
单词 correspond
释义 correspond, v.|kɒrɪˈspɒnd|
[a. med.L. correspondē-re, f. cor- = com- together, with each other + respondēre to answer; cf. F. correspondre (14th c. in Littré), It. corrispondere, Sp. corresponder. The etymology implies that the word was formed to express mutual response, the answering of things to each other; but before its adoption in English, it had been extended so as to express the action or relation of one side only, without however abandoning the mutual notion, which is distinct in the modern sense of epistolary correspondence.]
1. intr. To answer to something else in respect of fitness; to agree with; to be agreeable or conformable to; to be congruous or in harmony with.
1529Hen. VIII in Burnet Hist. Ref. (1730) I. Records xxvii. 60 Knowing right well that ye..will now so acquit your self, as shall correspond to the perfect expectation, and firm opinion that we have of you.1593T. Hill Art Garden. 19 Seldome in other places the like hap correspondeth.1611Shakes. Cymb. iii. iii. 31 Hap'ly this life is best..Well corresponding With your stiffe Age.1646Sir T. Browne Pseud. Ep. i. i, Things are really true as they correspond unto his conception.1736Butler Anal. i. v. Wks. 1874 I. 86 Our nature corresponds to our external condition.1769Junius Lett. xxxv. 158 The prudence of the execution should correspond with the wisdom..of the design.1856Froude Hist. Eng. (1858) I. iii. 262 His outward and his secret actions seldom corresponded.1875Jowett Plato (ed. 2) III. 42 Their habits and their dwellings should correspond to their education.
2. To answer to in character or function; to be similar or analogous to (rarely with).
c1645Howell Lett. (1650) I. 247 He was..at a richsdach, an assembly that corresponds to our parliament.1710Steele Tatler No. 119 ⁋2 We see in these little Animals..Instincts and Modes of Life, which correspond to what you observe in Creatures of bigger Dimensions.1748Hartley Observ. Man i. i. 35 The Pleasures and Pains which correspond as Opposites to each other.1845Stephen Laws Eng. I. 107 Their general assembly, corresponding with our House of Commons.1863Ruskin Munera P. (1880) 143 Plato's slave, in the Polity..corresponds curiously to Caliban.
b. To answer or agree in regard to position, amount, etc.
1694Holder On Time ii. 29 The days..throughout the year, are found not to be equal, and will not justly correspond with any artificial or mechanic equal measures of time.1794Sullivan View Nat. I. 205 The degrees of condensation of the air correspond to the degrees of cold.1835Sir J. Ross N.W. Pass. iii. 52 The screwholes in the flaunches did not correspond to each other.1870Proctor Other Worlds iii. 49 The bright lines of the coronal spectrum correspond in position to those seen in the spectrum of the aurora.1875Jevons Money (1878) 90 The silver penny..was supposed to correspond with a pennyweight.
3. To respond or ‘answer concordingly’ (Blount Glossogr.). Obs.
1632J. Hayward tr. Biondi's Eromena 42 She was by her hopefull Bridegroome visited by letters and presents, whereunto she reciprocally corresponded.1649Jer. Taylor Gt. Exemp. ii. ix. ⁋8 We having received so great a favour, enter into Covenant to correspond with a proportionable endeavour.1765H. Walpole Otranto iv. (1798) 68 Perhaps Matilda might not correspond to his passion.1818Jas. Mill Brit. India II. iv. i. 41 After a series of unfriendly proceedings, to which he had corresponded with a manly temperance.1826C. Butler Life Grotius i. 45 The youth corresponded with their cares.
b. To be in accord, compliant, or complaisant with. Obs.
1647Clarendon Hist. Reb. i. (1843) 9/2 He [Cranfield] was not only negligent..to correspond with Him [the Duke] with that deference he had used to do, but had the courage to dispute his commands.1678J. Phillips Tavernier's Trav., Persia iii. iii. 105 It is the Interest of those two Potentates to correspond with him.
4. To hold communication or intercourse (with). Often of secret intercourse. Obs. exc. as in 5.
1605Verstegan Dec. Intell. iii. (1628) 68 They belieued that the Sun..did with or in this Idoll correspond or co⁓operate.1644H. Parker Jus Pop. 57 They might the more easily correspond, hold intelligence, consult together.1725De Foe Voy. round World (1840) 293, I would not fail to correspond with him, by the passages of the mountains.
b. Of commercial relations. Obs.
1682J. Scarlett Exchanges 170 For his trouble in corresponding and negotiating his Principal's Affairs.1722De Foe Plague (1840) 1 Gathered from the letters of merchants, and others, who corresponded abroad.
c. Of sexual intercourse. Obs.
1756T. Amory Buncle (1770) I. 156 When a Babylonian and his wife had a mind to correspond.
d. transf. Of things: To communicate, have communication (obs.); also used for ‘to be in vital or sensible communication’.
1707Curios. in Husb. & Gard. 38 The Lignous Body..by means of many small Fibres, corresponds with the Parenchyma.1883H. Drummond Nat. Law in Spir. W. vii. 207 Amœba..can only communicate with the smallest possible area of Environment. An insect..corresponds with a wider area.
5. esp. To communicate (with another) by interchange of letters.
c1645Howell Lett. 29 Nov. an. 1647 Sir, I had yours of last week, and by reason of som sudden encombrances I could not correspond with you by that Carrier.1711Addison Spect. No. 1 ⁋9 Those who have a mind to correspond with me, may direct their Letters to the Spectator.1831Brewster Newton (1855) II. xxiv. 319 Locke and Newton had corresponded on the prophecies of Daniel as early as 1691.1869Gertrude Parsons Ursula's Love Story xxv, If they had been acknowledged lovers, and corresponded and met as such.
6. trans. To answer to, agree with, suit. Obs.
1545Joye Exp. Dan. i. 7 Newe names corresponding their vertews and offices.1600Fairfax Tasso xiv. xxvi. 256 Let him take paine To correspond your hope, and my desire.1636in Ann. Dubrensia (1877) 44 Not wealth to correspond my will.1675Ogilby Brit. Ded., Tables, equally Corresponding Compliances of Peace and Rufflings of War.

