“knock on”例句

单词 knock on
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔CHECK〕I don't think Jo's back yet, but you can knock on her door just to make sure. 我想乔还没回家,不过你还是敲一下门看看吧。朗文写作活用〔LUCKY〕We haven't missed a deadline yet, knock on wood. 我们还没有错过一次限期,但愿一直有这运气。朗文写作活用〔WORRIED/WORRYING〕The knocking on the door and shouts became frantic. 敲门声和叫嚷声急切起来。朗文写作活用〔admittance〕They knocked on the door and asked for admittance.他们敲门请求进去。外研社新世纪〔and〕He knocked on the door and went in.他敲敲门走了进去。朗文当代〔answer〕I tried knocking on her door, but there was no answer.我试着敲了敲她的门,但是没人应门。朗文当代〔attention〕I knocked on the window to get her attention.我敲了敲窗,以使她注意到我。剑桥高阶〔conscious〕In spite of the knock on his head, he remained conscious.他尽管头上挨了打击,但神志仍然清醒。牛津同义词〔door〕Knock on the door and see if they're home.敲敲门,看他们是否在家。朗文当代〔door〕I knocked on the door and a voice answered ‘Come in.’ 敲门麦克米伦高阶〔double〕He gave a double knock on the door.他在门上敲了两下。英汉大词典〔enter〕Knock on the door before you enter the room.进屋之前先敲门。韦氏高阶〔enter〕Knock on the door before you enter.进入前先敲门。英汉大词典〔go in〕He knocked on the door and went in.他敲了敲门进去了。外研社新世纪〔hollow〕He heard a hollow sound when he knocked on the wall.他敲了敲那面墙,听到了沉闷的响声。韦氏高阶〔knock on〕Inflation has greatly knocked on the prices.通货膨胀极大地提高了物价。21世纪英汉〔knocker〕A hinged fixture, such as a metal ring or bar, used for knocking on a door.门环:供敲门用的有铰链的固定物,比如金属环或杆美国传统〔knock〕He knocked on the table to call the meeting to order.他敲击桌子,想使会场保持秩序。韦氏高阶〔knock〕He got a nasty knock on the head when he fell.他跌倒时头撞得很厉害。英汉大词典〔knock〕He got a nasty knock on the head.他头部遭到重重一击。牛津高阶〔knock〕He had knocked one of the pictures off the wall.他打落了墙上的一幅画。牛津搭配〔knock〕New graduates from high schools and colleges start knocking on employers' doors.刚从大中学校毕业的学生开始寻找就业门路。英汉大词典〔knock〕Somebody was knocking on the window.有人在敲窗户。牛津高阶〔knock〕Wilson went up and knocked on the door.威尔逊走上前去敲门。朗文当代〔lift〕She lifted her hand to knock on the door once again.她再次举手敲门。朗文当代〔low-down〕There came a low-down little knock on the door.响起了很轻的敲门声。英汉大词典〔lunge〕The attacker knocked on their door and made a lunge for Wendy when she answered.歹徒敲了他们的门,温迪一开门便向她扑去。柯林斯高阶〔moment〕Just at that moment there was a knock on the door.就在那时,有人敲门了。朗文当代〔next door〕Our next door neighbour knocked on the door to say that our car had been stolen.我们隔壁邻居敲门说,我们的车被偷了。柯林斯高阶〔once〕All at once there was someone knocking on the door.忽然有人敲门。柯林斯高阶〔path〕He went up the garden path to knock on the door.他沿花园小径走上前去敲门。外研社新世纪〔pot luck〕If you haven't made an appointment, take pot luck and knock on the door.如果没有预约, 那就敲门试试运气吧。外研社新世纪〔rat-a-tat-tat〕A series of short, sharp sounds, as that made by knocking on a door.咚咚声:一连串短而尖的声音,例如敲门声美国传统〔reel〕I reeled after that knock on the head.我头上挨了那一击后,感到眩晕。牛津同义词〔repeated〕We heard repeated knocks on the door.我们多次听到敲门声美国传统〔response〕When you knocked on the door, was there any response? 你敲门时有人回应吗?韦氏高阶〔sneak up on〕I managed to sneak up on him when you knocked on the door.你敲门的时候,我设法悄悄靠近了他。柯林斯高阶〔train〕A knock on the door interrupted his train of thought.敲门声中断了他的思路。牛津搭配〔turn to jelly〕As she knocked on the director's door, her legs turned to jelly.她敲主任的门时,感到两腿发软。剑桥高阶〔twice〕He knocked on the door twice.他敲门两次。文馨英汉〔twice〕I knocked on the door twice.我敲了两次门。外研社新世纪〔unearthly〕I was woken up at some unearthly hour of the morning by someone knocking on my door.我一大清早就被敲门声吵醒了。剑桥高阶〔wakey-wakey〕Gloria knocked on the door and shouted "Wakey-wakey!" 格洛丽亚敲着门喊道“醒醒,醒醒!”剑桥高阶Gloria knocked on the door and shouted “Wakey wakey!” (= Wake up!) 格罗妮亚敲着门,喊着“醒醒!醒醒!”剑桥国际He climbed the wooden stair and knocked on his grandfather's door.他爬上木楼梯去敲他祖父的房门。剑桥国际I knocked on the window to get/attract/catch her attention (=make her notice me).我在窗上敲了一下,以引起她的注意。剑桥国际I was woken up at some unearthly hour of the morning by someone knocking on my door.我在早晨很早的时候就被敲门声弄醒了。剑桥国际Investment bankers have been knocking on our door once a month (= wanting to invest).投资银行家每月一次敲我们的门(想投资)。牛津商务Jane knocked on the window to attract his attention.简敲敲窗想引起他的注意。剑桥国际When I fell I got a terrible knock on the head. 我摔倒时头撞得很厉害。译典通

