
单词 irresoluble
释义 irresoluble, a.|ɪˈrɛzəl(j)uːb(ə)l|
[ad. L. irresolūbil-is (Apul.), f. ir- (ir-2) + resolūbilis resoluble: cf. F. irrésoluble (Littré).]
Not resoluble.
1. Incapable of being resolved into elements, or dissolved in water, or liquefied; indissoluble; insoluble.
1666Boyle Orig. Formes & Qual. Wks. 1772 III. 105 Induring the fire, and, which is the main, irresoluble by water.1674Grounds Corpusc. Philos. 25 The productions of Chymical analyses are simple bodies, and upon that account irresoluble.1744Armstrong Preserv. Health ii. 83 The irresoluble oil..in floods Of rancid bile o'erflows.
fig.a1849Poe F.S. Osgood Wks. 1864 III. 93 It is in this irresoluble effect that Mrs. Osgood excels any poetess of her country.
2. Incapable of being loosened and dispelled or relieved.
1646Gaule Cases Consc. 107 With many moe almost irresoluble scruples.1649Bp. Hall Cases Consc. iii. ix. (1654) 253 The second is in the irresoluble condition of our souls after a known sin.1684tr. Bonet's Merc. Compit. i. 10 A Maid laboured of irresoluble Obstructions.1862Athenæum 30 Aug. 265 The progress of disease is slow,—phthisis scarcely making itself felt till it has stealthily got an irresoluble hold on life.
3. Incapable of being solved or explained; insoluble.
1868Symonds Clough in Fortn. Rev. Dec. 589 Problems by their very nature irresoluble in one lifetime.
Hence iˈrresolubleness, the quality of being irresoluble or undissolvable.
1680Boyle Scept. Chem. iii. 179 Quercetanus himself..has this Confession of the Irresolubleness of Diamonds.

