
单词 limelight
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ENJOY〕During his visit, the President seemed to revel in the limelight. 总统出访期间似乎因成为公众关注的中心而飘飘然了。朗文写作活用〔PREFER〕There was nothing she liked better than being in the limelight in front of the press and TV cameras. 她最喜欢站在新闻界和电视镜头前成为公众注意的中心。朗文写作活用〔appetite〕He shows little appetite for the limelight.他对虚名没有兴趣。英汉大词典〔avid〕She has an avid fondness for the limelight.她热衷于出风头。英汉大词典〔catapult〕A remarkable series of events catapulted her into the limelight.一连串引人注目的事件使她成为公众关注的焦点。朗文当代〔catapult〕The award for best actress meant that almost overnight she was catapulted into the limelight.获得最佳女演员奖意味着她几乎一夜之间成了公众关注的焦点。剑桥高阶〔grab/steal the limelight〕He doesn't like having to share the limelight with other actors.他不喜欢和别的演员分享公众的注目。韦氏高阶〔grab/steal the limelight〕He's always trying to grab/steal the limelight from other actors.他总是试图抢其他演员的风头。韦氏高阶〔hog〕He's been hogging the limelight (=having all the attention, praise etc).他总是要引人注目。朗文当代〔hog〕Now, Bert, quit hogging the limelight.好了,伯特,别出风头。柯林斯高阶〔limelight〕DiCaprio has been in the limelight since he began his career at the age of 12.迪卡普里奥自12岁开始他的职业生涯以来就为公众所瞩目。麦克米伦高阶〔limelight〕He seems fond of the limelight.他似乎喜欢出风头。文馨英汉〔limelight〕He was never a man to seek the limelight.他从来就不是爱出风头的人。牛津搭配〔limelight〕He was now one of the city's notables — but he preferred to remain out of the limelight.他现在成为该城的名人之一,但他宁可像过去一样避免引人注目。英汉大词典〔limelight〕She accused her co-star of trying to hog the limelight.她指责合演的明星企图抢风头。牛津搭配〔limelight〕She has shunned the limelight.她避开了公众的关注。韦氏高阶〔limelight〕She is limelighted anywhere she goes.她走到哪里都受人注目。21世纪英汉〔limelight〕She likes being in the limelight.她喜欢受人关注。牛津搭配〔limelight〕She's afraid this new actor will steal the limelight from her.她担心这位新演员会抢去她的风头。朗文当代〔limelight〕Tad loves being in the limelight.塔德喜欢成为公众关注的焦点。朗文当代〔limelight〕The band started touring again after two years out of the limelight.沉寂两年之后,这个乐队又开始了巡回演出。牛津搭配〔limelight〕The president's wife wanted to stay out of the limelight.总统夫人想避免引人注目。朗文当代〔limelight〕The prince has always tried to keep his children out of the limelight.王子总是设法避免让自己的孩子成为公众关注的焦点。麦克米伦高阶〔limelight〕They have only recently been enjoying worldwide interest that has now put them firmly in the limelight.他们最近才收获全世界的关注, 彻底成为众人瞩目的焦点。外研社新世纪〔limelight〕Tony has now been thrust into the limelight, with a high-profile job.托尼现在一下子成了众人关注的中心,因为他有一份经常出镜、见报的工作。柯林斯高阶〔limelight〕Tony has now been thrust into the limelight, with a high-profile job.托尼现在有了一份引人瞩目的工作, 一下子成了公众的焦点。外研社新世纪〔steal the limelight〕The experimental car certainly stole the limelight at the motor show.这款实验车型无疑在车展上出尽了风头。剑桥高阶〔the limelight〕She's been in the limelight recently, following the release of her controversial new film.近来随着她这部颇具争议的新片的发行,她受到了公众的极大关注。剑桥高阶〔thrust〕She was thrust into the limelight.她被推到了众目睽睽之下。外研社新世纪Leading politicians must get used to the limelight.显赫的政治家们必须习惯于成为人们注意的焦点。剑桥国际Potential problems of celebrity status are not much of a determent to those seeking limelight. 成名带来的潜在问题不会使那些寻求名人地位的人却步。译典通She's been in the limelight (= receiving a lot of public attention and interest) recently following the release of her controversial new film.最近在她的有争议的新影片上映后她成为公众注意的焦点。剑桥国际The experimental car certainly stole the limelight at the motor show.这实验车理所当然地在汽车展中出尽了风头。剑桥国际

