
单词 mansion-place
释义 ˈmansion-place Obs.
A dwelling-place, place of abode; a mansion-house; the chief seat of a landed proprietor. Also fig.
1473Rolls of Parlt. VI. 91/2 An Inne, Mansion place or Beledying.1523Fitzherb. Surv. 31 b, Whan the tenaunt shall do homage to his chefe lorde of whome he holdeth his chefe maner or mancyon place.c1540Boorde The boke for to Lerne A ij b, Who soeuer that wyl buylde a mansyon place or howse.1548Gest Pr. Masse A v, A christian & faithful hart..which..is the temple of the holy ghoste & the mansyon place of the blessed trynitie.c1630Risdon Surv. Devon §56 (1810) 59 [He] built there a fair house, and made it his mansion place.1650Bulwer Anthropomet. 60 The imperial seat and mansion place of wisdome.
b. A halting-place: = mansion 5.
1608Willet Hexapla Exod. 190 Kibroth hatauah, which was their next mansion place.

