
单词 bewake
释义 beˈwake, v. Obs.
[ME. biwak(i)en, f. bi-, be- + wake; cf. G. bewachen, Du. bewaken. For the strong and weak pa. tense, see awake.]
1. trans. To keep watch over; to guard.
c1200Trin. Coll. Hom. 35 Þe herdes biwakeden here oref.c1200Ormin 3339 Hirdess..þatt nihht Biwokenn þeȝȝre faldess.1393Gower Conf. II. 350 My lady..Nis better ȝemed and bewaked.
2. spec. To watch a corpse. Cf. wake n.
c1250Gen. & Ex. 2444 Egipte folc him bi-waken xl. niȝtes and .xl. daiȝes.c1320Seuyn Sag. (W.) 2578 He was bi⁓waked richeliche And wel faire browt on erthe.
3. To spend waking; to watch through.
1393Gower Conf. II. 244 That night was wel bewaked.
4. intr. To keep awake; to watch.
a1450Knt. de la Tour c. (1868) 131 Magdalene..bewaked and wepte for her synnes.

