
单词 pendle
释义 I. pendle1 Obs. or dial.|ˈpɛnd(ə)l|
Also 7 pendill, -all, -el, 9 -il.
[From L. pendēre or F. pendre to hang: for sense 1 cf. F. pendille ‘a thing that hangs danglingly’ (Cotgr.), and mod.F. pendeloque hanging ornament; cf. also pendule n.]
1. A hanging ornament, a pendant. Obs.
1663Gerbier Counsel 69 Heads and Pendills four inches Diameter, at four pence a head, six inches Diameter, six pence a head.1667Primatt City & C. Build. 66 Posts, Rails, Bannisters, Pendalls, and Balls for conveniency and ornament.a1670in W. Hunter Biggar & Ho. Fleming xxvii. (1862) 342 The lady gaed up the Parliament Stairs, Wi' pendles in her lug sae bonnie.1710Ruddiman Douglas' æneis Gloss. s.v. Pendes, Pendants..we call them pendles.
2. A screen hanging from the front of an altar; an altarcloth. Obs.
1501Acc. Ld. High Treas. Scot. II. 65 For xij elne iij quarteris wellus to be offreis and crucis to the redestand and to the pendale and antependale of the altair.1512Ibid. IV. 358 For ane chessable with orphis, ane albe amyt, altar towellis, ane pendele to the altar,..v li. viij s. ix d.
3. An overhanging part, natural or artificial: cf. jetty n. 2. Obs.
1581Styward Mart. Discipl. ii. 125 Some large riuer, or some deepe dale, hauing high pendles ouer it, either cast there by Art, or fortified by nature.1663Boston Rec. (1881) VII. 17 Ordered that noe Jettie nor pendill yt shall be erected but shall be full 8 foot in height from the ground.
4. A pendulum. Obs. or dial.
1742MS. Church Acc. Glaston in Rutland Gloss. (E.D.S.) s.v., Allowed fox [the carpenter] for cutting way for the pendle.1828Craven Gloss. (ed. 2), Pendil, the pendulum of a clock.
II. ˈpendle2 local.
Also pendal.
[Derivation obscure.]
A local term for various kinds or beds of stone as occurring in quarries. Also pendle-rock, pendle-stone.
a1808in Batchelor Agric. Bedford iv. 8 Under which is a small stone, short, thick, and hard, called the pendle rock.1839Murchison Silur. Syst. i. ii. 18 Pendle’. Brownish hard calc grit, jointed and fissured.1847–78Halliwell, Pendle-rock, the top stratum in the stone-quarry at Islip, co. Oxon, is called the pendle-rock.1854A. E. Baker Northamp. Glossary, s.v., Pendle, a name given by quarry-men to the upper course in a stone-pit, whether of the upper or lower Oolite or Fuller's earth.1900Stone Trade Jrnl. Aug. (E.D.D.), The upper eight or ten feet of loose stuff [are] cleared away, thus ‘ridding’ the ground for the ‘pendal’, as the slates are called... The frost swells the bed of natural moisture in the ‘pendal’, and in a thaw the layers may be separated by a few blows with a hammer.

