
单词 misgovernment
释义 misˈgovernment
[mis-1 4.]
1. Evil conduct; unruly or disorderly behaviour; misconduct. Obs.
In the first quot. strictly two words.
c1384Chaucer H. Fame 1975 Of good, or mysgouernement.1573L. Lloyd Marrow of Hist. (1653) 140 Tarquinius Superbus..for his misgovernment and lust in the City against the chast matrons..was..banished Rome.1581G. Pettie tr. Guazzo's Civ. Conv. iii. (1586) 127 b, Through idlenesse, or gluttonie, or some such misgouernment.1599Shakes. Much Ado iv. i. 100 Thus pretty Lady I am sorry for thy much misgouernment.1602Warner Alb. Eng. (1612) Epit. 384 Through his owne obstinate headinesse and misgouernment.1665Glanvill Def. Van. Dogm. To Tho. Albius, The unreasonable heats, frequent partialities [etc.]... The resentment I have of which misgovernments [etc.].
2. Error or irregularity in the management, conduct, or use of anything; mismanagement. Obs.
1601Act 43 Eliz. c. 4 §1 Misconvertinge or misgovernemente, of any Landes Tenementes Rentes.1650Jer. Taylor Holy Living i. §1 (1686) 9 If such mis-government and unskilfulness make them fall into vitious and baser company.1777Howard St. Prisons (1780) 181 No..servant of any judge to take a fee on occasion of a petition or complaint, founded upon the foregoing orders, or any misgovernment.
3. Bad government of a country or state; maladministration of public affairs. Hence, disorder, anarchy (cf. misrule).
1592Nobody & Someb. (1878) 293 King Archigallo that now raignes In tiranny and strange misgovernment.c1620Coke in Bacon's Wks. (1827) VII. 376 Tending to..the raising of faction or other misgovernment.1783Burke Sp. Fox's E. India Bill Wks. 1792 II. 386 Whether, with this map of misgovernment before me, I can suppose myself bound..to continue..the management of these countries in those hands?1849Macaulay Hist. Eng. iv. I. 522 The misgovernment of James..completely turned the tide of public feeling.1889Sat. Rev. 30 Mar. 371/2 The chronic misgovernment..which usually accompanies Turkish rule.

