
单词 pleadable
释义 pleadable, a.|ˈpliːdəb(ə)l|
Also 5–7 pled-, 6 pleade-.
[ME. a. AF. pledable (1292 Britton) = OF. plaidable, f. plaidier to plead: see -able.]
1. That may be pleaded.
a. Of a cause: That may legally be maintained or defended in a court of law.
[1292Britton ii. i, La fourme et la manere de pleder personels pletz pledables par attachementz de cors.]1576Fleming Panopl. Epist. 256 As cases of lawe, pleadable in courtes of assise &c.1643Virginia Stat. (1823) I. 262 That all monie debts made since the 26th day of March 1642..shall not be pleadable or recoverable in any court of justice vnder this government.c1645Howell Lett. (1688) IV. 455 A Forrest hath her Courts of Attachments..where Matters are as pleadable..as at Westminster Hall.1707E. Chamberlayne Pres. St. Eng. ii. xv. (ed. 22) 196 Real Actions are pleadable in no other Court.
b. That may be alleged formally in the course of the pleadings, or urged as a plea, in a court of law.
[1312Rolls of Parlt. I. 284/2 Bref en Chauncellerie pledable en Baunk le Roi.]1455Ibid. V. 326/1 Such plees as in lawe were pledables.1531Dial. on Laws Eng. ii. ii. (1638) 62 If an Obligation beare date out of the realme..[it is] not pleadable at the Common law.1660R. Sheringham King's Suprem. Asserted ii. (1682) 8 The words of a Statute..are pleadable in their usual and grammatical sense to all purposes.1688Sir G. Treby in Collect. Poems 263 No Pardon to be pleadable to an Impeachment in Parliament.1884Law Times Rep. 16 Feb. 773/2 The allegations in question are properly pleadable..being allegations of matters which may be given in evidence at the trial.
c. gen. That may be pleaded, claimed, urged, or alleged in behalf of a cause.
1565J. Calfhill Answ. Treat. Crosse 46 b, Your comparison is not pleadeable: eche part conteyneth some peece of vntruth.1680Allen Peace & Unity 70 If this were not so, their case would not be so pleadable as now it is.1786A. Gib Sacr. Contempl. 289 Bequeathing to his people..a pleadable interest in all his services and sufferings for their Salvation.1862Ruskin Unto this Last iv. 161 Meat! perhaps your right to that may be pleadable; but other rights have to be pleaded first.
2. pleadable brief, Sc. Law: see brieve. pleadable day: a day on which pleadings can take place.
1471Sc. Acts Jas. III (1814) II 101/2 Quhen ony brefis pledable hapnis to be folowit before quhatsumeuer Juge.1609Skene Reg. Maj., Stat. Rob. I 24 Na man sould be ejected furth of his free tenement, quherein he alledges him to be vested and saised as of fee; without the kings pledable briefe, or the like briefe.
[1292Britton i. xii. §5 Chescune simayne une foiz en tens pledable (tr. in time pleadable).]1601Holland Pliny II. 457 For his better aduancement he opened vnto him the whole course of dayes pleadable and not pleadable, exhorting..him withal, to publish that secret and mysterie.
Hence ˈpleadableness, the quality of being pleadable.
1774A. Gib Present Truth II. 141 The pleadableness thereof at the bar of Law and Justice.

