BIMABritish Interactive Media Association (UK)
BIMABerkeley Illinois Maryland Association
BIMABilateral Internal Mammary Arteries (cardiology)
BIMABiometrics Identity Management Agency (US DoD)
BIMABerkeley-Illinois-Maryland Array (radio telescope)
BIMABundesanstalt für Immobilien-Aufgaben (German: Federal Agency for Real Estate Tasks)
BIMABoston Interactive Media Association (now part of Massachusetts Innovation & Technology Exchange)
BIMABellingham Independent Music Association
BIMABerkshire Institute for Music and Arts
BIMABermuda Insurance Management Association
BIMABulgarian Investment Managers Association (Sofia, Bulgaria)
BIMABosanska Islamska Medicinska Asocijacija (Bosnian Medical Association)
BIMABritish Isles Majorette Association
BIMABusiness Intelligence Methodologies and Applications (ICEBE workshop)
BIMABabson Investment Management Association
BIMABeirut Institute for Media Arts (Lebanon)
BIMABlind Iterative MIMO Algorithm
BIMABasic Imagery and Mapping Annotations
BIMABarmore Insurance Marketing Associates
BIMABulletin of the Islamic Medical Association (South Africa)
BIMABritish Industrial Marketing Association
BIMABrigham Internal Medicine Ambulatory