“a collection of”例句

单词 a collection of
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Bible〕Abbr. B.,Bib.The sacred book of Christianity, a collection of ancient writings including the books of both the Old Testament and the New Testament.缩写 B.,Bib.圣经:基督教的圣经,一本古代作品集,包括《旧约全书》和《新约全书》美国传统〔CHOOSE〕The book is a collection of selected essays by D.H.Lawrence. 本书是D.H.劳伦斯的散文选集。朗文写作活用〔EXPERIENCE〕His new book is a collection of essays and fiction by writers who lived through the Great Depression. 他的新书是一本文集,汇编了经历过大萧条的一些作家所写的散文和小说。朗文写作活用〔Edwardiana〕Material or a collection of materials from or relating to the Edwardian era.英国爱德华时期风格的:来自爱德华时代的或该时代风格的用品或精品收藏美国传统〔LIE〕Mudge, in a written statement Wednesday, said the article was a collection of ‘falsehoods and misinformation’. 马奇在星期三的一份书面声明中说,这篇文章全是“欺人之谈”。朗文写作活用〔POWER/POWERFUL〕In 1860, Italy was a collection of small states ruled by princes and dukes. 1860年,意大利分裂成一些亲王、公爵统治的小城邦。朗文写作活用〔Phaedrus〕Roman fabulist who wrote a collection of fables based on those attributed to Aesop.费德鲁斯:罗马寓言家,他写了一部基于被认为是伊索所作的寓言集美国传统〔SELL〕A collection of prints and paintings by Picasso came under the hammer at Sotheby's yesterday. 毕加索的一批版画和油画昨天在苏富比进行拍卖。朗文写作活用〔Shakespeareana〕A collection of items by or relating to Shakespeare.莎士比亚的:由莎士比亚创作的或有关其作品集的美国传统〔anthology〕A collection of literary pieces, such as poems, short stories, or plays.选集:文学作品集,如诗歌、短篇小说或戏剧美国传统〔cartulary〕A collection of deeds or charters, especially a register of titles to all the property of an estate or a monastery.契据登记簿:契约或契据集,尤指一处地产或一所修道院所有财产的所有权登记簿美国传统〔collection〕A glass-fronted cabinet displayed a collection of china.玻璃面展柜中陈列着瓷器藏品。牛津搭配〔collection〕He has quite a collection of exercise equipment.他收集了一大批健身器材。韦氏高阶〔collection〕She made a collection of Roman coins and medals.她收藏古罗马钱币和纪念章。牛津搭配〔collection〕The band has just released a collection of their greatest hits.这支乐队刚刚推出自己的金曲专辑。牛津搭配〔collective noun〕A noun that denotes a collection of persons or things regarded as a unit.集合名词:指代一组人或物的名词美国传统〔dossier〕A collection of papers giving detailed information about a particular person or subject.卷宗:有关某人或某事详细情况的书面材料汇编美国传统〔effort〕His first effort in 1991 was a collection of short stories.他在1991年写出来的第一部作品是一本短篇故事集。麦克米伦高阶〔file〕A collection of papers or published materials kept or arranged in convenient order.档案,文件:以适当顺序保存或安置的文件或出版物的收集品美国传统〔florilegium〕A collection of excerpts from written texts, especially works of literature.花谱,诗选:文字摘录集,尤其是文学作品的美国传统〔glean〕He has a collection of antique tools gleaned from flea markets and garage sales.他从跳蚤市场和宅前旧货出售处淘到不少古老的工具。韦氏高阶〔hat〕To take up a collection of money.募捐:进行钱的募集美国传统〔herbarium〕A collection of dried plants mounted, labeled, and systematically arranged for use in scientific study.蜡叶植物标本集:制成标本、贴有标签并有系统地排序以便于科学研究的制干的植物的集合美国传统〔humor〕The book is a collection of American humor.这本书是美式幽默集锦。韦氏高阶〔inanity〕His speech was nothing but a collection of inanities.他的讲话只不过是蠢话连篇。英汉大词典〔job lot〕A collection of cheap items.一堆便宜的物品美国传统〔knowledge base〕A collection of facts and rules for problem solving.信息参考库:用于解决问题的一系列细节和规则美国传统〔mantelshelf〕Beneath this, on the mantelshelf, is displayed a collection of seventeenth-century tulip vases.下面的壁炉架上陈列的是一批17世纪的郁金香花瓶。柯林斯高阶〔miscellany〕A collection of various items, parts, or ingredients, especially one composed of diverse literary works.杂集:由不同的项、部分或成分构成的集合,尤指由不同的文学作品构成的集合美国传统〔mixed bag〕A collection of dissimilar things; an assortment.混杂:不相似的事物的聚合;一种搭配美国传统〔olio〕A collection of various artistic or literary works or musical pieces; a miscellany.杂集,杂录:各种艺术、文学或音乐作品集;杂集美国传统〔pack〕A collection of items tied up or wrapped; a bundle.一捆,一包:捆住的或包扎好的东西集合;包袱,包裹美国传统〔painting〕The gallery houses a collection of British painting from 1500 to the present day.该美术馆藏有从1500年至今的英国绘画作品。英汉大词典〔pastel〕She has a collection of pastels.她收集了一批蜡笔画。韦氏高阶〔poetry〕I read the poem in a collection of modern poetry.我在现代诗歌集中读到了这首诗。韦氏高阶〔psalmody〕A collection of psalms.赞美诗集美国传统〔quire〕A collection of leaves of parchment or paper, folded one within the other, in a manuscript or book.对折的一叠手:在手稿或书中,互相对折在一起的一叠羊皮纸或纸美国传统〔record〕He has a collection of old records.他收藏旧唱片。韦氏高阶〔reminiscence〕The book is a collection of his reminiscences about the actress.这本书辑录了他对那位女演员的回忆。牛津高阶〔represent〕They have a collection of animals representing more than 50 species.他们收藏的动物标本涵盖50多个物种。韦氏高阶〔samhita〕A collection of sacred devotional hymns in Sanskrit constituting one of the four Vedas.圣喜达:梵文宗教祈祷歌文集,四部吠陀经之一美国传统〔specimen〕He has a collection of rare insect specimens.他收集了很多稀有昆虫的标本。剑桥高阶〔symposium〕A collection of writings on a particular topic, as in a magazine.专题论文,专题论文集:就某一专题撰写的文章的合集,如某杂志的美国传统Bill auctioned off a collection of stamps. 比尔拍卖了一批他所收藏的邮票。译典通He is a born leader, who welded a collection of gifted individualists into a real team.他是一个天生的领导者,将一群有天分的个人组成了一个真正的集体。剑桥国际It is a collection of documents with reference to the First World War. 这是一批有关第一次世界大战的文件。译典通It's a collection of fascinating stories culled from a lifetime of experience.这是一本从毕生经历中挑选的精彩故事集。剑桥国际The City Museum has a collection of ornately decorated porcelain.市博物馆收藏了一批装饰华丽的瓷器。剑桥国际The photographs were just a collection of family snapshots and failed to provide any clues.这些照片只是全家人的快照集锦,不能提供任何线索。剑桥国际They will auction off a collection of oils. 他们将拍卖一批收藏的油画。译典通

