
单词 kinship
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔affinity〕A natural attraction or feeling of kinship.共鸣,吸引:自然的吸引或亲密的感情美国传统〔blood〕Family relationship; kinship.家族关系;亲属关系美国传统〔kinship〕Anxiety has some kinship with eagerness.焦急与急切有某种相似之处。文馨英汉〔kinship〕Anxiety has some kinship with eagerness.焦急跟急切有某种相似之处。英汉大词典〔kinship〕Different ethnic groups have different systems of kinship.不同的民族亲属关系有着不同的体系。剑桥高阶〔kinship〕He feels a strong kinship with other survivors of the war.他感到和其他的战争幸存者之间有一种强烈的亲近感。韦氏高阶〔kinship〕He felt a kinship with the only other American on the base.他对基地仅有的另一名美国人有一种亲切感。朗文当代〔kinship〕He felt a deep kinship with the other students.他感受到与其他学生之间的那份深情厚谊。外研社新世纪〔kinship〕He felt a real sense of kinship with his fellow soldiers.他对战友有一种发自内心的亲切感。剑桥高阶〔kinship〕Henry is a trusted friend with whom Reed feels a deep kinship.亨利是里德信赖且投契的朋友。英汉大词典〔kinship〕Many Russians feel a kinship with their fellow Slavs, the Serbs.许多俄罗斯人对他们的斯拉夫伙伴塞尔维亚人有认同感。麦克米伦高阶〔kinship〕She evidently felt a sense of kinship with the woman.她明显地感到对这个女人有一种亲切感。柯林斯高阶〔kinship〕She evidently felt a sense of kinship with the woman.她明显感到对这名女子有一种亲切感。外研社新世纪〔kinship〕The sense of kinship between the two men is surprising.这两个男人之间的密切关系令人惊奇。朗文当代〔kinship〕The ties of kinship may have helped the young man find his way in life.亲情可能帮这个年轻人找到了生活的方向。柯林斯高阶〔kinship〕Their ties of kinship mean a lot to them.亲情对他们来说很重要。外研社新世纪〔kinship〕We talked about music, and food, and holiday destinations, and gradually established a kinship.我们谈论了音乐、食物以及度假目的地, 逐渐就亲密起来。外研社新世纪〔phyle〕A large citizens' organization based on kinship, constituting the largest political subdivision of an ancient Greek city-state.宗族:一种基于亲戚关系的巨大的市民组织,它组成了古希腊城邦的最大的政治分支美国传统〔related〕Connected by kinship, common origin, or marriage.有亲缘关系的:因血缘,共同起源或婚姻而相互关联的美国传统〔relational〕Of or arising from kinship.亲属关系的:亲属关系的或源于之间的美国传统〔relationship〕Connection by blood or marriage; kinship.亲属关系:因血缘或婚姻产生的联系;亲戚关系美国传统〔relation〕The connection of people by blood or marriage; kinship.嫡亲关系:由于血缘或婚姻产生的人与人之间的关系;亲戚关系美国传统〔relative〕One related by kinship, common origin, or marriage.亲属:因亲戚关系共同的起源或婚姻相关联的人美国传统〔sib〕Anthropology A kinship group consisting of two or more lineages considered as being related, as by common descent from a mythic ancestor.【人类学】 氏族:由两条或更多被认为有血缘关系的世系组成的亲族,如来自一神秘祖先的同一后代的美国传统〔totemism〕A belief in totems or in kinship through common affiliation to a totem.图腾崇拜:对图腾的信仰或因与某一图腾所共有的紧密联系对血亲关系的信仰美国传统As a former soldier, he said he felt a real sense of kinship (= feeling of closeness) with the young men in the current fighting.作为退伍士兵,他说他对正在战斗的青年人真有种亲切感。剑桥国际Different ethnic groups have different systems of kinship.不同的种族有不同的亲属关系。剑桥国际I feel a strong kinship with him. 我觉得与他十分投契。译典通There is a certain kinship (= similarity) between desire and violence.渴求和暴力之间有某种相似之处。剑桥国际

