
单词 monarchal
释义 monarchal, a.|məˈnɑːkəl|
Also 6–7 -all.
[f. monarch n. + -al1. Cf. OF. monarchal.]
1. Of, belonging to, or characteristic of a monarch; befitting a monarch.
1592Nobody & Someb. F 3, My kinglie browes itch for a stately Crowne, This hand to beare a round Monarchall Globe.1610J. Guillim Heraldry vi. vii. 280 The Blazon of these his Maiesties most Roiall and Monarchal Ensignes.1667Milton P.L. ii. 428 Satan, whom now transcendent glory rais'd Above his fellows, with Monarchal pride..thus spake.1825Lamb Elia Ser. ii. Convalescent, To be sick is to enjoy monarchal prerogatives.1826G. S. Faber Diffic. Romanism (1853) 60 The Bishops of Rome have legitimately inherited the alleged monarchal prerogatives of Peter.1845Blackw. Mag. LVII. 783 The royal harangue..has..a certain monarchal tone.1886Belgravia Mag. LX. 43 A bastard, crowned, Aped manners of monarchal state.
fig.1612Drayton Poly-olb. iii. 371 By whose monarchal sway, She fortifies herself.
2. Having the status of a monarch; that exercises the functions of a monarch.
1586J. Ferne Blaz. Gentrie ii. 26 This is that fashioned Crowne which appertaineth to kinges onely monarchall.1620Dekker Dreame (1860) 41 Hee [Adam]..was sole monarchall lord O're the whole globe.1656Sir J. Finett For. Ambass. 3 He..would never allow (he sayd) so much as a question or thought of competition betweene him a monarchall soveraigne and a meane Republique.1678Marvell Growth Popery 12 The king..was more Generous and Monarchal than to assign Cause..for his Actions.1826G. S. Faber Diffic. Romanism (1853) 217 Christ's Monarchal Vicar might send two of his dependant suffragans..upon an ecclesiastical errand.
3. Of a state, etc.: That is ruled by a monarch. Of government or institutions: Monarchical. Now rare or Obs.
a1586Sidney Arcadia v. (1613) 451 The Princes persons; being in all monarchall gouernements the very knot of the peoples welfare.1635J. Hayward tr. Biondi's Banish'd Virg. Pref. verse, The ware..by thee in-brought To this Monarchall Ile.1640H. King Serm. 41 Look..upon Kingdomes governed by formes Monarchall and Absolute as yours.1836Landor Peric. & Asp. clvii. Wks. 1853 II. 419/1 Nations monarchal and aristocratical.1846Hare Mission Comf. (1850) 15 [Such a change] would have over⁓thrown the legitimate monarchal constitution of your being, to set up the ochlocracy within you in its stead.
Hence moˈnarchally adv., as a monarch.
1838G. S. Faber Inquiry 392 Antichrist..hath already appeared in his true character, seated monarchally in the seven-hilled city.

