GMIGerman-Malaysian Institute (est. 1992)
GMIGlobal Medical Imaging (North Carolina)
GMIGeneral Mills, Inc.
GMIGlobal Market Insite, Inc. (software; various locations)
GMIGeneric Management Information
GMIGeneric Memory Management Interface
GMIGeneric Mapping Interface
GMIGeometry Model Instance
GMIGeometric Modeling Interface
GMIGeneral Motors Institute
GMIGenomic Medicine Institute (Cleveland Institute; Cleveland, OH)
GMIGlobal MSF Interoperability
GMIGovernance Metrics International (New York, New York)
GMIGeorgia Military Institute (est. 1851)
GMIGlobal Media Intelligence
GMIGareth Morgan Investments (New Zealand)
GMIInternational Grandmaster (chess)
GMIGross Monthly Income
GMIGiant Magneto-Impedance
GMIGuaranteed Minimum Income (social welfare system; various nations)
GMIGlobal Medical Instrumentation
GMIGeneral Military Intelligence
GMIGlobal Modeling Initiative
GMIGlobal Market Initiative (renewable energy)
GMIGlobal Markets Investment
GMIGregor Mendel Institute of Molecular Plant Biology (Vienna, Austria)
GMIGeo-Marine, Inc.
GMIGoodman Media International (New York)
GMIGorgas Memorial Institute (of Tropical and Preventive Medicine, Panama)
GMIGood Mobile Intranet
GMIGeneralized Mutual Information
GMIGoddard Management Instruction
GMIGold Moon Incorporated
GMIGround Maintenance Interrogation
GMIGeneral Management Inspection
GMIGovernment Materiel Inspection
GMIGraphic Metals, Inc.
GMIGovernment Monitoring Information
GMIGraduate Management Institute
GMIGeneric Model Interface (simulation modeling)
GMIGross Margin Improvement (profitability)
GMIGas Mask Insert
GMIGreater Mission Initiative
GMIGenetically Modified Ingredient
GMIGenetically Modified Insect