
单词 reckling
释义 ˈreckling
Also wreck-.
[Of obscure formation; variant dial. forms are (w)rack-, rick-, ruck-, rig-, wreg-, and ritlin(g, and forms without the ending also occur, as wrig, rit, rut.]
The smallest and weakest animal of a litter; the youngest or smallest child in a family.
In general use in northern and midland counties.
1781Hutton Tour to Caves (ed. 2) Gloss., Wrecklin, the least animal in a brood or litter.1859Tennyson Vivien 559 On returning found Not two but three [babes]; there lay the reckling, one But one hour old!1863Holme Lee Annie Warleigh I. 3 John was Rachel's elder by ten years; he was the first-born of his mother, and she was her little reckling.
attrib.1834Sir H. Taylor 2nd Pt. Artevelde v. iii, A mother dotes upon the reckling child, More than the strong.

