷静而有头脑的足球运动员。柯林斯高阶〔lieutenant〕He was my right-hand man, my lieutenant on the field, a cool, calculated footballer.他曾是我的左膀右臂、运动场上的得力助手——一位冷静而精明的足球运动员。外研社新世纪〔magneton〕The Bohr magneton, calculated using the mass and charge of the electron.鲍尔磁子,用电子的质量和电荷来计算美国传统〔magneton〕The nuclear magneton, calculated using the mass of the nucleon.核磁子,用原子核的质量来计算美国传统〔manner〕Dividends will be calculated in the same manner.红利也将以相同方式计算。外研社新世纪〔may〕The total may be calculated by two different methods.总额可以用两种不同的方法计算。麦克米伦高阶〔mind game〕An act or series of acts of calculated psychological manipulation, especially in order to confuse or intimidate. Often used in the plural.心理游戏:一个或是一连串计算心理操纵的行动,特别是为了使人困惑或者受胁迫。常用复数美国传统〔near〕We calculated the cost to the nearest 50 dollars.我们算计费用约为 50 元。牛津高阶〔nicety〕She appeared to have calculated to a nicety how much ill treatment her husband would bear without walking out on her.她似乎早已算准丈夫在不致抛弃自己的前提下还能忍受多少折磨。外研社新世纪〔nimble〕His nimble mind calculated the answer before I could key the numbers into my computer.我还没来得及把数字输入计算机,他那敏捷的头脑已经算出了答案。剑桥高阶〔number〕To defeat, abuse, or humiliate in a calculated and thorough way.彻底地挫败:精心策划和彻底地挫败、使无用或使丢脸美国传统〔on the back of an envelope〕The prices were very roughly calculated - it looked as though he'd done them on the back of an envelope.计算出的价格不很精确——看上去似乎他只是粗略算了一下。剑桥高阶〔parameter〕Statistics A quantity, such as a mean, that is calculated from data and describes a population.【统计学】 母数:一种如平均数等从数据中计算出来的用来描述总体的数值美国传统〔percentage〕The numbers are small in percentage terms (=when calculated as a percentage) .按百分比来看数字很小。朗文当代〔perfidy〕Deliberate breach of faith; calculated violation of trust; treachery.缺乏诚意:故意的违背信义;故意的破坏信任;欺诈美国传统〔principal〕A sum of money owed as a debt, upon which interest is calculated.本金:作为债务的一笔钱,以此为基础来计算利息美国传统〔pro rata〕Fees are calculated on a pro rata basis .费用是按照比例计算的。朗文当代〔pro rata〕Holiday entitlement for part-time staff is calculated pro rata(=according to the number of hours worked).兼职员工节假日的津贴是按比例来计算的。麦克米伦高阶〔pro rata〕In proportion, according to a factor that can be calculated exactly.按比例:按照一个能被整算的分数所成的比例美国传统〔profit center〕A segment of a business for which costs, revenues, and profits are separately calculated.利润中心:分别计算成本、收入以及利润的商业部门美国传统〔prototypical〕They designed prototypical schools that could ensure students would meet state standards, then calculated the costs of those schools.他们先设计了学校的原型,保证教出来的学生能符合政府要求,然后计算这些学校的成本。剑桥高阶〔receipt〕Cash income is calculated by subtracting total trading income from total receipts.现金收入是从总收入中减去总贸易收入来计算的。牛津搭配〔reckoning〕The position so calculated.定位推算位置:这样计算所得的位置美国传统〔reclaim〕Have you calculated how much tax you can reclaim? 你计算过可以退回多少税款吗?麦克米伦高阶〔reference〕Gene frequencies were calculated then compared with the Finnish population as a reference group.先对基因频率进行了计算,然后以芬兰人口为参照组进行了对比。牛津搭配〔reference〕Our charges are calculated by reference to an hourly rate.我们的收费是按每小时固定费率计算的。牛津搭配〔result〕The result should be calculated to three decimal places.结果应算至小数点三位。英汉大词典〔risk〕I take calculated risks but never gamble.我会冒值得承担的风险,但从不孤注一掷。牛津搭配〔risk〕It was a calculated risk to appoint a man without management experience to such a senior post.任命一个没有管理经验的人担任这样高的职位,其风险是考虑过的。朗文当代〔sampling distribution〕The distribution of a statistic, such as occurs when a number of sample means are calculated for a given population.抽样分布:统计分布,如出现在为某一特定人口计算一定数量的样本美国传统〔sliding scale〕Fees are calculated on a sliding scale according to income(= richer people pay more).按浮动费率制根据收入高低计算收费。牛津高阶〔sliding scale〕Fees are calculated on a sliding scale.按浮动费率制计算费用。朗文当代〔slowly〕She lowered the glass with calculated slowness.她有意慢慢地放低了玻璃杯。柯林斯高阶〔solidify〕These measures are calculated to solidify and stabilize his rule.这些措施旨在巩固和稳定他的统治。英汉大词典〔stress〕Engineers calculated the stresses borne by each of the bridge supports.工程师计算了每座桥墩所承受的压力。牛津搭配〔subreption〕A calculated misrepresentation through concealment of the facts.隐瞒真象美国传统〔sum〕The total area was calculated as the sum of all the individual areas in the plan.总面积计为平面图上所有的单个面积之和。麦克米伦高阶〔tabular〕Calculated by means of a table.通过一张表格运算出来的美国传统〔taxicab〕An automobile that carries passengers for a fare, usually calculated by a taximeter.出租汽车:运送乘客并收取车费的汽车,通常由计程器计算车费美国传统〔uncertainty〕Statistics The estimated amount or percentage by which an observed or calculated value may differ from the true value.【统计学】 偏差,误差:测算价值相差于实际价值的大概数量或百分点美国传统〔value〕Mathematics An assigned or calculated numerical quantity.【数学】 值:一个被指定的或被计算的数值美国传统〔variously〕The depth of this cave has been variously calculated.对于此洞深度的计算各不相同。英汉大词典〔veto〕The veto was a calculated political risk.这项否决是一次精心策划的政治冒险。柯林斯高阶Because the fee is calculated on a percentage basis, card holders pay more on costly items than they do on small purchases.由于这种费用是按百分比来计算的,因此持卡人买奢侈品时要比买小件商品时支付得多。剑桥国际Cost of production is calculated as direct materials and labour plus a share of manufacturing overheads.生产成本是通过将直接材料费用和人工再加间接成本分摊额计算得出的。牛津商务Exports fell at an annualized rate (=the rate calculated over a year) of 12. 3%, while imports rose at a 7. 5% pace.出口额年下降率为12. 3%,而进口额年上升率为7. 5% 。剑桥国际French linguists have calculated that every 166th word in the Le Monde newspaper is English.法国语言学家已经计算出在《世界报》上每166个单词中就有一个是英语单词。剑桥国际He calculated the costs very carefully. 他仔细计算开支。译典通He has calculated the costs down to the last penny (= very accurately).他计算了每一分钱。剑桥国际He's calculated that it would take him two years to save up enough for a car.他算出他得存两年的钱才够买辆车。剑桥国际His nimble mind calculated the answer before I could key the numbers into my computer.在我把数字输进计算机之前,他那敏锐的头脑早已算出了答案。剑桥国际His reactions are spontaneous and instinctive rather than calculated.他的反应是自发的、出于本能的,而不是苦心设计的。剑桥国际His remark was calculated to hurt her. 他的话是故意要伤她的。译典通I would have arrived earlier, but I hadn't calculated on the train being so late.我本来能早点儿来的,但我没料到火车会晚点这么久。剑桥国际It's a policy that was hardly calculated to (=will not) win votes.这个政策很难赢得选票。剑桥国际It's one of those awful film endings which is calculated to make you cry.这就是那种令人讨厌的电影,特意安排一个让你流泪的结局。剑桥国际Leave entitlement is calculated on a pro rata basis, according to length of service.可享有的假期是根据服务期按比例计算的。牛津商务Personal tax is calculated on a sliding scale.个人税按收入高低进行计算。牛津商务The calculated premeditation of the crime shocked many members of the public.这项精心策划的、有预谋的犯罪使许多公众震惊。剑桥国际The cash equivalent of employee benefits such as company cars must be calculated for tax purposes.员工福利的现金等值项目,如公司汽车,必须计税。牛津商务The cost of the damage caused by the recent storms has been calculated as/at over £5 million.据计算近期风暴造成的损失价值超过5百万英镑。剑桥国际The director took a calculated risk in giving the film's main role to an unknown actor.导演故意冒险让一位不知名的男演员担任主角。剑桥国际The figure was calculated by dividing the costs by the number of products we expect to sell.这数字是通过成本除以产品的预计销售量得出的。牛津商务The judge said there had been a misunderstanding rather than a calculated deception.法官说这存在误解而非精心策划的诓骗。剑桥国际The new tax system would be calculated on the value of property owned by an individual.新的税务制度将按个人财产价值计算税收。剑桥国际The production costs were calculated on a last in, first out basis.生产成本根据后进先出法计算。牛津商务The timing of the announcement was calculated to take media attention away from the factory closures.选择在这一时间发布消息是为了让媒体的注意力远离工厂关闭。牛津商务The unknown number can be calculated from the data. 透过已知数可以算出未知数。译典通This figure was calculated by multiplying the company's recent cash flow by 2.24.这一数字是通过把公司最新的现金流量乘以 2.24 得出的。牛津商务We calculated that the advantages would be greater than the disadvantages.我们预计利大于弊。牛津商务When the final marks are calculated greater weighting is given to the practical tests than to the written work.计算最后的分数时,实践测试要比书面测试加分量更大。剑桥国际

