“at once”用法

词组 at once

■ (at) once


1) “立刻”、“马上”,修饰过去、现在和将来的一次瞬间动作。

  • Come here at once.你马上过来。
  • The audience at once greeted him warmly.观众立刻热烈欢迎他。
  • He started at once to compose a reply to Anna.他立刻写信回复安娜。

2) “在同一时间内”,修饰过去、现在或将来的多件同时实行的瞬间动作。

  • You can't be doing two things at once.两件事不能同时做。
  • No bank could ever pay off its creditors if they all demanded their money at once.任何银行,如果债权人全都同时来索债,都是无法支付的。

3) 表示“同时”具有多个延续的状态。

  • The book is at once funny and instructive.这本书既有趣又有教育意义。
  • From childhood, he was evidently at once rebellious and precocious.他从小就显得既调皮又早熟。

at once 前面可以加 all,也同样有上述三个意义。但是用于第一个意义(“马上”、“立刻”)时,all at once 多出现在句首。

  • All at once there was someone knocking on he door.立刻有人敲门。
  • All at once, his serious expression softened into a grin.他那扳着的脸容一下子松弛下来,露出笑容。

用于第二和第三个意义(“几件事情同时发生”或“几个状态同时存在”)时,all at once 多出现在句末。

  • She wanted to laugh and weep all at once.她真想同时又笑又哭。
  • She is a teacher, housewife, and mother all at once.她同时又是老师,又是家庭主妇,又是母亲。

