
单词 perceiving
释义 I. perceiving, vbl. n.|pəˈsiːvɪŋ|
[f. perceive v. + -ing1.]
The action of the vb. perceive in its various senses: a. A becoming aware, observing, cognizance, perception; a being perceived.
1375Barbour Bruce ii. 15 The bruce..Gert priuely bryng Stedys twa. He and the clerk, for-owtyn ma, Lap on, forowtyn persawyng.c1440Alph. Tales 243 Þai durst not cry in þe cetie for purseyvyng, & þai went vnto þe wuddis.1509Fisher Fun. Serm. C'tess Richmond Wks. (1876) 292 To the vnderstondynge of latyn wherin she had a lytell perceyuynge.1585T. Washington tr. Nicholay's Voy. ii. xxii. 60 Without the knowledge or perceiuing of their husbands.1762Kames Elem. Crit. (1833) 475 Perceiving is a general term for hearing, seeing, tasting, touching, smelling.
b. The receiving (of rents, etc.). Obs.
1485Rolls of Parlt. VI. 319/2 The perceyvynge or taking of any issues or proffitts therof.1503–4Act 19 Hen. VII, c. 27 §1 Endentures to be made of all suche reteyndres receyvynges & perceyvynges.
II. perˈceiving, ppl. a.
[f. as prec. + -ing2.]
That perceives; percipient; formerly (now rarely) also, discerning, penetrating, sagacious.
c1410Master of Game (MS. Digby 182) xi, A good mann and a perceyuande.1525Ld. Berners Froiss. II. xxviii. 79 As sage and as parceyuing as any hyghe prince in his dayes.1645Milton Tetrach. (1851) 235 It must needs bee both unjoyous and injurious to any perceaving person so detain'd.1736Butler Anal. i. i, Glasses..preparing objects for, and conveying them towards the perceiving power.1862H. Spencer First Princ. i. iii. §20 (1875) 65 The mental act in which self is known, implies..a perceiving subject and a perceived object.
Hence perˈceivingness, the quality or state of perceiving; perception, discernment.
1897F. Thompson New Poems 130 For I know, Albeit, with custom-dulled perceivingness.

