PIGPretty Indian Girl
PIGPut In Ground (pour out leftover molten metal)
PIGPolitically Incorrect Guide (Regnery Publishing)
PIGPublic Interest Group
PIGPicture in Graphic
PIGPesticides in Groundwater
PIGPipeline Inspection Gauge
PIGPigfish (FAO fish species code)
PIGProbability of Ignition (fires)
PIGPrivate Interest Group
PIGProduct Information Guide
PIGProperty Insurance Group
PIGPersonal Interface to the Grid
PIGPerformance Indicator Group
PIGPacket Internet Groper
PIGPicture in Graphics
PIGPride Integrity Guts
PIGParticipation in Government
PIGProjet d'Intérêt Général (French: General Interest Project)
PIGPassive Income Generator (tax term related to passive activity rules)
PIGPressurized Inert Gas (filtering)
PIGPretty Interesting Guy
PIGProfessional Investment Group
PIGPretty Intelligent Girl
PIGPretty Intelligent Guy
PIGPassive Information Gathering (software)
PIGPartido da Imprensa Golpista
PIGProteome Informatics Group (Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics)
PIGPolitically Incorrect Gazette
PIGPaint Inspection Gauge (Sheen Instruments)
PIGPoor Indian Graduate
PIGPendulous Integrating Gyro
PIGProgram Implementation Group
PIGPursuing Instant Gratification
PIGPretty Interesting Girl
PIGProduct Implementation Guide
PIGPatrol Investment Group
PIGPartially Ionized Globule
PIGPhillips Ionization Gauge
PIGPipeline Inspection Gadget
PIGProduct Integrity Group
PIGProvide Information Goal
PIGPhoto Instrumentation Group
PIGPlasma Ion Generator
PIGPretty Insensitive Girl
PIGPlant Insect Group (lab discussion group)
PIGPretty Insensitive Guy
PIGParker Intubation Guide
PIGProbability Impact Grid (risk analysis)
PIGPlan-It-Green (educational program)
PIGParent Information Guide
PIGProfessionally Instructed Gunman
PIGPermenantley Invited Guest
PIGPerseverance, Integrity, and Guts