
单词 putative
释义 putative, a.|ˈpjuːtətɪv|
[a. F. putatif (14–15th c. in Hatz.-Darm.), or ad. late L. putātīv-us (Tertullian c 200), f. putāt-us: see prec. and -ive.]
That is such by supposition or by repute; commonly thought or deemed; reputed, supposed.
putative marriage, in Canon Law, a marriage which though legally invalid was contracted in good faith by at least one of the parties.
1432–50tr. Higden (Rolls) III. 331 Philippus,..fader putatiue of the noble conquerour Alexander.1539Test. Ebor. (Surtees) VI. 92 John Beilbie, my sone putative.a1548Hall Chron., Edw. IV 196 Of al hys other putatyue (I dare not say fayned) frendes..he had bene clerely abandoned.1577tr. Bullinger's Decades (1592) 688 Neither is the Scripture it selfe ashamed, to call Marie..not the putatiue or supposed, but the true and naturall mother.1681J. Flavel Meth. Grace vi. 130 Let their blasphemous mouths call it in derision putative righteousness, (i.e.) a mere fancied or conceited righteousness; yet we know assuredly Christ's righteousness is imputed to us, and that in the way of faith.1765Blackstone Comm. I. xvi. 458 If such putative father, or lewd mother, run away from the parish, the overseers..may seize their rents, goods, and chattels, in order to bring up the said bastard child.1858Sears Athan. ii. xi. 240 He [Christ] imparts not a putative, but a subjective, righteousness to the believer.
1811Ld. Meadowbank in Brymner v. Riddell (Febr.) (Ct. of Session), Here there was a putative marriage, acknowledged by all the friends of both parties, and by the general admission..of the legality of that marriage.1825Rt. Bell (title) Report of a case of legitimacy under a putative marriage [Brymner v. Riddell] tried..1811.1876P. Fraser Husb. & Wife Law Scotl. (ed. 2) I. 152 The children born of such a putative marriage are, by the law of Scotland legitimate, though the marriage be null.
Hence ˈputatively adv., in a putative way or manner; supposedly, reputedly.
1716M. Davies Athen. Brit. II. 220 He subjoin'd also that Christ did not really suffer, but only Putatively in people's Fancies.1851P. Colquhoun Rom. Civ. Law II. §1078 Putatively married persons have the same privilege.1903McNeill Egregious English 109 Mr. Davidson is a Scot, and Mr. Yeats, putatively at any rate, an Irishman.

