CADDComputer-Aided Drafting and Design
CADDComputer-Aided Drug Design
CADDComputer Aided Design and Drafting
CADDComputer Aided Detector Design
CADDCombined Arms Doctrine Directorate
CADDComputer-Aided Design & Drafting
CADDComplex Add
CADDComputerized Ambulatory Drug Delivery
CADDCommunauté d'Agglomération du Drouais (French: Agglomeration Community of Dreaux; Dreaux, France)
CADDCercle d'Auto Promotion pour le Développement Durable (French: Self-Promotion Circle for Sustainable Development; Benin)
CADDComputer-Aided Design Development
CADDCollectif Associatif pour un Développement Durable (French: Collective Association for Sustainable Development)
CADDCombat Air Delivery Division
CADDCustomer Acquisition Due Diligence (banking)