
单词 nightly
释义 I. nightly, a.|ˈnaɪtlɪ|
Also 1, 4 nihtlic, 3 -lich, 4 nyȝtly.
[OE. nihtlíc = MDu. nachtelijc, -lic (Du. -lijk), OHG. nahtlîh (G. nächtlich), ON. náttligr (Norw. nattleg, Sw. nattlig, Da. natlig): see night n. and -ly1.]
1. Coming, happening, or occurring during the night; accomplished or done by night.
c897K. ælfred Gregory's Past. C. 433 Hæbbe eower ælc his sweord be his ðeo for nihtlecum eᵹe.971Blickl. Hom. 11 Anra ᵹehwylc hæfde sweord ofer his hype for nihtlicum eᵹe.a1300E.E. Psalter xc. 5 (Harl.), Noght saltou drede fra nihtlic radnesse.c1380Wyclif Last Age Ch. (1840) 24 Þat ben a nyȝtly drede, an arwe fleynge in day.a1542Wyatt in Tottel's Misc. (Arb.) 49 Neuer was there nightly fantome So farre in errour.1633Milton Arcades 48 All my Plants I save from nightly ill Of noisom winds and..vapours chill.1721Young Revenge i. i, By nightly march he purpos'd to surprize The Moorish camp.1760–72H. Brooke Fool of Qual. (1809) IV. 100 Killed in a nightly broil.1826Kirby & Sp. Entomol. xliii. IV. 193 The processionary caterpillars make only nightly sorties from their nests.1856Kane Arctic Expl. I. vii. 66 Its greatest nightly freezing has been three-quarters of an inch.1894Gladstone Horace ii. xiii. 7 Such a man..shed the blood Of his own guest by nightly stroke.
b. Happening or occurring every night.
c1705Pope Jan. & May 15 This was his nightly dream, his daily care.1794Ld. Hood in Nicolas Nelson Disp. (1845) I. 400 Every boat assembled at sunset for orders, and the cheerfulness with which the Officers and Men performed this nightly duty is very much to be admired.1812Byron Ch. Har. ii. lix, Hark! from the mosque the nightly solemn sound The Muezzin's call.1854J. S. C. Abbott Napoleon (1855) I. ii. 52 There were daily and nightly skirmishes.
2. Belonging, pertaining, appropriate, or peculiar to the night; used by night; acting by night.
c1200Trin. Coll. Hom. 9 Hit is riht þat we forleten and forsaken nihtliche deden, þo ben þe werkes of þiesternesse.1576Fleming Panopl. Epist. 221 So I say of nightly sleepings taken abusiuely.1588Shakes. Tit. A. ii. iii. 97 Heere nothing breeds, Vnlesse the nightly Owle, or fatall Rauen.1604Oth. iv. iii. 16 Good æmilia, Giue me my nightly wearing, and adieu.1617tr. A. de Dominis' Rom. xiii. 12 If we be possessed with a nightly, drowsie silence in Gods businesse.1682Dryden Rel. Laici 8 As those nightly tapers disappear, When day's bright lord ascends our hemisphere.1764Goldsm. Trav. 198 Some pilgrim, thither led, With many a tale repays the nightly bed.1794Mrs. Radcliffe Myst. Udolpho iii, The voice of the shepherd calling his wandering flocks to the nightly fold.1821Scott Kenilw. xxxii, Am I but doomed to draw a brief and glittering train along the nightly darkness?1875Jowett Plato (ed. 2) V. 109 Let the nightly hunters who lay snares and nets be everywhere prohibited.
b. Dark as, or with, night; resembling night.
1602Shakes. Ham. i. ii. 68 Good Hamlet cast thy nightly colour off.1748Thomson Cast. Indol. xxxi. 277, I who have spent my nights and nightly days In this soul-deadening place.1837Carlyle Fr. Rev. vii. iii, War-thunder mingling with the roar of the nightly main.
II. nightly, adv.|ˈnaɪtlɪ|
Also 5 neghtly, 5–6 nyghtly.
[f. night n. + -ly2. Cf. MDu. nachtelike, G. nächtlich, Sw. nattligen.]
1. Every night. (Cf. daily adv.)
Some early examples might also be taken in sense 2.
1457Anc. Cal. Rec. Dublin (1889) I. 296 Ther schold be viii. men ychos to wache neghtly betwen thys and Candylmas.1496Naval Acc. Hen. VII (1896) 170 Maryners dayly and nyghtly attendyng & awayting in keping the seid Ship in the dokke.1540Act 32 Hen. VIII, c 48 Euery of the same persons shal dayly and nightlye..do his office and duety.1590Shakes. Mids. N. ii. ii. 6 Some keepe backe The clamorous Owle that nightly hoots.1615G. Sandys Trav. 1 Those of the Religion daily threatned, and nightly fearing a massacre.1702Pope Sappho 100 For those might Cynthia..bid Endymion nightly tend his sheep.1796Burke Regic. Peace Wks. VIII. 394 The crowds that nightly flock to them.1820Scott Abbot xxxv, I dread the sentinel who is now planted nightly in the garden.1862Spencer First Princ. ii. iv. §52 (1875) 173 The comet..nightly waxes larger.189519th Cent. Aug. 337 A curious little ceremony that takes place nightly at a theatre.
2. At or by night; during the night.
1592Shakes. Rom. & Jul. iv. i. 81 Chaine me with roaring Beares Or hide me nightly in a Charnell house.1634Sir T. Herbert Trav. 61 The other..speakes it selfe rather a Royal Carrauansraw, then a Temple, though nightly a thousand Lamps adorne it.1667Milton P.L. ii. 642 They on the trading Flood..Ply stemming nightly toward the pole.1704Swift Batt. Bks. Misc. (1711) 260 Two Mungril Curs..join in Partnership..nightly to invade the Folds of some rich Grazier.1760–72H. Brooke Fool of Qual. (1809) I. 43 When morning appeared, they wondered to behold new ramparts raised, nightly erected, out of the ruins which the day had made.1815Byron Hebrew Mel., Sennacherib, When the blue wave rolls nightly on deep Galilee.

