
单词 antisymmetrical
释义 ˌantisyˈmmetrical, a. Math.
Also ˌantisyˈmmetric.
[anti-1 3 c.]
The reverse or opposite of symmetrical a. in various senses (see quots.). Hence anti-ˈsymmetry, the property of being antisymmetrical.
1913L. Silberstein Vectorial Mechanics v. 96 The decomposition of the general operator into a symmetrical and a non-symmetrical part (the last being the so-called antisymmetrical part) can be effected in but one way.1923J. Rice Relativity vi. 126 If its components satisfy the relations Pλµ = -Pµλ it [sc. the tensor] is called ‘anti-symmetric’.Ibid. 127 So the anti-symmetry is preserved after transformation.1926P. A. M. Dirac in Proc. R. Soc. A. CXII. 669 If there is interaction between the electrons, there will still be symmetrical and antisymmetrical eigen-functions... An antisymmetrical eigenfunction vanishes identically when two of the electrons are in the same orbit.1939Mind XLVIII. 113 The law of Fermi-Dirac for anti⁓symmetric wave-functions.1948E. A. Milne Vectorial Mechanics iii. 40 A tensor T is said to be anti-symmetrical if its components in any triad satisfy the relation Tβα = -Tαβ.1950E. Schrödinger Space-Time Structure ii. 16 Envisage a covariant antisymmetric tensor of the fourth rank Tklmn. By antisymmetric we mean that an exchange of any two subscripts should just merely produce a change of sign of the component.1964E. Bach Introd. Transformational Gram. vii. 156 Where R(x, y) and R(y, x) always imply identity of x and y the relation is called antisymmetric.

