
单词 substantivize
释义 ˈsubstantivize, v. Gram.
[f. substantive n. + -ize.]
trans. To convert into a substantive.
1866Masson tr. Winer's Gram. N.T. 340 The Inf[initive] directly substantivized by means of the Article.1887Amer. Jrnl. Philol. VIII. 104 The substantivized être, pouvoir, vouloir, savoir.1901M. Callaway in Publ. Mod. Lang. Assoc. Amer. XVI. 141 The substantivized participle.

Add: Hence subˈstantivized ppl. a. (later example); subˌstantiviˈzation n.
1914O. Jespersen Mod. Eng. Gram. II. 234 Substantivization in general is the sign of a more specific classification, as seen in the difference between the innocents and the innocent.1957B. O. Unbegaun Russ. Gram. iv. 92 These compounds are formed by the substantivization of a syntactical group consisting of preposition + noun.1970J. McN. Dodgson Place-Names Cheshire II. 252 Professor Löfvenberg suggests an OE *peren ‘a place where pears grow, a pear-orchard’, a substantivized form of the adj. peren ‘growing with pears’.1989Lebende Sprachen XXXIV. iii. 114/1 Some registers of German appear to use nouns to an excessive degree..even where the language itself has adequate verbal means of expression available. This phenomenon is called ‘substantivisation’ (‘Substantivierung’) or ‘nominalisation’ (‘Nominalisierung’).

