
单词 illustre
释义 I. illustre, a. Obs.
Also 6 illuster, -are, ir.
[a. F. illustre (15th c. in Hatz.-Darm.) illustrious, ad. L. illustris clear, bright, lustrous, plain, evident, distinguished, famous.]
1500–20Dunbar Poems vii. 1 Illuster Lodovick, of France most Christin king.c1532G. Du Wes Introd. Fr. in Palsgr. 1036 Right illustre & prosperous lady.1550Veron Godly Sayings (1846) 20 The faythful subjectes of this victoriouse and illustre realme.1585Jas. I. Ess. Poesie To Rdr. (Arb.) 20 The deuine and Illuster Poëte, Salust du Bartas.1612Monniepennie Abridgem. Scot. Chron. I. 4 Some of the valiant illustre noble acts of your Highness.a1653G. Daniel Idyll v. 66 Illustre Bassa.
II. illustre, v. Obs.
[a. F. illustre-r to light up, illumine (obs.), render illustrious, illustrate, ad. L. illustrā-re (see illustrate v.).]
1. trans. To light up, illumine; to brighten.
1490Caxton Eneydos xxvii. 96 To go sprede abrode his newe lyght to illustre and illumyne the landes.1591Sylvester Du Bartas i. i. 534 And, all illustred with Light's radiant shine.1606Ibid. ii. iv. ii. Magnif. 107 With Vertue's luster Thou ought'st (at least) thy Greatnesse to illuster.
2. To render illustrious or distinguished; to confer distinction upon.
1530Palsgr. 589/2 This noble acte illustreth your fame above al your ancesters.1548Hall Chron., Hen. VIII, 71 For to decore and illustre the same assembly..thei shall..do some faire feate of armes.1657Reeve God's Plea 46 As ye valew your places, illustre them.
Hence iˈllustred ppl. a., made illustrious.
In quot. 1649 used punningly with reference to a possible formation from il-2, meaning ‘having no lustre’.
1512Helyas in Thomas E.E. Prose Rom. (1858) III. 142 The illustred and noble quene.a1649Drummond of Hawthornden Poems Wks. (1711) 22 Thy muse not-able, full, il-lustred rimes, Make thee the poetaster of our times.

