
单词 mesteque
释义 mesteque ? Obs.
Also mastique, mestica, mestique.
[Of obscure origin.
Réaumur Hist. des Insectes (1738) IV. 90 says: ‘Elle [la cochenille fine] est appelée cochenille Mesteque, parce qu'on en fait des recoltes à Meteque [sic] dans la province de Honduras’. No such place-name is known to have existed in Honduras; perh. what is meant is Mixteca, the name of the ancient Mexican province corresponding to the present Oaxaca. It is doubtful whether the word ever had any English currency: there is some ground for the suspicion that Réaumur is the source of all the later references to it.]
The finest kind of cochineal.
[1600Hakluyt's Voy. III. 455 [Voy. R. Tomson in N. Hisp. 1555.] There is a place called the Misteca, fiftie leagues to the Northwest [of Mexico], which doth yeeld great store of..Cochinilla.]1667Petty Dyeing in Sprat Hist. R. Soc. (1722) 298 Cochineal is of several sorts, viz. Silvester and Mestequa.1753Chambers Cycl. Supp. s.v. Progall-insect, There are two kinds of cochineal, the finer called mestique, the other termed wild cochineal.1780Ann. Reg. ii. 104 [citing Réaumur] A much finer cochineal, known by the name of mestica.1797Encycl. Brit. (ed. 3) V. 109/2 In trade, four sorts [of cochineal] are distinguished, Mastique, Campeschane, Tetraschale, and Sylvester.1839Ure Dict. Arts 303 Two sorts of cochineal are gathered—the wild..and the cultivated, or the grana fina, termed also mesteque, from the name of a Mexican province.

