SERPSearch Engine Results Page
SERPSupplemental Executive Retirement Plan (nontax-qualified)
SERPState Earnings Related Pension
SERPSoftware Engineering Research and Practice
SERPSearch Engine Results Position
SERPStrategic Education Research Partnership
SERPSupplemental Employee Retirement Plan
SERPSociety for Elimination of Rural Poverty
SERPSuper Efficient Refrigerator Program
SERPSpecial Early Retirement Program
SERPStorage Enterprise Resource Planner (NovusCG, Inc.)
SERPServicewide Electronic Research Program
SERPStatewide Emergency Response Plan
SERPServices Effectiveness Research Program
SERPSyncrude Emissions Reduction Project (Canada)
SERPSheltered Employee Retirement Plan
SERPServicewide Electronic Research Project
SERPSystem Equipment Reliability Prioritization
SERPSteam/Electrical Recovery Project
SERPSupport Equipment Reclamation Program
SERPStrategic Environmental Restoration Program
SERPSustaining Engineering Requirements Plan
SERPSymbol Error Rate Performance
SERPSorption Enhanced Reforming Process
SERPSystolic Early Relaxation Phenomenon (medical; cardiology)