
单词 no-gate
释义 no-gate, adv. north. and Sc.
Forms: α. 4 nan-gat, nane-, none-gate. β. 4–5 na-, no-gat, -gate, 9 nae-gate, -gait.
[f. no a. or none a. + gate n.2]
a. Nowhere.
b. In no way, no-wise.
αa1300Cursor M. 1078 Þe bodi moght he nan-gat hide.c1325Metr. Hom. 57 This sawel..Mai nangat cum til hevin blis.a1400Harrow. Hell 1087 (Harl. MS.), He may noght lif ogayne nanegate [v.r. nonegate].
β13..Cursor M. 9794 (Gött.), Hou miht þai man of sin ma clene? Certis na gate, als i wene.Ibid. 12900 Bot might it nogat þe witslipp Þat he self said.c1375Sc. Leg. Saints xliii. (Cecilia) 548 Bot we, þe haly name þat wat of god, ma nyt it na-gat.a1400Harrow. Hell 1071 (Harl. MS.), He bad: ‘no gate luke þou go hethen, Till fourty days be past’.1489Barbour's Bruce (Edin. MS.) x. 230 Swa that men mycht it spar na gat.
1815Scott Guy M. xxxii, We turned nae gate at a', but just keepit straight forward.1879G. Macdonald Sir Gibbie xxvii, I div not ken hoo it'll be poassible, an' you naegait 'ithin my sicht or my cry.
So no-gates adv. Obs.
a13..Cursor M. 5054 (Gött.), No-gates miht þair bodijs ly.a1400Sir Perc. 2226 Be that so nere getis he, That scho myghte nangatis fle.c1400Destr. Troy 612 And ye..No gatis me begyle, ne to grem brynge, I hete you.., þat I you helpe shall.

