
单词 penny-wise
释义 ˈpenny-ˈwise, adj. phr. or a.
[cf. penny 5.]
Wise or prudent in regard to pence, i.e. careful (esp. over-careful) in small expenditures; usually in phr. penny-wise and pound-foolish, thrifty in small matters while careless or wasteful in large ones.
1607Topsell Four-f. Beasts 609 If by covetousnesse or negligence, one withdraw from them their ordinary foode, he shall be penny wise, and pound foolish: that is, suffer a great losse in his cattel, for saving from them a little meat.1607–12Bacon Ess., Riches (Arb.) 238 Be not penny-wise; Riches have winges, and sometymes they fly away of themselves.1712Addison Spect. No. 295 ⁋6, I think a Woman who will give up her self to a Man in Marriage, where there is the least Room for such an Apprehension,..may very properly be accused..of being Penny Wise and Pound foolish.1842Thackeray Miss Löwe Wks. 1886 XXIII. 272 What a miserable penny-wise economist you have been!
Hence penny-wisdom, the quality of being ‘penny-wise’; penny-ˌwise-pound-ˈfoolishness.
1829Bentham Justice & Cod. Petit. 116 That humanity which has penny wisdom for its counsellor.1850Athenæum 23 Feb. 212/2 This seems to us the very quintessence of penny wisdom and pound folly in management.1860Sala Lady Chesterf. v. 8 Penny-wisdom, and pound-foolishness are now as prevalent as ever.1895Westm. Gaz. 3 Dec. 2/2 It is folly..to cripple and maim our own people by the penny-wise-pound-foolishness of ‘twopenny-halfpenny’ education.

