
单词 adversary
释义 adversary, n. and a.|ˈædvəsərɪ|
Forms: 3 aduersere, 5 adversaire, 6 adversare, 4–6 adversarie, 4– adversary. Sc. 4 adversour, 5 adwerser, 6–7 adversair, -ar, -are.
[a. OFr. aversier, adversier, Anglo-Fr. 13th c. adverser (mod.Fr. adversaire) n. and adj.:—L. adversārius opposed, opponent, f. adversus: see adverse and -ary. The forms with -arie, -ary, as in Wyclif, directly from L. Shakes. accents ˈadversary, Milton both ˈadversary and adˈversary.]
A. n.
1. One who, or that which, takes up a position of antagonism, or acts in a hostile manner; an opponent, antagonist; an enemy, foe. spec. The enemy of mankind, the Devil.
1330R. Brunne Chron. 82 Þer men him teld, who was his aduersere, Of Northfolk þe Erle Roger, men said of him treson.1340Ayenb. 238 To ouercome hire aduersarie þet is þe dieuel.1375Barbour Bruce xvii. 736 Thair aduersouris assailȝeit swa.1382Wyclif 1 Pet. v. 8 Ȝoure aduersarie, the deuel, as a roryng lioun goith aboute. [Also in Tindale, Cranmer, Geneva, Rheims, 1611, and Revised.]1413Lydg. Pylgr. Sowle i. viii. (1859) 6 Let us haue place to ben herd, and thenne oure aduersarys.c1420Pallad. on Husb. i. 529 Gooses dounge..is an adversarie to every seed.a1541Wyatt Poet. Wks. 1861, 142 Mine adversare with such grievous reproof, Thus he began.1594Shakes. Rich. III, iii. i. 182 His ancient Knot of dangerous Aduersaries To morrow are let blood at Pomfret Castle.1667Milton P.L. ii. 629 The Adversary of God and Man, Satan.Ibid. iii. 156 Or shall the Adversary thus obtain, His end?1771Junius Lett. lxiii. 324 Our adversaries would fain reduce us to the difficulty of proving too much.1825Br. Jonathan III. 154 He..overthrew his brutal adversaries, like a giant.1861J. Tulloch Eng. Purit. ii. 276 A hard adversary with his pen.
2. pl. See adversaria.
B. adj. Opposed, antagonistic, hostile, inimical, adverse (to). arch. In Law, An adversary suit: one in which an opposing party appears.
1382Wyclif 1 Chron. xviii. 10 Forsothe kyng Adadezer was aduersarie to Thou.1398Trevisa Barth. De P.R. xviii. lxxi. (1495) 827 All the kynde of wulues is contrary and aduersary to all the kynde of shepe.1461Paston Lett. 397 II. 22 On the adversaire parte Judas slepith not.1609Skene Reg. Maj. 8 The name of him, quha is adversare partie to him, quha is summoned (that is, the name of the persewer).1618Bolton Florus i. xiii. 42 Manlius, in a single combat, tooke from the adversary Champion a Torques.1710Prideaux Orig. Tithes iii. 149 Least we become Adversary to ourselves.1860J. P. Kennedy Rob of the Bowl xvii. 206 Your whole life has been adversary to the good will of the father.

